Thanks Jessica and Grace for your work on this! One aspect of the 2016 Mife labeling change that will be in jeopardy is that it allowed Advanced Practice Providers (Midwives, Physicians Assistants, Nurse Practitioners) to prescribe mifepristone without physician supervision. The ability of APPs to prescribe mifepristone has been a critical access point, even more so now with the worsening OBGYN shortage and maternity care deserts.

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As good as the news can be, I guess. Still, I can't help but wonder if this isn't part of the steady "drip, drip, drip" erosion of abortion rights in this country. First they limit it's availability, and then in a second case somewhere down the road, they eliminate access to it entirely.

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Just made an order so that my daughter can have access to make a decision in the comfort of our home instead of traveling out of state.

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Thank you, and I cling to hope -- but I can't help but recall it was June of '22 when the Supremes demolished Roe.

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Jessica and Grace, you are so appreciated for all your work and for this comment outlet/space for those, like me, who mentally thank you from afar for every day.

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Support like this makes the hard work doable 💛 thank you

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Thanks for keeping us informed like this!

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Pair this case review with the issues raised in SEC v. Jerseys and you have perfect chaos in US for administrative law collapse and Wild West terror for its citizens. Making the case to the vast majority of Americans who simply are not able to pay attention to politics (!not impugning them, just stating fact!)

Is our uphill battle 🥴💔

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It's so easy to make the argument to people that most of administrative law is a bad thing, until they see how things (fail to) function without it.

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*Jerkesy-- typed correctly originally and Siri “corrected” -- sorry

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Thank you for the clear timely writeup!

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This is a perfect opportunity for SCOTUS to limit abortion further and smack down the administrative state. A two-fer. Ugh.

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Right. And if they do that, it will become crystal clear that this had nothing to do with Roe being "wrongly settled" or "states rights." The "deep state" stuff is so sad. I think they say that in any presidential transition, something like 4K jobs turn over. If TFG gets back in, that number balloons to 20K, taken from a database compiled in large part through the Heritage Foundation.

So, in other words, they don't want to trim down anything -- they want to flood the levers of government with lackeys and sycophants who will do a dictator's bidding unquestioningly.

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So very true. Frightening how much the Heritage Foundation has changed. I mean, they were odious before, but now they're just working to dismantle our way of life.

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People at the Heritage Foundation are only interested in serving their morbidly rich donors. Those angry little no college degree populists don't mean beans to them, except for manipulating their votes.

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Yes, like everyone else in the Republican coalition they came to the conclusion that if they wanted to be relevant they had to follow Trump, and that's taken bad actors and made them worse.

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Dec 13, 2023
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Yes. Of course 2014 was ages ago in the rapidly (d)evolving history of our country.

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Dec 13, 2023
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I'm never sure, only because we don't know what comes next. Mitt Romney and John McCain had their flaws, but they were so different from what we have today. But that was also a time when most Republican voters hated the Republican party, and it was Donald Trump who figured out what to do about that, how to give the voters what they really wanted. 🤢

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Check out Sackett vs. EPA . The supreme are scientifically ignorant. Not to mention evil,, self serving and just generally out of touch with reality in general.https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/heres-what-the-supreme-courts-clean-water-act-ruling-means-to-you/

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