Jezebel reviewed prescribing information for multiple drugs and contacted popular telemedicine services about how they advise clients prescribed medications like Ozempic—known as glucagon-like peptide 1 agonists, or GLP-1s. The warnings about interactions with other oral medications are there, but they’re not as obvious as they should be considering that some of the states with the highest rate of GLP-1 prescriptions are also states with abortion bans.
You know, media will never ask Liz Cheney what policy mistakes Biden has made and they should. BTW, this is a refrain from other never trumpers. It is their insurance to build back the R party after trump.
Republican Voters Against Trump
Liz Cheney: “The threat posed by Donald Trump and the threat posed by Joe Biden are not even remotely similar. Our nation can survive and recover from policy mistakes. We cannot recover from a president willing to torch the Constitution.” (Jan. 2024)
Nicole Wallace had a guest on -- a Princeton U professor -- said there's evidence that Heritage Foundation worked with Orban's government to craft Project 2025. Chilling. Ask Cheney about that. Heritage has been one of my go-to sources as a college textbook editor. Their research has been sound. Boy have they changed, internally. They're full MAGA now. It's scary. He's not only going to torch the Constitution, he's going to undo the Western alliance.
Hillary's floor speech as senator on Alito's nomination. Boy, was she right! About everything, not just Roe v Wade. Her time was 2008 (not 2016) and we were robbed of this brilliant woman's presidency and what could have been.
Yes thank you for sharing this! Powerful and truthful speech, what a prophet she was! It saddens me that our country turned away from this brilliant woman. How different things could be now.
This certainly will be of no aid to someone who conceives through choice then has a pregnancy that goes badly and sadly wrong in the second trimester, for example. Why would a supposedly neutral court rule that carrying a dead festering fetus in your womb within your body is not a medical emergency and, therefore, a private medical decision? Oh yes, not a neutral body, not making rulings based on solid law-based input, not listening to the will of the people. Wankers.
Because 5 of the judges were appointed by deathSantis for this purpose. Charles Canaday has a huge conflict of interest, with ties to the forced-birther cons, and another judge is married to the person who wrote the bans.
1) If they spent 1/100th of the time they spend on trying to micromanage personal medical decisions on the needs of actual children, actual children would be in much better shape.
2) Lysistrata. It doesn't help in the case of rape, but if these people are determined to make a penis a deadly weapon, we have every right (for now, apparently) to protect ourselves.
Fucking Florida. Virginia is about to get really busy. I'm about to go to Florida for my uncle's 80th birthday. He is a Democrat. Otherwise, I would have bailed on the whole trip.
I understand. My parents live in FL and traveling there is an actual nightmare. I mean, I've always hated it but now, it's personal. I'm going to convince my mom to vote in favor of the protection but both of them just LOVE Trump and Desantis. (But they're both "pro-choice." They've literally never supported a pro-choice politician in their lives.)
Virginia will only get busy for the women that can afford it - this Florida ban hurts the low income the most, they are the ones that need the most help. I can't imagine they have the money to go up to Florida. Which means they certainly don't have money for a newborn that they never wanted, unwanted children live in hell . Yeah.... I will never go on vacation to Florida or Texas or Idaho. There's so many other great places to see and spend my money that actually love women.
No one from our side should spend a penny here, if they don't have to. If tourism takes a big enough hit, maybe they will wake up and throw deathSantis out!
Re: "unwanted children live in hell," I can cosign that from bitter experience. I am one of FOUR children of a woman who wanted and should have had NO children, and she abused and neglected us (and flat-out told us that we were unwanted on the regular). Zero sugar-coating. She was dealt a crap hand by virtue of being born when she was, and we suffered immeasurably. That is why, even though I am a 44-year-old bisexual woman who swore off sex with men years ago, I am so vociferously pro-repro rights. Because I do not believe that ANY life is better than no life, nor do I think children of raped 10-year-olds should be dealt the hand that is that plus being adopted by wacko fundies.
I lived in red states for 18 years, and I have reached the point where I will not purchase things from red states, let alone visit. I will donate like mad to abortion funds serving those states, but they are making as close to zero revenue off me as humanly possible.
We need evacuation funds, in addition to abortion funds. So many people who deserve to leave these places can't afford to, and that is just another injustice. FREE NORMAL PEOPLE.
And Plan C, at this point. I swore off sex with men years ago (risk/benefit math wasn't mathin') and I have some on hand for emergencies. Never know when a friend will be in need. And I am in a DEEP blue state. Nobody is safe enough to be complacent.
Coupled with the marijuana amendment, I think this makes Florida up for grabs in terms of the presidential election. Which is huge, because if Biden wins Florida, he wins the presidency. Significant for the Senate and other elective offices, since if people are motivated to go to the polls and vote for abortion rights they will tend to vote for Democrats. It suggests to me that putting effort into Florida is worth it and important. If the abortion rights amendment passes, then this will both assure abortion rights in Florida and serve as the death knell for abortion bans nationwide. On the other hand, if the amendment were to lose, it would not be good. So Florida now becomes pretty critical.
