I guess they don’t understand women are pissed. But please man with an opinion you think everyone wants to hear, tell me again how I need to get over being forced to carry my rapist baby.
I vacillate wildly between believing that most people are good and that we can find common ground...and having absolutely no desire whatsoever to "unite" with people like this and those who vote for them (especially over things like taxes, as if dehumanizing vast swaths of your fellow citizens is cool as long as it saves you on your tax bill money is king amirite to hell with everyone else imma git mine). How people can be such contemptible a-holes, I will never understand.
DJ Neckbeard is a smug asshole (sorry, I'm done mincing words about these people as long as they continue to chip away my rights and lie about the unpopular shit they're trying to force on us in "the land of the free") with the infuriating mediocre-white-man combo of being nobody special (and desperately needing therapy, rather than trying to get us all to live like he did/does, WHY IS YOUR TRAUMA OUR PROBLEM STOP TRAUMAVANGELIZING, DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT, AND STAY OUT OF OURS) while being utterly convinced of his own omniscience and totally unable to consider that other points of view or ways of living are equally valid. I am a mild-mannered pacifist who likes people and sees the good in them and I despise this guy, his boss, and everyone who knows exactly who they are but supports them anyway. (Special shame on you, evangelicals. You KNOW better.)
Mark Robinson is a pile of steaming s***. Or worse. Not sure if it's me projecting or actually true but his wife looks so uncomfortable in that ad. I hope it doesn't work. I hope it actually loses him votes from the right, from people opposed to abortion.
I am very upset with myself for allowing wicked words from JD Vance’s dirty, idiotic mouth to so quickly raise my anger so that all I wanted to do was slap him silly until JD Vance could comprehend what a fool he made of himself when he stated “incest and rape” was nothing more than an “inconveniences” for women.
JD Vance and Convicted Felon Donald Trump think the same. Neither would make a pimple on an unworthy leaders behind.
I feel you. I am the last person to hate people, or to have any sort of violent urges, but I swear, every time I see him, I want to punch his smug stupid face. If he weren't so cocky and in love with the sound of his own voice and the faux intellectualism masking his profound dysfunction and inability to handle his own shit, much less tell us how wrong we are for not living like he "knows" we should, I might feel differently. This is why people slag white men. Because there are so many smug, sanctimonious, contemptuous ones like this. Like with MAGA, it's hard to forge common bonds with a group that has so many truly despicable people and apparently has no problem with them (or at least not enough of a problem to prioritize what is right over what is expedient). Until they find some honor or at least basic decency, I'm not too concerned with reaching out and am perfectly happy excluding them from my life.
I feel you. I think the issue is how we go about creating what we want. A break up of the US wouldn’t benefit the world imo. It surely wouldn’t benefit any American used to living how they want with, let’s admit it, an assumption of power over those living in less affluent countries. Technology, agriculture, manufacturing, etc., all essentials today, would have to be divided up somehow. There’s no clean geographical line for any of it.
I’m just pondering where this division, taken to its logical conclusion and current trajectory in America, will lead us all and whether we can stop it.
I understand the rage. You’ve expressed it well. The entire country feels their own rage. Not disheartenment but all out rage.
I’m wondering if America is salvageable. If not, prepare for major, massive upheaval.
Mark Robinson has an unreasonably high sense of his own pathetic importance and a snotty-nosed attitude toward his wife and others' feelings. He has shown us all how unworthy he is as a human being.
You are doing the work and amazing reporting, but you need to make it sooner and easier for us to do something. And i bow to you. Thank you for your work.
I have been trying to figure out WHAT on Earth is wrong with her.
And also why her smug asshole husband thinks that if he just stands there holding the door of our cage and lecturing us about how great it was (for men), we'll just climb back in and let him lock the door behind us. Toothpaste's out of the tube, DJ. I hate the word "butthurt," but sorry you're all butthurt about it. We truly are not going back, and he is out of his G-D mind if he thinks he and his ilk are somehow going to force us. I'll die first. (Which is obviously fine with them, as they do not value women's lives. Which brings me back to "these are terrible people, why are we listening to them, again?")
As soon as JD was announced, I knew it was a gift to the democrats. Commentors in the NY times were handwringing that the GOP ticket looked "young" (this was before Biden dropped out). I wrote a comment saying he was a gift to the dems and I got very few "recommends."
Well, that's because we who read Jessica are ahead of the pack....
