I was re-reading this newsletter today. I re-read many daily emails from you. I know that it’s probably a pipe dream on my behalf, but I would love to see you take over the congressional seat, vacated by the criminal piece of shit SANTOS in New York. And that would be a building block for you to then become president of the United States. I don’t know if you have a succession plan for your wonderful newsletter so that it would keep going, but I love you and everything that you stand for. And I would love to see you run this fucked up country. All the best Jessica and I hope you keep on fighting for the little people.

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You tell it like it is. Better than anyone else. (Well, Grace is right up there).

Sending love and energy.

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I wonder, will America think is ordinary two years from today?

It’s scary to think about. I’ll never forget George Steohanolpulis laughing his ass off about trump winning back then. Then more people saying how ridiculous it would be, no way roe is overturned.. hahaha it’s so funny!!

We already value fetuses over women. We value 18th century musket laws over children’s lives. I’m already horrified, it’s absolutely terrifying to imagine what else will we not care about and just say “thoughts and prayers” and can we go back to having a good time?

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Why don’t they just lock up every single woman who becomes pregnant and force them to stay in prison for 9 months. Then make them suffer through childbirth handcuffed to gurneys. Oh right, they already do that. Hey why not get employers involved too-- and all the doctors-- make it policy to give every uterus haver daily pregnancy tests to make sure, then when she’s pregnant call the police so she can start her 9 month sentence.

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Could not agree more. So many people tell me “can we not talk about abortion”. Like that’s ALL it’s about. Then I’m the “angry” one who wants to ruin the fun we’re all having. Except I’m not having fun, because it’s hard for me to go la la la everything is fine. Just like mass shootings. It’s so normal now. It’s normal for women to get their civil rights taken away. It’s normal to blame women for their medical emergencies. It’s normal to arrest women for thinking of leaving their state. You guys! These bans aren’t that strict. Are you serious?!? As you said Jessica-- if the men had to deal with this--- oh wait they couldn’t deal with this. Abortion would be legal everywhere and birth control would be in bathrooms and vending machines everywhere. The whole economy would shut down so half of congress could have their periods. I’m sick of being the “Debbie downer”’because I won’t shove my head in the sand. I’m a social worker and it’s horrifying to me how many social workers tell me to smile more or save this kind of talk for later. Later never comes though. It’s also scary how many of my fellow social workers do not vote.

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Your co-workers suck! Social workers who don't vote? WTF? Like you spend all day helping people, but you don't think public policy has anything to do with what you see? You are not crazy. You are sane; they are in denial. I guess that's their coping mechanism; they're not strong enough to stare the truth in the face. As it gets worse, more bad things will happen to people, and unfortunately bad things are one of the best ways to make us stronger. One day we will fight back; it just REALLY sucks to have to wait when you see what's going on because not enough other people do.

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We love and value you so much, Jessica. Take a break whenever you need to, we’ll all be here 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

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They more than just not care. They seem to think Christian-Nationalism is A-okay. I can't take it anymore.

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I've lost my family (siblings) over this. They don't care. And I'm tired of pretending that it doesn't matter. I told them good-bye. I'm sorry you went through that. But I'm glad you and your daughter made it our okay.

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It didn't work out.

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Today is my brother's birthday. I want to keep this relationship b/c it matters to me. I'll just ignore politics while I wish him H.B. and keep communication open.

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Same goes for my sister and younger brother. Hope everything works out.

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How are they going to prove somebody drove through the country for that purpose? Even if they follow a car to an abortion clinic, and watch the woman walk into the clinic, they cannot prove she got an abortion without her giving them permission to access her health files. Maybe she just went there for consulting. And how can they prove a woman is pregnant when she drives through their county? I just don't get it.

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So what will be the process or procedure should a woman want to go to an airport and jump on a plane? Will womens be tested at the airport?

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Check out this DemLabs map of the Texas counties with abortion travel bans (inspired by Jessica's blog) https://thedemlabs.org/2023/10/30/texas-abortion-travel-bans-map/

And this infographic to see how so many of Michael Johnson's actions resemble the Handmaid's Tale. https://thedemlabs.org/2023/10/29/mike-johnson-handmaids-tale-abortion-ban/

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Thank you as always for your work, we won't forget it.