Do you think he has any idea that Gaza is a major problem? Young people seem to be finding accurate information and are not on board with funding genocide. The large Middle Eastern community in MI had an impact on the primaries. This is ripping me apart-pro-choice, anti-genocide, do not want 2025 plan. I contact Reps and Senators pretty routinely but my voice is a minority opinion in my state on most everything.
1) Yes, I think he knows it's a huge problem. I also think it's an incredibly complex problem, in a region that has defined incredibly complex problems, and that young people have not yet learned about throwing babies out with bathwater. Do I think he needs to be doing more and leaning harder? Of course, to the nth degree. But primary season is over (I cannot emphasize this enough), and people who would topple our democracy to save Palestinians would find that everyone would end up in the same terrible, terrible boat. I will never forgive the Bernie Bros, who put us in this mess due to their "burn it all down" adolescent moral purity, and I do not want us to be permanently in the grip of fascism because this is a more complex problem than a lot of young people realize. And they seem to think that anyone who WOULDN'T burn it all down to protest what's going on in Gaza is a monster. Call me a monster, then. I think EVERY region, not least the Middle East, is better off without Trump in power. With him, everybody loses.
2) If you can afford to, donate to candidates you would support in other states. I'm in deep-blue Oregon, so I send some money to my elected officials here and much more to Wisconsin and other states where they really need help to hold or flip seats. I also keep calling my Reps and Senators, because they need to know where their constituents are at. Blue reps hear from angry Repubs all the time -- I want them hearing from me, too, re: thank you for doing the right thing (more than just at the ballot box).
Thank you as well. Even some old folks (spouse) seem to think “burn it all down” over “accept additional less than ideal” candidates is ok, but I agree with you. Stop fascism everywhere. And mitigate climate change. Dems have not done us well, but I’ll take them over R’s.
Absolutely. Biden is a seasoned statesmen who understand the intricacy of the Middle East conflict. Trump has ZERO experience in foreign policy and rules with mobster mentality. His intent is to fully turn us into another Russia. Young voters need to understand that if our democracy fails under another term of Trump, which is will, we will not be in the position to help anybody. A vote for Biden is not supporting genocide because Biden does NOT support genocide - his efforts work toward solving the crisis. Trump's efforts take us directly into the path of WWIII.
Keeping the Senate is going to be hard. Looks good to flip the House, and I think Biden will win. It looks like Tester in MT is the key to our freedom! If he can hang on we can codify Roe.
Dream scenario: Ditch the filibuster and start doing serious (supreme) court reform. One idea I really like is to "cycle" the SC justices from the high court to other lower courts. Totally fair game. I think people could swallow that more than expanding the number of justices from 9 to 13.
It was made very clear at the time (I live in FL) that it was in fact, about abortion. The court was placed by deathSantis to do this, he placed five of the seven.
"Judge Hearing Florida Abortion-Ban Case Has a Huge Conflict of Interest
Florida Supreme Court Justice Charles Canady does not see any reason to recuse himself from the case.
...And there’s one very big conflict of interest: One of the justices ruling on the case is married to a Republican state representative who co-sponsored the six-week abortion ban.The seven-justice bench includes five conservatives appointed by DeSantis, who has made his opposition to abortion access clear. It also includes Charles Canady, who refuses to recuse himself from the case.Canady is married to state Representative Jennifer Canady, who co-sponsored the six-week ban. Again, the Supreme Court’s ruling in this case will directly impact whether the six-week ban is triggered into law.
Prior to serving as a justice, Canady was a Florida representative during the 1990s. While on Capitol Hill, he sponsored multiple bills to ban “partial-birth abortion,” which is not a thing.
Another justice, Meredith Sasso, is married to DeSantis loyalist Michael Sasso. DeSantis appointed Michael Sasso as vice chairman of the controversial Disney oversight board. Sasso resigned in May, although he did not explain why. While the Disney case has no bearing on abortion, Justice Sasso’s close link to DeSantis could indicate how she leans on reproductive rights.
Arguments did not get off to a strong start Friday when a third justice, Carlos G. Muniz, suggested that legal abortion violated fetal personhood. Anti-abortion activists argue that humanity begins at conception and thus fetuses should be afforded legal rights."
Exactly. When push comes to shove, men WILL use our rights as a bargaining chip. And just about all the men commenting so vociferously about the sanctity of life (and holding an aspirin between our knees *atomic eyeroll*) are conservative old white dudes, who have less skin in the game than anyone (and some a weird obsession with controlling/punishing women/our bodies) (and don't actually seem to care about the sanctity of ANYONE's life). Representation matters. We need more women voting, more women voting blue even if (especially if?) their husbands are Trumpers, and more women in positions of power. So many people were "how dare she, that's sexist/racist!" re: Justice Sotomayor's "wise Latina woman, with the richness of her experiences" making better decisions than other people (I said "fine, substitute 'fairer' for 'better'"), but she was right. Justice is never handed down by those in power -- we have to create it ourselves. Two things matter to those in power: our dollars and our votes. Those are the levers of power available to us and we need to be using them and using them strategically. #dontgetmadgetorganized
If I may...the Florida Supreme court made that ruling in 1989, but on July 3, 1989, a SCOTUS ruling in Webster v Missouri Reproduction Rights issued a ruling that reversed course and demonstrated that Roe v. Wade was not necessarily settled law that restricted future revisions.