He is AWFUL.
So a pregnancy conceived through rape is "inconvenient" ? to society? Wow! F Him.
And Robinson -- it IS our body. Sorry.
That's why Cooper took his name out of VP contention - cause Robinson would be in charge while he was campaigning. Can you imagine?
For real. I don't understand why these people think bodily autonomy is a thing re: mask mandates, but not a thing re: "go ahead and bleed out in a hospital lobby bathroom bc [my] Jesus." They are convinced that if they just play their cards right, they can have their precious dominion over us and I am still trying to figure out a) how they think that's going to happen and b) how they think they have the right to dictate how others live. This is, after all, the "my rights > your fee-fees" crowd, innit? LOL @ MAGA. The delusion runs deeeeep.
Definitely. I want Warnock and Warren on the list, but we need them where they are. Freaking Senate's freaking rules. Freaking electoral college. Freaking founders.
I think tfg chose Vance to get his base fired up by saying all the extreme stuff tfg himself will not say. Tfg knew exactly who Vance was when he selected him as running mate. Vance's outlandish views on forced birth stir the base *and* the pro-life groups, who might otherwise get annoyed with tfg's apparent moderate views on the topic. Tfg appeals to voters who don't like the extreme stuff Vance puts out there, while Vance appeals to the other elements of tfg's base. So tfg can have his cake and eat it too, or so he thinks. Tfg's team trying to walk back extreme statements Vance makes is part of the ploy.
Between the two of them, they are a horror show. Vance going all out on the misogyny and Trump going all out on the racism.
It is gross.
I watched Jon Stewart's opening on Monday night (it was brilliant) and was horrified to see how low the rightwing is going in saying Harris slept her way into top jobs. It's sickening. The whole lot of them. It's so disheartening that there is a major chunk of our country who stoop so low.
Thing is they have nothing of merit to say about her, so they resort to that lame accusation.
That's what they do best. Lose an election legitimately? Say it was stolen.
Things aren't going your way? Make up conspiracy theories.
Their policies and goals are not popular - ie., Project 2025, so they've got to lie (tfg tries to distance himself from it, which it was created by his allies!!) and attack people to try to win, to attain minority rule.
The only thing tfg does well is lie.
Dementia Don is a loser, as is Vance, as are his allies, as are his sychophants.
The anti-abortion crowd can spin all they want. In the end, their policy is to let pregnant women and girls needlessly suffer, risk permanent impairment and death — and the anti-abortion folks are FINE WITH IT.
How do I know? The anti-abortion folks hear the same horror stories we all hear of women with doomed pregnancies — to be clear there will be no surviving baby — and STILL the women are denied an abortion (medical care) needed to safely end the pregnancy. In a doomed pregnancy, the only life to be saved by having an abortion is the woman’s life. But, abortion bans are designed to prevent women, all women, from having an abortion — and threatening doctors with prison assures the women will have to wait longer and get sicker and sicker so they’ll have a harder time recovering (if they don’t die) and it will more expensive.
Government has proven it cannot be trusted to make reproductive health care decisions because it is failing to protect pregnant people and, upon hearing how the laws are harming women, it does nothing to fix the mess.
Women are not asking for anything special. We want access to medical care that ends a pregnancy safely.
If a law required your inflamed appendix to burst BEFORE a doctor could remove it, would you accept this law as just?
It should be no different for a woman with a doomed pregnancy than for someone with an inflamed appendix. Both patients should be able to obtain medical care to remove the offending part of the body WITHOUT being forced to wait until they become septic or otherwise seriously close to death.
We trust women to raise children. We must trust women to decide when, and if, they have children.
Government has failed us: starting with the SC Dobbs decision to overturn Roe and continuing with states denying abortion access. I don’t care if it’s called a “ban” or “restrictions” — women are imperiled whatever you call it. To be clear Donald Trump did this and he brags about it.
lf Republicans have their way, it will get far worse. This is why I keep saying: Abortion on demand and without apology. It just works.
I wasn't the biggest fan of Pete in '20 (thought, like a great many, that he needed time to develop, esp. on policy), but I respected his view on late-term abortion and he's won me over recently with his advocacy for common sense and decency. I ALMOST think we should just chance it and pick the (IMO) best guy for the job, regardless of the one facet he didn't choose, can't change, and makes him more empathetic.
