If it were anything other than obstetrics and gynecology, this wing-nut would have had her medical licensed yanked a very long time ago.

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I read through all the comments and the discussions were awesome! Thank you all for being part of this community. I fall behind but I eventually catch up!!

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WTAF! The patient is paramount, not the fetus! Dr Christina Francis is dangerous. I encourage OBGYNs to defy these bans to protect their patients! It’s time to step up!

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I can’t even with these people. Apparently there’s something about the body needing to be intact to get to heaven. Some of these cultists object to mastectomies for this reason. There is an absolute limit on viability also. There is a reality.

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I would really like to live in a country that did not require a 10 year old, (or anyone, really), to give birth to lend their pro-birth bona fides credibility.

Let alone the torture of minors denied pain meds because their parents think it will ‘teach them a lesson’.

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If we were living in a healthy society, Christina Francis would be considered mentally ill.

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They see women as machines, bodily vehicles to achieve what they see as the proper end: an intact fetus. It is sickening. Makes my skin crawl.

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There isn’t one semblance of compassion for a woman or child who wants or needs an abortion. Not even one.

It seems that riding the trump train requires a person to be just as callous and vindictive as he is. There is no modicum of respect for a child who is raped and impregnated; no thought wasted on a teenager who has no resources; no blame placed on anyone involved except the woman or girl.

We are being remade against our will. Intellect has no value for us going forward, as cooking skills and washing clothes take its place. A frilly little dress on little girls in church will again become required, as it was in my childhood. And “boys will be boys!” will garner giggles and affirmative head-nods from all.

It’s important to note that this is only the beginning of all the rights they’ll strip from us going forward. They aren’t dictating a life experienced in the 1950s. They’ll take us back to the 1850s, when men ruled every aspect of a woman’s life.

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I think I am gonna get a tattoo that says pure autonomy. I just googled it, to make sure I understand the concept. It’s the idea that you have the absolute final say in matters regarding your own life. Versus your family making decisions for you, or a doctor just making a decision for you, because they feel that it is in your best interest. The idea that she finds pure autonomy not a good enough reason to be able to access abortion is horrifying. Why do people that believe so strongly in things feel compelled to force others to live by those same beliefs? Why does she think she has any authority to tell someone else what to do in their own life. What is her deal, is she doing this for money, or political capital? Why would a woman be so anti woman? I just don’t understand.

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How the fuck does this walking malpractice suit still have a license?

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They want C-sections to remove an ALREADY DEAD fetus........jesus......how horrifically cruel are these people. This is sanctioned suffering of women.

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Francis comment: “If that child were already born—if they were 12 years old, or 2 years old, or 2 months old—no physician would consider ‘terminating’ them due to a diagnosis of a terminal illness”

WTF? Totally NOT what we are talking about with lethal diagnosis/nonviable embryos and fetuses!! And she knows that. A fetus is not 12 years old or 2 years old or even 2 months old , our birth date starts the day we are physically born.

If the fetus is developing without a skull that is a death sentence - and this actually happened to a woman in Louisiana- why the fuck would we be forced to gestate a dying fetus that will only suffer. Because these people are part of a religious death cult that requires rituals.

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🎯Sadists who want to kill women, children, and anyone who can give birth, force them into birth, then really make them suffer.

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Unpopular to say this but read and weep, because I am. Yeah, we lost Roe because she didn't visit WI (incredibly this was repeated by a man on TV recently as the reason she lost). Oh, fuck Bernie and whatever happened in 2008 Dem primary! Let us hope we don't make the same mistake this time with Biden. Oh, the other party is standing behind a convicted felon who will appoint 4 SCOTUS judges if they make him win.

From 10/20/2016:


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A fetus which cannot survive but can turn deadly and kill its host should be removed before it spreads infection and blood poisoning — just as cancer cells should be removed before they can spread. In cannot be that a licensed medical doctor, like Francis, needs this explained. Sigh. How many women does she need to see suffer and die? How many times as a child did she touch the hot stove before she learned it was hot? Is her reasoning so bad that she does not understand what happens to you when you jump off a cliff without actually leaping to the bottom?

I wonder what the extremists will think up next? Clearly, they’re fine with forced birth (even when no new life can result), so how far behind can forced sex be? If a woman’s body is no longer hers once she is pregnant, then how long will it be before the extremists re-draw the line and tell us a woman’s body is no longer hers once she begins her menses?

They could tell us that women who have a monthly cycle are really just baby-making machines in idle and need to get to work and produce. If an embryo is composed of an egg and a sperm, then it follows that a sperm is half a person and an egg is half a person. Can’t let all those half-persons go to waste. An empty womb is an affront to God.

True, “forced sex” sounds bad and needs better messaging but that will come. After all, every woman who doesn’t have sex is losing many half persons, repeatedly, throughout her monthly cycles. How cruel and heartless she is! She is literally flushing away half persons, again and again. Oh, my. What an undignified way for half persons to exit, to wind up in the sewer system!! All these half-person murders cannot be tolerated!