Justice Blackmun, speaking for the minority, wrote that the ruling made clear that for those who supported Roe v Wade, "a chill wind blows."
Some state governors construed the Court's 1989 Webster ruling as an invitation to begin enacting stricter abortion laws. Florida Republican Governor Bob Martinez was one of those governors. I was living in Miami at the time, and I recall the fury I felt after reading in the Miami Herald that he was going to call a special session of the state legislature for the sole purpose of enacting stricter abortion legislation.
I thought to myself, "That son-of-a-bitch! What if he had a mistress and she got pregnant. How would he feel about abortion then?!" (Which led to my writing a thriller about an anti-abortion governor whose mistress becomes pregnant, and the choices he's forced to make when an unintended pregnancy threatens to ruin HIS life.) I won't mention the title because this is NOT a solicitation for a book sale--I'm just emphasizing how deeply and for how many years I've been engaged in this fight.
At that time in 1989, there was tremendous pushback, especially from some heavy-hitting female legislators, but also from the public. He brazened ahead with his agenda, but the legislation never even made it out of committee, so it was dead in the water by October, 1989. Now, 30 years later, we are at this point of a Florida six-week abortion ban.
But as Jessica points out, "62% of voters support the measure—including a majority of Republicans. And that was before this decision banning abortion at 6 weeks, which is sure to infuriate Floridians."
We're going to win this fight, vote by vote! But it's so infuriating in the meantime!
I was at the University of Florida in 1989 and I didn't know any of that. I was 19. I was a feminist and had just voted for Dukakis in my first election. I sure hope women that age now are paying more attention to what is going on than I was. I'm doing my best with educating my daughters who are in their 20s and I'm really bugging them to bug their friends. I'm also bugging my friends to bug their daughters because their daughters are all in their 20s too.
It's so sad to me that women in their 20s won't know the same kind of freedom we knew. I've always felt younger women weren't encouraged to become involved in protecting their right to an abortion. I used to write for HuffPost, and I wrote an article about this called Passing the Torch. I was writing about abortion rights dangers before Trump was elected. I was alarmed because states were already putting restrictive laws on the books back then, so that when Roe fell, they could implement them immediately.
CHOICE was there for your daughters all their lives, and now that rug has been pulled out from under them. Good for you for educating your daughters and encouraging them to do the same with their friends. It's their votes that will help turn this around.
I'm sure that that happens a lot...... these men get their girlfriends or their mistresses pregnant - they don't like unplanned, unwanted pregnancies anymore than women - then all of a sudden they are pro choice. But of course, none of this is really about an embryo or fetus, it is about controlling women. Right up until the point the man is negatively impacted, then he wants choices.
Virginia is the last free state in the South. The ONLY solace is that it puts Florida in play. What a fucking travesty. I want to electorally brutalize these monsters.
Voters in The Free State of Florida need to cast out every single republican who is up for reelection. That is the only way things will change. They need to vote for every democrat on the ballot.
But that is never going to happen. The Free State of Florida has become a fully entrenched radical, red state.
Never say never. It sounds insane, but it's only impossible until someone does it. Look at what Stacey Abrams and her org were able to accomplish in Georgia. Two Dem Senators. Nobody would have thought that possible.
(I legit want to saw Florida [and its neighbors] off and push it into the sea, but the women and children there need us to fight, even if it seems hopeless.)
It’s true that amazing things could happen in the Florida elections. But, it is highly improbable. Why? Registered republican voters outnumber democrats by a huge, insurmountable margin. Unless a majority of those registered republicans vote for democrats, the state will remain ruby red. Registered dems used to outnumber republicans but that has changed as the state has gone from blue, to purple to red.
OMG . . . considering the misery Idaho's (even worse) abortion ban has wrought, I hate to contemplate the millions of people whose lives will be torn up by Florida's. Yes, I hope this comes down on the Repubs like a mountain of wrath, and I suspect it will. But it's going to create a lot of grief before that happens.
The incredible actually-stable-geniuses at "Strict Scrutiny" were talking in the last couple of episodes about this (wrath of voters), and how Alito (I will not call him "Justice," 'cause he ain't) tried to reference Comstock without saying the name, in the mifepristone case (such slick, so strategy, wow), and that they're basically are going to give us this one small win (on a case so weak that it never should have made it anywhere NEAR $COTU$) while laying the groundwork for a much bigger one. They do not want this fight until after the election, but bless their hearts, they just can't help themselves.
Because they underestimate women, again and again. It's the downside of their disdain -- we can organize in plain sight and they still don't believe it until they lose another election. If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, fellas. It's true everywhere. I used to work in advertising, decades ago, and nobody respected women, even though we had mountains of stats that reflected the truth (women make most purchasing decisions for their families, when it comes down to it). But they're the smart ones and should be in power. See you at the ballot box, boys, and I'm half hoping you never learn.