I agree with the Des Moines Register - they should not be putting plan C pills.org in their newspaper article- that would be poking the Iowa legislature bear even more. Information for the plan C pills will need to be disseminated via other avenues.
Governor Kim Reynolds and AG Brenna Bird actually want the ISP ( internet service providers) to prevent Iowans from doing searches on abortion....... they want the word itself to be blocked. Example: a person does an internet search on "abortion pill" or "abortion clinic in Minnesota" or "abortion" - there would be no results from that search- which of course would be inaccurate. This is the stuff of true fascism.... North Korea style...... trying to limit/exclude internet search results. I grew up in Iowa until I was 25, moved away in 1996 - it was a really good place to grow up, not anymore. Minnesota will be the best option for teenage abortion, as they do not have parental notification/ consent requirements. But going out of state cost money - and we should not need to do that. If men got pregnant/ gave birth there would be no barriers to reproductive healthcare whatsoever.
North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson has a lot more issues besides anti-abortion: he is anti-semitic, quotes Hitler, hates the LGBTQ community, is a Trump sycophant, and wants to repeal the 19th Amendment - he is an extremely vile piece of shit. As a black man he is on the wrong side of history, just like Clarence Thomas.
North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro should be able detract Mark's add using the hot mic conversation.
Josh Stein..... thank you, my dumbass keeps calling him Josh Shapiro but he's the governor of Pennsylvania.. for some reason I was thinking they both had the same last name. Thank you for the link.
I have Josh Shapiro on the brain as well — waiting to see who will be the VP pick. Lots of good choices but still wish Whitmer were on the list. Would love to see kickass two woman team changing the world.
I highly recommend Professor Madiba Dennie's book, "The Originalism Trap: How Extremists Stole the Constitution and How We the People Can Take It Back." (Random House 2024). Originalism is the legal theory that Constitutional interpretation has to be limited to what the original signers would have thought. (Or. as Professor Dennie says, "ouija board chats with dead slaveholders." The Supreme Court often uses originalism to defend particularly idiotic and harmful decisions,.
The book has four major sections, one of them dealing with abortion. (The rest deal with voter suppression, misuse of the Census--and what to do to reverse these harms.) Dennie is also a great speaker; she appeared on several recent panels about originalism--you can look up the Brennan Center.
She calls for a third Reconstruction to protect the interests of marginalized people. "Originalists dig through the trash bin of history like racist raccoons looking for leftover oppression. Then they try to rationalize this garbage behavior so they can maintain a veneer of legitimacy."
If we ever have a book club, this is a must-read selection. (Right after Jessica's book, amirite?)
Funny thing about originalists. When it comes to guns the SC is expansive in their views of the Second Amendment rights —
so much so that it’s killing is and our kids.
Today’s well-armed mass murderer has the SC to thanks for having access to a weapon that is a far cry from the single shot musket that prevailed when our Founding Fathers lived.
Thanks for the book citation, Dana, it looks interesting and I’ll look for it on Amazon.
Whatever your political stripe in the US, our most cherished parts of the Constitution are amendments, they were changes to the Constitution. The original signers gave us a document that was meant to be changeable, amendable. This suggests that it doesn't matter what the original signers thought it should be, they agreed that the future should be assured that when people see better, we hope, that the founding legal document could be changed. They don't always see better - the prohibition of alcohol, but sometimes they do - the abolition of slavery.
In the afterlife, originalists will be housed in Colonial houses--the ones that farmworkers had, be forced to commute 100 miles a day--on a horse--and will be capable of developing injuries and illnesses--which will be treated with gold-standard 18th century medical care.
I guess they don’t understand women are pissed. But please man with an opinion you think everyone wants to hear, tell me again how I need to get over being forced to carry my rapist baby.
I vacillate wildly between believing that most people are good and that we can find common ground...and having absolutely no desire whatsoever to "unite" with people like this and those who vote for them (especially over things like taxes, as if dehumanizing vast swaths of your fellow citizens is cool as long as it saves you on your tax bill money is king amirite to hell with everyone else imma git mine). How people can be such contemptible a-holes, I will never understand.
DJ Neckbeard is a smug asshole (sorry, I'm done mincing words about these people as long as they continue to chip away my rights and lie about the unpopular shit they're trying to force on us in "the land of the free") with the infuriating mediocre-white-man combo of being nobody special (and desperately needing therapy, rather than trying to get us all to live like he did/does, WHY IS YOUR TRAUMA OUR PROBLEM STOP TRAUMAVANGELIZING, DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT, AND STAY OUT OF OURS) while being utterly convinced of his own omniscience and totally unable to consider that other points of view or ways of living are equally valid. I am a mild-mannered pacifist who likes people and sees the good in them and I despise this guy, his boss, and everyone who knows exactly who they are but supports them anyway. (Special shame on you, evangelicals. You KNOW better.)
