
Great work! Our genetic counselors work so hard to present unbiased, comprehensive information to families faced with abnormal ultrasound findings and blood test results. This inane, deceptive drivel is a slap in the face to their masters and doctoral level training. Wolves in sheep's clothing, pretending to care for anything but their own agenda. Sickening.

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Has there been any movement towards pro-choice activists setting up shop outside these crisis pregnancy centers in order to hand out literature or direct women to clinics that would actually help them?

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There are no words to describe what I felt as I read the legal disclaimer the PrenatalDiagnosis.org website:

PrenatalDiagnosis.org accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. This website is not intended to be direct medical, legal, or ethical advice for your specific situation. Please contact your physician, lawyer, or pastor for additional help.”

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Thank you for the incredible work you are doing.

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The misuse of the term "trauma" and the idea that women's decision-making abilities are impaired because of the "trauma" of news of a fetal abnormality to justify waiting periods, is sickening. Receiving news of a fetal abnormality is stressful, but not a psychological trauma that would impair a person's ability to make decisions. However, having to give birth to a child with fetal abnormalities and watching that child die, is horribly traumatic.

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It's all about infantalizing women.

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The good old patriarchal pat on the head “There, there, little woman; don’t fret your pretty little head over these decisions. Let us unemotional men make them for you.”

No shade intended toward the men on here who ARE allies for us. We love & appreciate you, but we sure need more men to step up & speak

Grief, I am so angry.

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I want to scream.

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I want to join you in that.

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What an infuriating read. Thank you for going through this sewer and keeping us informed.

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I certainly hope you got some sleep. Thanks for bearing this burden and doing the work!

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These forced birth people are far more insidious and determined than I would have ever imagined!! We must prevail against them!!! Thank you Jessica!!!

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"Now, any OBGYN will tell you that pregnancy in itself is a health risk—not being pregnant is always safer than being pregnant. But the health risks associated with pregnancy can be even greater when you’re talking about a complicated pregnancy, or a fetus with a severe or fatal condition. The longer you remain pregnant, the more dangerous it can become. The anti-abortion movement doesn’t want women to know that."

Of course they don't. They have never valued the work, time, energy that women give for free to build a human. You are so right. They literally don't care about women.

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As hard as this was to read, I really appreciate your reporting, Jessica. You consistently break news on this subject and the MSM should be ashamed.

One question I had is: Are reputable (as in nonCatholic) hospitals aware of this push to implant people who would spread disinformation? Are hospitals working to make sure science and medicine aren’t undermined in their own institutions?

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Good question. I wondered this too.

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There was one aspect upon which you did not touch, Jessica: what about non-binary people and men who can get pregnant? For them, it’s the worst of both worlds; they’re targeted by the state for being both trans and pregnant, and far too often they don’t get the care they need.

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You are right, trans persons who present as male but have not have surgery can & do get pregnant. It certainly would be terrible to be doubly marginalized in that situation

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Thank you for publishing this, Jessica. Kind of makes me sick how badly the anti-choice side wants to force their preference on everyone. I'm ok with waiting periods but only if that's what the woman wants and they aren't part of legislation.

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Thank you so much for your work on this critical piece, Jessica. As a person who ended a pregnancy due to a complex poor fetal prognosis, this is absolutely maddening. Reading through the tactics they are utilizing to force parents into continuing doomed pregnancies brings back so many terrible memories for me living in a ultra conservative area with evangelical family and friends. Lots of familiar messaging that was so cruel when we were going through a truly dark time with little support. My heart breaks for the parents who will stumble on these “resources” in desperation and be convinced to continue a pregnancy against their best judgment only to find the “support” offered from these groups non-existent. I’m forever grateful for the true support I received through Ending A Wanted Pregnancy.

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" I wrote about AAPLOG’s recommendation that doctors allow women with deadly pregnancy complications like placental abruptions to labor for 24 hours, giving them with blood transfusions and intensive care instead of an abortions so that they deliver “an intact fetal body.”)"

This quotation makes zero sense. I have been a labor and delivery nurse for 21 years. We see pregnant patients who are 20 weeks and above. The placental abruption cases I have been involved in do not require an abortion. This is not part of the care this pregnant patient will receive. The abruption is recognized because of a big gush of an ABSURD amount of blood, or the fetal heart rate drops and stays down and will not come back up to normal or the patient (even laboring with an epidural) will scream out in pain because when the placenta pulls away from the uterus it HURTS! The patient will be rushed to the operating room, a cesarean section will be performed and the NICU team will be in the operating room to receive the baby. Once the baby is delivered the patient will receive uterotonics (medications to stop the bleeding), blood transfusions, surgical maneuvers to try to clamp her uterus down (the MD's try REALLY hard to save a patients uterus in these cases) and/or at the very last resort a hysterectomy to save the mother's life because the bleeding will NOT stop.

The scenario given by the AAPLOG is not even a real scenario. Abortion is NOT the intervention for placental abruption. A dead woman CAN NOT labor. We are delivering an intact fetal body via cesarean section. This baby has a good chance of survival if the patient is in a hospital laboring or if they recognize their bleeding is profuse and abnormal and get to the hospital FAST. We can get them into the operating room and the baby out in less than 10 minutes!

The problem that the AAPLOG should be focused on is the maternity deserts that they have created with their abortion bans. If a placental abruption happens to a pregnant person living in these areas the mother and baby will definitely die. Fifty miles, ninety miles to the nearest hospital with a labor and delivery unit is TOO FAR!

I know I just went on FOREVER and you have probably stopped reading but if you haven't I guess my point is that people must be educated by actual medical professionals. The AAPLOG is literally lying about this pregnancy complication. This along with all the other misinformation they are peddling harms patients and their family's.

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Thank you for this explanation. And for giving me more fodder to discuss the issue of the dangerousness of the maternity care deserts the “Pro-life” people are creating with their anti-choice laws.

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Thank you for writing all this for us.

My god. I had no idea how quickly a woman could die with a placental abruption.

And to think that some states have very few OB/GYN’s left—I’m thinking of Idaho.

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I really appreciate hearing the details from medical professionals. Thanks for taking the time to explain this so clearly.

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This is pure evil. Thank you for exposing it.

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