Just infuriating. Can we put men’s choices and sexual proclivities on display now too? And hold all of the deadbeat “dads” out there accountable? And truly force them to pay child support and have their sexual behaviors published in the newspapers? Seems only fair right?
Yeah. How it falls on women - even the stigma. RBG thought an equal rights approach to preserving abortion access was a stronger way to go than the privacy protection it had enjoyed. Now there's nothing. The rug could be pulled out from any one of us at any time.
I think of the teen pregnancies over the years - how we know the names of the girls and how they are treated and talked about, yet the boys not nearly as much, if at all. Now we couldn't even help that teen girl across state lines without fear of prosecution.
I am well known among friends and coworkers (work with lots of young people, male and female) as the benevolent but firm feminist interjector who immediately reframes things that need reframing. I don't let any stigma slide, if I can help it. All of us pushing back is what will change our culture. Young men need to hear it and young women need to see it.
Disappointing comment that does little to help the cause. Need I remind anyone that a plurality of white women voted for Trump (47%) over Biden (45%)?
As a father of two daughters of child bearing age, I'm working towards building a coalition of both men and women to codify abortion rights for all women, whether at the state or federal level, through proper legislative procedures, rather than depending on the variable and inconsistent interpretations of the judiciary. Even if (or perhaps especially if) you lack respect for men, given that women don't vote as a unified block and many legislative thresholds are 60% or higher, it would seem strategic to highlight how abortion rights for women are also in the best interests of men, and thereby generate wider support.
Men telling women we're not protesting our mistreatment right doesn't sit well with a lot of us, my dude. You may have daughters of childbearing age, but you don't personally have skin in this game. You can work with us, but don't be the white person centering themselves in a group of POC, KWIM?
ETA: We are well aware that many of our fellow women vote against our interests, no need to inform us.
My husband was not much involved with child rearing when his were small I think but he’d agree with you they’re expensive. It seems with climate change the last thing we need is a lot more babies.
Coercive control, double binds, society blames and punishes the women. See Evan Stark. I suspect many female Trump votes are coming from such situations and identifying with the aggressor. It happens. The more we understand and talk about it the better. Serially, Evan Stark.
Sigh. Seriously, not serially. And reply to wrong person. Too tired sorry! It should be that all guys should want to be here being equals but they don’t and so extra appreciation to those who do.
Yes, that would seem strategic. But when day after day you get laws and court rulings saying you are not a person, but a thing, and then you have today's ruling which is going to endanger the lives and health of millions of women in the South - there will be deaths, there will be permanent physical injuries, there will be unwanted children born that will permanently change their mothers' lives, there will be PTSD - when you have all of that, you might be justified in feeling a little bit angry, right?
See, this is the problem. Men say they are allies, but do we really understand the violence against their person that women experience from this? Do we have any idea what it feels like? And since we don't, can we please try to always remember that? Because if we don't, we will end up being 'logical' and mansplaining it, and we will end up talking about the issue abstractly, as if women are indeed just things.
I don't mean to pick on you; I really don't. Thank you for being here. I'm glad you're here. But I wish men could FEEL the threat the way women have to feel it, to feel and know that their own body is a prison that they can't escape from.
If we can't fix it for them the very least we can do is be supportive when they vent.
You are most welcome. It was an instance in which I could do something as a male ally that would be more difficult to do from the position of a woman, so I appreciated the opportunity. That's what men should be doing. I don't really have enough social contacts to know how men talk about reproductive health care, but I really think it's important for us to try to appreciate the visceral terror and rage that women feel, and validate it. And of course that applies to every other inequity that women suffer in this world.
You are consistently the most enlightened and sensitive male commenter I see in the repro rights space and I salute you. I feel SEEN! LOL. Thank you for truly being with us, not just thinking you are.
The only equal thing to do is to withhold life-saving treatment for prostate or testicular cancer. Women are dying, even though we don’t have data, I’m sure of it.
Those fuckers. But there's no abortion access in the capital of the South, either. Despicable, the lot of them. I cannot wait to make them eat electoral dirt in November, but I am strung out over all the suffering this bullshit continues to cause.
From Jezebel today.
Jezebel reviewed prescribing information for multiple drugs and contacted popular telemedicine services about how they advise clients prescribed medications like Ozempic—known as glucagon-like peptide 1 agonists, or GLP-1s. The warnings about interactions with other oral medications are there, but they’re not as obvious as they should be considering that some of the states with the highest rate of GLP-1 prescriptions are also states with abortion bans.
You know, media will never ask Liz Cheney what policy mistakes Biden has made and they should. BTW, this is a refrain from other never trumpers. It is their insurance to build back the R party after trump.