Mark Robinson is a pile of steaming s***. Or worse. Not sure if it's me projecting or actually true but his wife looks so uncomfortable in that ad. I hope it doesn't work. I hope it actually loses him votes from the right, from people opposed to abortion.
on words and the word 'ban' ...
since literally literally means figuratively is is literally correct to speak of a ban as 'literally a ban'
(thanks kids! : )
I am very upset with myself for allowing wicked words from JD Vance’s dirty, idiotic mouth to so quickly raise my anger so that all I wanted to do was slap him silly until JD Vance could comprehend what a fool he made of himself when he stated “incest and rape” was nothing more than an “inconveniences” for women.
JD Vance and Convicted Felon Donald Trump think the same. Neither would make a pimple on an unworthy leaders behind.
I feel you. I am the last person to hate people, or to have any sort of violent urges, but I swear, every time I see him, I want to punch his smug stupid face. If he weren't so cocky and in love with the sound of his own voice and the faux intellectualism masking his profound dysfunction and inability to handle his own shit, much less tell us how wrong we are for not living like he "knows" we should, I might feel differently. This is why people slag white men. Because there are so many smug, sanctimonious, contemptuous ones like this. Like with MAGA, it's hard to forge common bonds with a group that has so many truly despicable people and apparently has no problem with them (or at least not enough of a problem to prioritize what is right over what is expedient). Until they find some honor or at least basic decency, I'm not too concerned with reaching out and am perfectly happy excluding them from my life.
I feel you. I think the issue is how we go about creating what we want. A break up of the US wouldn’t benefit the world imo. It surely wouldn’t benefit any American used to living how they want with, let’s admit it, an assumption of power over those living in less affluent countries. Technology, agriculture, manufacturing, etc., all essentials today, would have to be divided up somehow. There’s no clean geographical line for any of it.
I’m just pondering where this division, taken to its logical conclusion and current trajectory in America, will lead us all and whether we can stop it.
I understand the rage. You’ve expressed it well. The entire country feels their own rage. Not disheartenment but all out rage.
I’m wondering if America is salvageable. If not, prepare for major, massive upheaval.
Mark Robinson has an unreasonably high sense of his own pathetic importance and a snotty-nosed attitude toward his wife and others' feelings. He has shown us all how unworthy he is as a human being.
If I were a different type of person, I would repeat his assertion that "some folks just need killin'" or whatever the exact and charming words were.
You are doing the work and amazing reporting, but you need to make it sooner and easier for us to do something. And i bow to you. Thank you for your work.
No wonder J.D. is against no-fault divorce. I bet Usha wants one right about now.
I have been trying to figure out WHAT on Earth is wrong with her.
And also why her smug asshole husband thinks that if he just stands there holding the door of our cage and lecturing us about how great it was (for men), we'll just climb back in and let him lock the door behind us. Toothpaste's out of the tube, DJ. I hate the word "butthurt," but sorry you're all butthurt about it. We truly are not going back, and he is out of his G-D mind if he thinks he and his ilk are somehow going to force us. I'll die first. (Which is obviously fine with them, as they do not value women's lives. Which brings me back to "these are terrible people, why are we listening to them, again?")
Or maybe she thought she could change him.
Maybe her desire to be "white"¿
I know. Such a well-educated woman. It really is baffling.
He knew once she realized what a craven phony he was, she'd have to leave him.
As soon as JD was announced, I knew it was a gift to the democrats. Commentors in the NY times were handwringing that the GOP ticket looked "young" (this was before Biden dropped out). I wrote a comment saying he was a gift to the dems and I got very few "recommends."
Well, that's because we who read Jessica are ahead of the pack....
He is AWFUL.
So a pregnancy conceived through rape is "inconvenient" ? to society? Wow! F Him.
And Robinson -- it IS our body. Sorry.
That's why Cooper took his name out of VP contention - cause Robinson would be in charge while he was campaigning. Can you imagine?