And the men who self-pleasure are murdering millions of half persons. Men have an endless supply of sperm. It is shameless. We need to get these wasteful men together with the heartless women who go through life shirking their duty to reproduce.

Why aren’t the God-botherers up in arms! Aren’t all those little half persons worthy of a chance? And the indignity of being thrown away, flushed down the toilet like so much poop. Oh the inhumanity!

Maybe some secret ritual like in the movie Logan’s Run, could be promoted. Like in Logan’s Run, no one would know what happens until after they get there (or maybe just the women wouldn’t be told), but everyone who attends this event has sex and all the women who attend are impregnated — they women are not allowed to leave until a pregnancy test is positive. The women can’t say no to sex because once they have monthly cycles their bodies are no longer their own. (See how that works, just redraw the lines.) Women with a working uterus belong to the state. It would of course be mandatory for all women of child bearing age to attend and the leaders can decide which men to include, perhaps the incels who can’t get laid on their own? Maybe Governors and Mayors could invite their donors. Some men of course, like Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito would have a lifetime pass to attend any time they choose. Power has privileges! Since women would be pregnant all the time, they won’t need much education, so the education budget could be halved and transferred to fund the secret Fertility Events.


Clearly, Alexandra Petri has nothing to worry about and, if I weren’t already retired, you would advise me to keep my day job. But you get the idea. I’m pissed.

Apparently, Republicans insist on touching the hot stove. Again and again. They won’t listen. Okay. Fine. Let’s see they are burned badly in every election, up and down the ballot, over and over again. Vote them out.

Make no mistake. Donald Trump did this. He brags about it. Now he is a convicted felon, guilty on all 34 counts. He wants to be POTUS again so he can bully and abuse the judicial system to end his legal perils. He’ll use his regained power to seek retribution on all his perceived enemies, that includes the DOJ and the FBI, prosecutors, the press, anyone who has spoken the truth about him. He’ll sign anything the Republicans can pass into law, national bans on abortion, IVF, contraception, same-sex marriage, you name it. The God-botherers aren’t done yet.

We deserve better elected representatives than the sad sacks who are talking trash about our judicial system and still supporting a twice-impeached, quadriceps-indicated, liar and grifter.

My solution is to vet our candidates and vote for Democrats who get it and support our rights as individuals. Government of the people, by the people, for the people. Not just for the rich white male landowners, for all of us.

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Rape camps are a historical fact see: comfort women, Bosnia and Bangladesh, just to give you a few off the top of my head.

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China during WW2

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Love it!!!!

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I honestly don't understand why there exists a political front claiming to identify the IUD or emergency contraception -- the morning after pill as not being abortifacients. Who cares if they are abortifacients? Are we or we not defending the right to abortion? What could be simpler than aborting gestation that early and who should care about that?

Along with this front there seems to be some dissembling about what actually qualifies as pregnancy or gestation, even after the sperm and ova have merged.

We shouldn't be defending IUDs or morning after pills claiming that they do not abort early gestation, we should be bragging that they do and do a good job too and who cares?

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If you allow them to lie about that and misinform they will do it about everything. Lies need called out.

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But it's not a lie. The first thing I learned about IUDs way back in the nineteen sixties and seventies was that they prevented implantation. Before they added chemistry to them, that's all they did. I also first heard that was how the Pill worked. Inducing menstruation against a fertilized ova was always a basic strategy. Nobody who supported birth control had any problems with this.

Something else is going on. Somebody's Narrative is being Sustained. I'm not buying it.

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Just found this

Conservative attacks on birth control could threaten access

Far-right conservatives are sowing misinformation that inaccurately characterizes IUDs, emergency contraception, even birth-control pills as causing abortions


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I might be missing something but I think the lie here is they’re redefining abortion and moving goalposts. 🧐 Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. Pregnancy hasn’t started until after implantation. If we allow their new definition then they get to cause a whole lot more trouble Scott-free. This is the chipping away of access that AED is always warning about. These anti groups are like raptors testing fences. You can’t give them an inch.

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To say that pregnancy doesn't start until implantation doesn't make any sense. And also, if pregnancy doesn't start until implantation, then preventing implantation isn't abortion since abortion is defined as terminating a pregnancy. And so, if an IUD or morning after pill prevents implantation, then this cannot be abortion. Furthermore, if pregnancy doesn't start until implantation, what do you call the period between merging of the ova and sperm and implantation?

There is a lot to be suspicious of in a narrative that does not see pregnancy as starting with the merging of ova and sperm. This, an event of dramatic importance, not just in human affairs, but in all biology.

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Pregnancy as defined doesn’t start until successful implantation.

I’m not in charge. 🤷‍♂️ are IVF test tubes pregnant?

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Of course IVF test tubes are not pregnant. Pregnancy is a state incurred by a woman carrying a "fertilized" ova. Interesting, I asked google, "What is the biological term for pregnancy" and the best it could come up with is the term "gestation", a process, not a state. We're stuck at this point, I think. But it remains, it makes little sense to exclude gestation before implantation from signifying the state of pregnancy.

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Thank you Jessica! I did watch the video on Instagram. That was plenty informative and grateful for your work. ❤️❤️

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