Republican Voters Against Trump
Liz Cheney: “The threat posed by Donald Trump and the threat posed by Joe Biden are not even remotely similar. Our nation can survive and recover from policy mistakes. We cannot recover from a president willing to torch the Constitution.” (Jan. 2024)
Nicole Wallace had a guest on -- a Princeton U professor -- said there's evidence that Heritage Foundation worked with Orban's government to craft Project 2025. Chilling. Ask Cheney about that. Heritage has been one of my go-to sources as a college textbook editor. Their research has been sound. Boy have they changed, internally. They're full MAGA now. It's scary. He's not only going to torch the Constitution, he's going to undo the Western alliance.
Hillary's floor speech as senator on Alito's nomination. Boy, was she right! About everything, not just Roe v Wade. Her time was 2008 (not 2016) and we were robbed of this brilliant woman's presidency and what could have been.
Yes thank you for sharing this! Powerful and truthful speech, what a prophet she was! It saddens me that our country turned away from this brilliant woman. How different things could be now.
Wow, thanks for posting! I had forgotten that powerful speech.
This certainly will be of no aid to someone who conceives through choice then has a pregnancy that goes badly and sadly wrong in the second trimester, for example. Why would a supposedly neutral court rule that carrying a dead festering fetus in your womb within your body is not a medical emergency and, therefore, a private medical decision? Oh yes, not a neutral body, not making rulings based on solid law-based input, not listening to the will of the people. Wankers.
Because 5 of the judges were appointed by deathSantis for this purpose. Charles Canaday has a huge conflict of interest, with ties to the forced-birther cons, and another judge is married to the person who wrote the bans.
1) If they spent 1/100th of the time they spend on trying to micromanage personal medical decisions on the needs of actual children, actual children would be in much better shape.
2) Lysistrata. It doesn't help in the case of rape, but if these people are determined to make a penis a deadly weapon, we have every right (for now, apparently) to protect ourselves.
Fucking Florida. Virginia is about to get really busy. I'm about to go to Florida for my uncle's 80th birthday. He is a Democrat. Otherwise, I would have bailed on the whole trip.
I understand. My parents live in FL and traveling there is an actual nightmare. I mean, I've always hated it but now, it's personal. I'm going to convince my mom to vote in favor of the protection but both of them just LOVE Trump and Desantis. (But they're both "pro-choice." They've literally never supported a pro-choice politician in their lives.)
Virginia will only get busy for the women that can afford it - this Florida ban hurts the low income the most, they are the ones that need the most help. I can't imagine they have the money to go up to Florida. Which means they certainly don't have money for a newborn that they never wanted, unwanted children live in hell . Yeah.... I will never go on vacation to Florida or Texas or Idaho. There's so many other great places to see and spend my money that actually love women.
No one from our side should spend a penny here, if they don't have to. If tourism takes a big enough hit, maybe they will wake up and throw deathSantis out!
Re: "unwanted children live in hell," I can cosign that from bitter experience. I am one of FOUR children of a woman who wanted and should have had NO children, and she abused and neglected us (and flat-out told us that we were unwanted on the regular). Zero sugar-coating. She was dealt a crap hand by virtue of being born when she was, and we suffered immeasurably. That is why, even though I am a 44-year-old bisexual woman who swore off sex with men years ago, I am so vociferously pro-repro rights. Because I do not believe that ANY life is better than no life, nor do I think children of raped 10-year-olds should be dealt the hand that is that plus being adopted by wacko fundies.
I lived in red states for 18 years, and I have reached the point where I will not purchase things from red states, let alone visit. I will donate like mad to abortion funds serving those states, but they are making as close to zero revenue off me as humanly possible.
We need evacuation funds, in addition to abortion funds. So many people who deserve to leave these places can't afford to, and that is just another injustice. FREE NORMAL PEOPLE.
You are so right.
EVERY woman”of childbearing age” should carry Plan B
And Plan C, at this point. I swore off sex with men years ago (risk/benefit math wasn't mathin') and I have some on hand for emergencies. Never know when a friend will be in need. And I am in a DEEP blue state. Nobody is safe enough to be complacent.
If Ohio can do it in special elections, Florida can do it in November AND deliver the state to Dems.
Coupled with the marijuana amendment, I think this makes Florida up for grabs in terms of the presidential election. Which is huge, because if Biden wins Florida, he wins the presidency. Significant for the Senate and other elective offices, since if people are motivated to go to the polls and vote for abortion rights they will tend to vote for Democrats. It suggests to me that putting effort into Florida is worth it and important. If the abortion rights amendment passes, then this will both assure abortion rights in Florida and serve as the death knell for abortion bans nationwide. On the other hand, if the amendment were to lose, it would not be good. So Florida now becomes pretty critical.
Yes, theyare so confident it will fail they have a 'fetal (bullshit!) personhood' bill ready to go, so we can never vote on it again.
Do you think he has any idea that Gaza is a major problem? Young people seem to be finding accurate information and are not on board with funding genocide. The large Middle Eastern community in MI had an impact on the primaries. This is ripping me apart-pro-choice, anti-genocide, do not want 2025 plan. I contact Reps and Senators pretty routinely but my voice is a minority opinion in my state on most everything.