For real. I don't understand why these people think bodily autonomy is a thing re: mask mandates, but not a thing re: "go ahead and bleed out in a hospital lobby bathroom bc [my] Jesus." They are convinced that if they just play their cards right, they can have their precious dominion over us and I am still trying to figure out a) how they think that's going to happen and b) how they think they have the right to dictate how others live. This is, after all, the "my rights > your fee-fees" crowd, innit? LOL @ MAGA. The delusion runs deeeeep.
Cooper is a good man, in putting his current office over political ambition.
Definitely. I want Warnock and Warren on the list, but we need them where they are. Freaking Senate's freaking rules. Freaking electoral college. Freaking founders.
I think tfg chose Vance to get his base fired up by saying all the extreme stuff tfg himself will not say. Tfg knew exactly who Vance was when he selected him as running mate. Vance's outlandish views on forced birth stir the base *and* the pro-life groups, who might otherwise get annoyed with tfg's apparent moderate views on the topic. Tfg appeals to voters who don't like the extreme stuff Vance puts out there, while Vance appeals to the other elements of tfg's base. So tfg can have his cake and eat it too, or so he thinks. Tfg's team trying to walk back extreme statements Vance makes is part of the ploy.
TFG = The Former Guy for the uninitiated.
I tend to use tfg rather than his name; I don't like saying the latter.
MAGAt = Make America Gilead Aligned
I always read it, a la "Grace & Frankie," as "THIS f**king guy." LOLOL.
He got bribes from Theil, and Musk, to take him as VP. Except Musk reneged because the giving would be public record, and he prefers to be Dark Money.
Between the two of them, they are a horror show. Vance going all out on the misogyny and Trump going all out on the racism.
It is gross.
I watched Jon Stewart's opening on Monday night (it was brilliant) and was horrified to see how low the rightwing is going in saying Harris slept her way into top jobs. It's sickening. The whole lot of them. It's so disheartening that there is a major chunk of our country who stoop so low.
That pretty much describes MAGAts - stooping low.
Thing is they have nothing of merit to say about her, so they resort to that lame accusation.
That's what they do best. Lose an election legitimately? Say it was stolen.
Things aren't going your way? Make up conspiracy theories.
Their policies and goals are not popular - ie., Project 2025, so they've got to lie (tfg tries to distance himself from it, which it was created by his allies!!) and attack people to try to win, to attain minority rule.
The only thing tfg does well is lie.
Dementia Don is a loser, as is Vance, as are his allies, as are his sychophants.
The anti-abortion crowd can spin all they want. In the end, their policy is to let pregnant women and girls needlessly suffer, risk permanent impairment and death — and the anti-abortion folks are FINE WITH IT.
How do I know? The anti-abortion folks hear the same horror stories we all hear of women with doomed pregnancies — to be clear there will be no surviving baby — and STILL the women are denied an abortion (medical care) needed to safely end the pregnancy. In a doomed pregnancy, the only life to be saved by having an abortion is the woman’s life. But, abortion bans are designed to prevent women, all women, from having an abortion — and threatening doctors with prison assures the women will have to wait longer and get sicker and sicker so they’ll have a harder time recovering (if they don’t die) and it will more expensive.
Government has proven it cannot be trusted to make reproductive health care decisions because it is failing to protect pregnant people and, upon hearing how the laws are harming women, it does nothing to fix the mess.
Women are not asking for anything special. We want access to medical care that ends a pregnancy safely.
If a law required your inflamed appendix to burst BEFORE a doctor could remove it, would you accept this law as just?
It should be no different for a woman with a doomed pregnancy than for someone with an inflamed appendix. Both patients should be able to obtain medical care to remove the offending part of the body WITHOUT being forced to wait until they become septic or otherwise seriously close to death.
We trust women to raise children. We must trust women to decide when, and if, they have children.
Government has failed us: starting with the SC Dobbs decision to overturn Roe and continuing with states denying abortion access. I don’t care if it’s called a “ban” or “restrictions” — women are imperiled whatever you call it. To be clear Donald Trump did this and he brags about it.
lf Republicans have their way, it will get far worse. This is why I keep saying: Abortion on demand and without apology. It just works.
I wasn't the biggest fan of Pete in '20 (thought, like a great many, that he needed time to develop, esp. on policy), but I respected his view on late-term abortion and he's won me over recently with his advocacy for common sense and decency. I ALMOST think we should just chance it and pick the (IMO) best guy for the job, regardless of the one facet he didn't choose, can't change, and makes him more empathetic.