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Look at what happened in Poland when they banned abortion after decades of legality. They violently suppressed protest and opposition, and after a while, public acceptance and approval for abortion bans began to rise. Beware.

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But, if you also look at Poland, women recently voted more for the liberal party in order to take away power from the current authoritarian party in charge. So, there's hope.

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I take some encouragement that, despite the laws against abortion, the birth rate in Poland is still declining: https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/POL/poland/birth-rate

Also, Polish marriage rates continue to go down: https://aleteia.org/2023/02/20/polands-birth-rate-found-to-be-lowest-in-at-least-30-years/

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In 1985 Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale was published and people said great book, let’s give it lots of awards, but really, could never happen here. Even though every cultural malpractice in the book had happened some where some time.

States like Texas are moving closer and closer to the Gilead model. Control over women’s reproductive rights is not just a goal, for the power hungry it is a tool, an excuse, to erode democratic laws, voting rights, equality, so the power hungry can take over the country. Look at what just happened in the House. How much government business will take place with that power hungry sorry excuse as Speaker

Women have been waking up to the danger and starting to engage, but it is not enough. Men have to wake up too. This isn’t just a women’s issue, a feminist battle. In an authoritarian country you do what you are told, women and men. Look at how fast this all happened and be very scared. The U.S. is one federal election away from the unbelievable.

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Thanks for writing this! At least a few times a week, I wake up and think: How on earth are women in the United States in 2023 being treated like servants of the state?! The muted response in the press (with a few exceptions, including your amazing newsletter!!) is outrageous - I was going to say "disturbing," but that word doesn't express the truth enough...THANK YOU!!

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You are right, we see it. But it feels hopeless in Republican States. In addition to laws against our reproductive freedom, there are laws restricting gender healthcare and even worse (if there could be worse) are laws limiting our access to voting and gerrymandered voting districts. Voting is the last battleground we have left but that is also an uphill battle. Some days I feel our only hope is that the pendulum has to swing so far to the right that it has no choice but swing back to the left but how depressing is this for the future of our country. Sorry if there are typos.

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I think it's just like before the civil war. The slave states (which is a description that applies today just as it did then) don't have the ability to emancipate themselves. Federal action is necessary, and that requires enough Democrats elected elsewhere, and because each state gets two senators it's a tall order.

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Oh how I wish you hadn't asked that question in the last sentence.

The answers are here (because you're a good writer). 'Didn't they know that the world had just ended?' But of course they didn't, because it hadn't happened to THEM. And the sky falling is an apt metaphor, because we're not meant to take Chicken Little's warning seriously, even though it most certainly hit him on the head. In other words, we know they don't care.

If word spreads among women of childbearing age, I'm less concerned about that demographic (although it's quite disturbing how many DON'T know, as story after story attests to). I had to say 'word spreads' because the media coverage is shit (other than here). Older women hopefully still hear from other women, and of course many have daughters and granddaughters and nieces and such to think of.

But the men, lord help us with the men. I wonder what the death rate would have to be from these laws for men to pay attention? And this of course is a country that routinely tolerates assault rifle massacres of children in their schools.

If we didn't allow men to vote, for even a tiny fraction of the time women hadn't been allowed to vote, the democratic world could fix so many problems, so quickly. Unfortunately we still exist and the species hasn't figured out how to fix us yet. If we could have good men, humanity would have a chance. We'll probably destroy the planet first though.

I don't think I would quite call it a silver lining, but Democrats aren't doing very well on any issues other than abortion right now. So they might as well stick to the only thing that's working and have all their messaging be all abortion rights, all the time. Obviously you have to do it right - names and faces, always names and faces - but it beats any other ads they can run. But they probably won't. Too many cowards, and too many fucking men running things in the party.

So yeah, there's a good chance we end up where you ended the essay. And maybe one day the horror will be bad enough that the people finally revolt against it.

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