1) Yes, I think he knows it's a huge problem. I also think it's an incredibly complex problem, in a region that has defined incredibly complex problems, and that young people have not yet learned about throwing babies out with bathwater. Do I think he needs to be doing more and leaning harder? Of course, to the nth degree. But primary season is over (I cannot emphasize this enough), and people who would topple our democracy to save Palestinians would find that everyone would end up in the same terrible, terrible boat. I will never forgive the Bernie Bros, who put us in this mess due to their "burn it all down" adolescent moral purity, and I do not want us to be permanently in the grip of fascism because this is a more complex problem than a lot of young people realize. And they seem to think that anyone who WOULDN'T burn it all down to protest what's going on in Gaza is a monster. Call me a monster, then. I think EVERY region, not least the Middle East, is better off without Trump in power. With him, everybody loses.
2) If you can afford to, donate to candidates you would support in other states. I'm in deep-blue Oregon, so I send some money to my elected officials here and much more to Wisconsin and other states where they really need help to hold or flip seats. I also keep calling my Reps and Senators, because they need to know where their constituents are at. Blue reps hear from angry Repubs all the time -- I want them hearing from me, too, re: thank you for doing the right thing (more than just at the ballot box).
If Ruben Gallego wins in Arizona he will support ending the filibuster so we can get bills out of committee to be voted on.
❤️ I love RG. Want him to win, it will be nice to have an actual democratic rep in that seat instead of that greedy poseur "Sinema for sale".
Thank you as well. Even some old folks (spouse) seem to think “burn it all down” over “accept additional less than ideal” candidates is ok, but I agree with you. Stop fascism everywhere. And mitigate climate change. Dems have not done us well, but I’ll take them over R’s.
Absolutely. Biden is a seasoned statesmen who understand the intricacy of the Middle East conflict. Trump has ZERO experience in foreign policy and rules with mobster mentality. His intent is to fully turn us into another Russia. Young voters need to understand that if our democracy fails under another term of Trump, which is will, we will not be in the position to help anybody. A vote for Biden is not supporting genocide because Biden does NOT support genocide - his efforts work toward solving the crisis. Trump's efforts take us directly into the path of WWIII.
Keeping the Senate is going to be hard. Looks good to flip the House, and I think Biden will win. It looks like Tester in MT is the key to our freedom! If he can hang on we can codify Roe.
Dream scenario: Ditch the filibuster and start doing serious (supreme) court reform. One idea I really like is to "cycle" the SC justices from the high court to other lower courts. Totally fair game. I think people could swallow that more than expanding the number of justices from 9 to 13.
We can dream !
Biden announced last week that they were opening field offices in Florida and North Carolina, so they also see the opportunity to flip the states.
These comments are all on target but the one I’m equally infuriated about is the idea that privacy rights don’t cover abortions.
Think about that!
What IS covered by privacy rights? Erectile dysfunction? I’m sure that’s all very hush-hush.
Talk to every woman you know. Make sure she’s registered to vote. Make sure she actually votes.
It was made very clear at the time (I live in FL) that it was in fact, about abortion. The court was placed by deathSantis to do this, he placed five of the seven.
"Judge Hearing Florida Abortion-Ban Case Has a Huge Conflict of Interest
Florida Supreme Court Justice Charles Canady does not see any reason to recuse himself from the case.
...And there’s one very big conflict of interest: One of the justices ruling on the case is married to a Republican state representative who co-sponsored the six-week abortion ban.The seven-justice bench includes five conservatives appointed by DeSantis, who has made his opposition to abortion access clear. It also includes Charles Canady, who refuses to recuse himself from the case.Canady is married to state Representative Jennifer Canady, who co-sponsored the six-week ban. Again, the Supreme Court’s ruling in this case will directly impact whether the six-week ban is triggered into law.
Prior to serving as a justice, Canady was a Florida representative during the 1990s. While on Capitol Hill, he sponsored multiple bills to ban “partial-birth abortion,” which is not a thing.
Another justice, Meredith Sasso, is married to DeSantis loyalist Michael Sasso. DeSantis appointed Michael Sasso as vice chairman of the controversial Disney oversight board. Sasso resigned in May, although he did not explain why. While the Disney case has no bearing on abortion, Justice Sasso’s close link to DeSantis could indicate how she leans on reproductive rights.
Arguments did not get off to a strong start Friday when a third justice, Carlos G. Muniz, suggested that legal abortion violated fetal personhood. Anti-abortion activists argue that humanity begins at conception and thus fetuses should be afforded legal rights."
Alito and privacy (and he does not believe in it...) Hillary's comments on it around 11:15
Exactly. When push comes to shove, men WILL use our rights as a bargaining chip. And just about all the men commenting so vociferously about the sanctity of life (and holding an aspirin between our knees *atomic eyeroll*) are conservative old white dudes, who have less skin in the game than anyone (and some a weird obsession with controlling/punishing women/our bodies) (and don't actually seem to care about the sanctity of ANYONE's life). Representation matters. We need more women voting, more women voting blue even if (especially if?) their husbands are Trumpers, and more women in positions of power. So many people were "how dare she, that's sexist/racist!" re: Justice Sotomayor's "wise Latina woman, with the richness of her experiences" making better decisions than other people (I said "fine, substitute 'fairer' for 'better'"), but she was right. Justice is never handed down by those in power -- we have to create it ourselves. Two things matter to those in power: our dollars and our votes. Those are the levers of power available to us and we need to be using them and using them strategically. #dontgetmadgetorganized
If I may...the Florida Supreme court made that ruling in 1989, but on July 3, 1989, a SCOTUS ruling in Webster v Missouri Reproduction Rights issued a ruling that reversed course and demonstrated that Roe v. Wade was not necessarily settled law that restricted future revisions.