I agree with the Des Moines Register - they should not be putting plan C pills.org in their newspaper article- that would be poking the Iowa legislature bear even more. Information for the plan C pills will need to be disseminated via other avenues.
Governor Kim Reynolds and AG Brenna Bird actually want the ISP ( internet service providers) to prevent Iowans from doing searches on abortion....... they want the word itself to be blocked. Example: a person does an internet search on "abortion pill" or "abortion clinic in Minnesota" or "abortion" - there would be no results from that search- which of course would be inaccurate. This is the stuff of true fascism.... North Korea style...... trying to limit/exclude internet search results. I grew up in Iowa until I was 25, moved away in 1996 - it was a really good place to grow up, not anymore. Minnesota will be the best option for teenage abortion, as they do not have parental notification/ consent requirements. But going out of state cost money - and we should not need to do that. If men got pregnant/ gave birth there would be no barriers to reproductive healthcare whatsoever.
The link above is mangled. It is https://www.plancpills.org
Worse, the search will only take them to pregnancy Crisis Centers who will pretend to be reproductive healthcare clinics who will lie to them.
North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson has a lot more issues besides anti-abortion: he is anti-semitic, quotes Hitler, hates the LGBTQ community, is a Trump sycophant, and wants to repeal the 19th Amendment - he is an extremely vile piece of shit. As a black man he is on the wrong side of history, just like Clarence Thomas.
North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Josh Shapiro should be able detract Mark's add using the hot mic conversation.
The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote.
YES! Josh Stein will be great for NC - and here he is with an ad telling the truth about Mark Robinson and abortion https://youtu.be/ZFfiPGN67pY?si=s1KbgR29_-72YnaD
Josh Stein..... thank you, my dumbass keeps calling him Josh Shapiro but he's the governor of Pennsylvania.. for some reason I was thinking they both had the same last name. Thank you for the link.
I have Josh Shapiro on the brain as well — waiting to see who will be the VP pick. Lots of good choices but still wish Whitmer were on the list. Would love to see kickass two woman team changing the world.
How do we get the JD "rape is inconvenient" clip out in the wider media world?
Thanks for the link!
I highly recommend Professor Madiba Dennie's book, "The Originalism Trap: How Extremists Stole the Constitution and How We the People Can Take It Back." (Random House 2024). Originalism is the legal theory that Constitutional interpretation has to be limited to what the original signers would have thought. (Or. as Professor Dennie says, "ouija board chats with dead slaveholders." The Supreme Court often uses originalism to defend particularly idiotic and harmful decisions,.
The book has four major sections, one of them dealing with abortion. (The rest deal with voter suppression, misuse of the Census--and what to do to reverse these harms.) Dennie is also a great speaker; she appeared on several recent panels about originalism--you can look up the Brennan Center.
She calls for a third Reconstruction to protect the interests of marginalized people. "Originalists dig through the trash bin of history like racist raccoons looking for leftover oppression. Then they try to rationalize this garbage behavior so they can maintain a veneer of legitimacy."
If we ever have a book club, this is a must-read selection. (Right after Jessica's book, amirite?)
Getting this book today at my library because of racist raccoons. Thank you for this mention.
I think you'll...I was going to say like it, but maybe that's not the right word for a brilliant, searing analysis of centuries of wrongdoing.
Funny thing about originalists. When it comes to guns the SC is expansive in their views of the Second Amendment rights —
so much so that it’s killing is and our kids.
Today’s well-armed mass murderer has the SC to thanks for having access to a weapon that is a far cry from the single shot musket that prevailed when our Founding Fathers lived.
Thanks for the book citation, Dana, it looks interesting and I’ll look for it on Amazon.
I was going to say, check your public library but I bet it's banned in eleventy-ump states.
Whatever your political stripe in the US, our most cherished parts of the Constitution are amendments, they were changes to the Constitution. The original signers gave us a document that was meant to be changeable, amendable. This suggests that it doesn't matter what the original signers thought it should be, they agreed that the future should be assured that when people see better, we hope, that the founding legal document could be changed. They don't always see better - the prohibition of alcohol, but sometimes they do - the abolition of slavery.
In the afterlife, originalists will be housed in Colonial houses--the ones that farmworkers had, be forced to commute 100 miles a day--on a horse--and will be capable of developing injuries and illnesses--which will be treated with gold-standard 18th century medical care.
No link to Vance video…