I live in Florida and have been getting nonstop texts against Amendment 4 with obvious lies like it would legalize ‘late-term’ abortion up to the moment of birth. The group sending them is called The Honest Elections Project. I didn’t even have to dig very far via google to find out they are associated with The Heritage Foundation and this group is the advisory board for Project 2025.

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The Biden-Harris Administration, soldiering on despite the near-certainty of the rule being struck down* released a proposed rule that, among many other things, strengthens access to contraception under several federal programs (the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, Title X family planning, federally qualified health centers and for federal employees, armed service members and veterans and--important for our purposes--college students. The administration said if the proposal is adopted, it would grant 52 million reproductive-age women who have private health insurance greater access to low-cost or free contraceptives. Prior law required most private health insurance plans to cover commonly prescribed contraceptives. That left a loophole for over the counter contraceptives--a loophole that the regulations have closed by requiring private health plans to pay the full cost of prescription and over-the-counter contraceptives. Most plans would have an obligation to inform their subscribers about this. The administration called this the most significant expansion of coverage under the Affordable Care Act since a contraception mandate was added in 2012.

Several federal agencies are working together to make contraception available to women whose health coverage claims a religious exemption from the obligation.

For details, see the White House fact sheet (October 21, 2024), available at https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/10/21/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-proposes-rule-to-expand-coverage-of-affordable-contraception-under-the-affordable-care-act and the HHS fact sheet (Oct. 21, 2024), https://www.cms.gov/newsroom/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-proposes-expanding-coverage-birth-control-and-other-preventive-services. (If you're curious about the titles of the fact sheets, they're those gawdawful long urls.)

*Unless Biden plans an October Surprise of firing the entire Texas federal bench

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Sean Eifert, writing in The American Prospect, discussed "The Generation Z Gender Gap on Abortion," (Oct. 21, 2024), available at htps://prospect.org/politics/2024-10-21-generation-z-gender-gap-abortion, said that a survey of 20 developed countries showed that American men 18-34 are the only group to have moved rightward. In September 2024, the Harvard Youth Polls showed Harris way above Trump on climate change and abortion. When Biden left the race, support for Harris among young women increased 47 points, but only 17 points among young men. The Survey Center on American Life reported that 63% of women identified as pro-choices, versus only 45% of men. In 2023, 46% of Gen Z men thought abortion should always be legal or legal in most cases--they were the demographic group with the lowest support for this idea.

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If that survey accurately reflects the attitudes of Gen Z men on abortion, then they had better keep it in their pants... or pay for anatomically correct blow up sex dolls.

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I mean this is truly, truly fascist shit. They are facsists. And it's about damn time we, and the press, called them that.

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Today The New York Times had an article about Megan Palmese who had to travel from Florida to New York to get care for a nonviable "caesarean scar pregnancy" which was discovered at 6 weeks, 5 days. I hope these stories will penetrate to the low information voters we unfortunately need to win this election. Palmese declined to say who she would vote for (sigh) but did at least give a strong argument for Amendment 4. I do worry about conservative women voting for ballot initiatives to protect reproductive rights, thinking that's all they need to do, then continuing to vote for Republicans.

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And sadly it wasn't until this woman was faced with a very real health crisis that she woke up to the reality in her home state.

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Just want to mention that Jessica's book got a shout out - including a link to purchase - in Salon today. https://www.salon.com/2024/10/21/more-abortion-ban-are-likely-happening-heres-why-we-wont-hear-about-them/

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If he was going to resign, he could have done it before signing the letters.

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It is always the men, always the fucking men! Can you imagine having Vance in the WH?

Townhall of MVP with Liz Cheny:


Hear @49:00 Liz Cheney 's words about the Dobbs decision and the harm it has caused. MVP was smooth in her answer but I wondered what Liz C may say being pro-life and all. I am glad she said what she said.

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Thanks Jessica. Floridians are now officially living in a Hungarian dystopia where all parts of the state are weaponized against democracy. As a Floridian I feel like I am living in the near future of what will happen in every red state if MAGA perseveres this November.

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All lies! That is the only fucking thing Republicans do successfully.......LIE!

I do not believe for a moment that any of the signatures are invalid - what lie is DeSantis claiming for the "16% of signatures being invalid"?

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Fascism is here. At this point we aren't trying to prevent it; we're trying to push back on it.

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Nased on this news, I no longer trust the State’s report of fraud in collection of signatures supporting Ballot Issue 4.

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Florida is not a democracy, and if Trump wins, the rest of the United States won't be either. A sign of how bad it's become is resorting to hope that the Trump regime won't be able to execute as well as the Florida Führer.

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DeSatan was Musk's first choice to destroy this country.

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Honor and ethics have evaporated with Repugs.

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Please tell me charges are to follow.

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