Justice Blackmun, speaking for the minority, wrote that the ruling made clear that for those who supported Roe v Wade, "a chill wind blows."
Some state governors construed the Court's 1989 Webster ruling as an invitation to begin enacting stricter abortion laws. Florida Republican Governor Bob Martinez was one of those governors. I was living in Miami at the time, and I recall the fury I felt after reading in the Miami Herald that he was going to call a special session of the state legislature for the sole purpose of enacting stricter abortion legislation.
I thought to myself, "That son-of-a-bitch! What if he had a mistress and she got pregnant. How would he feel about abortion then?!" (Which led to my writing a thriller about an anti-abortion governor whose mistress becomes pregnant, and the choices he's forced to make when an unintended pregnancy threatens to ruin HIS life.) I won't mention the title because this is NOT a solicitation for a book sale--I'm just emphasizing how deeply and for how many years I've been engaged in this fight.
At that time in 1989, there was tremendous pushback, especially from some heavy-hitting female legislators, but also from the public. He brazened ahead with his agenda, but the legislation never even made it out of committee, so it was dead in the water by October, 1989. Now, 30 years later, we are at this point of a Florida six-week abortion ban.
But as Jessica points out, "62% of voters support the measure—including a majority of Republicans. And that was before this decision banning abortion at 6 weeks, which is sure to infuriate Floridians."
We're going to win this fight, vote by vote! But it's so infuriating in the meantime!
2Live Crew had it right, after Martinez harrassed them over their adult album, their "answer back" song was my anthem. "Fuck Martinez"!
I was at the University of Florida in 1989 and I didn't know any of that. I was 19. I was a feminist and had just voted for Dukakis in my first election. I sure hope women that age now are paying more attention to what is going on than I was. I'm doing my best with educating my daughters who are in their 20s and I'm really bugging them to bug their friends. I'm also bugging my friends to bug their daughters because their daughters are all in their 20s too.
It's so sad to me that women in their 20s won't know the same kind of freedom we knew. I've always felt younger women weren't encouraged to become involved in protecting their right to an abortion. I used to write for HuffPost, and I wrote an article about this called Passing the Torch. I was writing about abortion rights dangers before Trump was elected. I was alarmed because states were already putting restrictive laws on the books back then, so that when Roe fell, they could implement them immediately.
CHOICE was there for your daughters all their lives, and now that rug has been pulled out from under them. Good for you for educating your daughters and encouraging them to do the same with their friends. It's their votes that will help turn this around.
I'm sure that that happens a lot...... these men get their girlfriends or their mistresses pregnant - they don't like unplanned, unwanted pregnancies anymore than women - then all of a sudden they are pro choice. But of course, none of this is really about an embryo or fetus, it is about controlling women. Right up until the point the man is negatively impacted, then he wants choices.
Exactly! Well said.
Virginia is the last free state in the South. The ONLY solace is that it puts Florida in play. What a fucking travesty. I want to electorally brutalize these monsters.
I also want to "electorally" brutalize them. (That's a euphemism right?)
It certainly is for me! Well said Victoria, for saying what we are thinking.
When I read "electorally brutalize," I gasped. It's so viscerally fitting. Snaps for Victoria, with her finger on the pulse!
Voters in The Free State of Florida need to cast out every single republican who is up for reelection. That is the only way things will change. They need to vote for every democrat on the ballot.
But that is never going to happen. The Free State of Florida has become a fully entrenched radical, red state.
Never say never. It sounds insane, but it's only impossible until someone does it. Look at what Stacey Abrams and her org were able to accomplish in Georgia. Two Dem Senators. Nobody would have thought that possible.
(I legit want to saw Florida [and its neighbors] off and push it into the sea, but the women and children there need us to fight, even if it seems hopeless.)
It’s true that amazing things could happen in the Florida elections. But, it is highly improbable. Why? Registered republican voters outnumber democrats by a huge, insurmountable margin. Unless a majority of those registered republicans vote for democrats, the state will remain ruby red. Registered dems used to outnumber republicans but that has changed as the state has gone from blue, to purple to red.
You never know. Think of the recent election in Alabama. Don't give up hope.
OMG . . . considering the misery Idaho's (even worse) abortion ban has wrought, I hate to contemplate the millions of people whose lives will be torn up by Florida's. Yes, I hope this comes down on the Repubs like a mountain of wrath, and I suspect it will. But it's going to create a lot of grief before that happens.
The incredible actually-stable-geniuses at "Strict Scrutiny" were talking in the last couple of episodes about this (wrath of voters), and how Alito (I will not call him "Justice," 'cause he ain't) tried to reference Comstock without saying the name, in the mifepristone case (such slick, so strategy, wow), and that they're basically are going to give us this one small win (on a case so weak that it never should have made it anywhere NEAR $COTU$) while laying the groundwork for a much bigger one. They do not want this fight until after the election, but bless their hearts, they just can't help themselves.
Because they underestimate women, again and again. It's the downside of their disdain -- we can organize in plain sight and they still don't believe it until they lose another election. If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy, fellas. It's true everywhere. I used to work in advertising, decades ago, and nobody respected women, even though we had mountains of stats that reflected the truth (women make most purchasing decisions for their families, when it comes down to it). But they're the smart ones and should be in power. See you at the ballot box, boys, and I'm half hoping you never learn.
Just infuriating. Can we put men’s choices and sexual proclivities on display now too? And hold all of the deadbeat “dads” out there accountable? And truly force them to pay child support and have their sexual behaviors published in the newspapers? Seems only fair right?
Yeah. How it falls on women - even the stigma. RBG thought an equal rights approach to preserving abortion access was a stronger way to go than the privacy protection it had enjoyed. Now there's nothing. The rug could be pulled out from any one of us at any time.
I think of the teen pregnancies over the years - how we know the names of the girls and how they are treated and talked about, yet the boys not nearly as much, if at all. Now we couldn't even help that teen girl across state lines without fear of prosecution.
I am well known among friends and coworkers (work with lots of young people, male and female) as the benevolent but firm feminist interjector who immediately reframes things that need reframing. I don't let any stigma slide, if I can help it. All of us pushing back is what will change our culture. Young men need to hear it and young women need to see it.
I want castration for all men in FL who voted for DeSantis.
Me too, I live there.
Disappointing comment that does little to help the cause. Need I remind anyone that a plurality of white women voted for Trump (47%) over Biden (45%)?
As a father of two daughters of child bearing age, I'm working towards building a coalition of both men and women to codify abortion rights for all women, whether at the state or federal level, through proper legislative procedures, rather than depending on the variable and inconsistent interpretations of the judiciary. Even if (or perhaps especially if) you lack respect for men, given that women don't vote as a unified block and many legislative thresholds are 60% or higher, it would seem strategic to highlight how abortion rights for women are also in the best interests of men, and thereby generate wider support.
Men telling women we're not protesting our mistreatment right doesn't sit well with a lot of us, my dude. You may have daughters of childbearing age, but you don't personally have skin in this game. You can work with us, but don't be the white person centering themselves in a group of POC, KWIM?
ETA: We are well aware that many of our fellow women vote against our interests, no need to inform us.
My husband was not much involved with child rearing when his were small I think but he’d agree with you they’re expensive. It seems with climate change the last thing we need is a lot more babies.
Coercive control, double binds, society blames and punishes the women. See Evan Stark. I suspect many female Trump votes are coming from such situations and identifying with the aggressor. It happens. The more we understand and talk about it the better. Serially, Evan Stark.
Sigh. Seriously, not serially. And reply to wrong person. Too tired sorry! It should be that all guys should want to be here being equals but they don’t and so extra appreciation to those who do.
You are dear
Yes, that would seem strategic. But when day after day you get laws and court rulings saying you are not a person, but a thing, and then you have today's ruling which is going to endanger the lives and health of millions of women in the South - there will be deaths, there will be permanent physical injuries, there will be unwanted children born that will permanently change their mothers' lives, there will be PTSD - when you have all of that, you might be justified in feeling a little bit angry, right?
See, this is the problem. Men say they are allies, but do we really understand the violence against their person that women experience from this? Do we have any idea what it feels like? And since we don't, can we please try to always remember that? Because if we don't, we will end up being 'logical' and mansplaining it, and we will end up talking about the issue abstractly, as if women are indeed just things.
I don't mean to pick on you; I really don't. Thank you for being here. I'm glad you're here. But I wish men could FEEL the threat the way women have to feel it, to feel and know that their own body is a prison that they can't escape from.
If we can't fix it for them the very least we can do is be supportive when they vent.
Thank you for writing this. It’s exactly how I feel all the time.
You are most welcome. It was an instance in which I could do something as a male ally that would be more difficult to do from the position of a woman, so I appreciated the opportunity. That's what men should be doing. I don't really have enough social contacts to know how men talk about reproductive health care, but I really think it's important for us to try to appreciate the visceral terror and rage that women feel, and validate it. And of course that applies to every other inequity that women suffer in this world.
You are consistently the most enlightened and sensitive male commenter I see in the repro rights space and I salute you. I feel SEEN! LOL. Thank you for truly being with us, not just thinking you are.
The only equal thing to do is to withhold life-saving treatment for prostate or testicular cancer. Women are dying, even though we don’t have data, I’m sure of it.
Those fuckers. But there's no abortion access in the capital of the South, either. Despicable, the lot of them. I cannot wait to make them eat electoral dirt in November, but I am strung out over all the suffering this bullshit continues to cause.