Jessica, I just wrote an email and sent to my school board members regarding sources of propaganda and linking to your article. Thank you for providing resources that will create positive change and protect women’s freedom.

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The parallels between the anti-alcohol crusade (Prohibition 1.0) and the anti-abortion crusade (Prohibition 2.0) are eerie. The WCTU promoted an "educational" curriculum warning grade school kids that drinking alcohol could cause them to spontaneously combust.

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Reminds me of a few crusades. In particular the one that got cannabis banned in the early nineteen hundreds. A highly racist endeavor. I did like the anti drug campaign that featured eggs frying in a pan.

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That was Rachael Leigh Cook, right? Or at least one of the really memorable ones.

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There were a bunch, and it looks like she did multiple versions in different years. I just remembered the eggs in the pan, but I didn't realize the amount of commercials.

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The attack on public education has been on-going for the past 25 years.

Blowing a hole in the wall between church and state, a long term goal, is now coming to fruition. Remember the opinion on public prayer in school, Kennedy vs. Bremerton? In that case, Gorsuch completely misconstrued the facts, saying, though there were photos of the football coach leading hoards in public prayer on the 50 yard line, that the plaintiff merely offered a “quiet prayer of thanks.”


More recently, OK has given the go-ahead to the establishment of a virtual (not virtuous!) Catholic charter school. It will be entirely funded by public money.

"The online school, St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School, is to be run by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and the Diocese of Tulsa, with religious teachings embedded in the curriculum."

"But as a charter school — a type of public school that is independently managed — it would be funded by taxpayer dollars."


Across the country, there are bills or laws which allow the transfer of public funds to private and religious schools via vouchers, Education Savings Accounts, or some other mechanisms, in addition to charters. Aside from being a subsidy to wealthy folks whose kids are already enrolled in these schools, the money is drained away from the public schools which must admit all students. School choice means it's the schools who are doing the choosing.

With its Barney Charter School Initiative, Hillsdale College is promoting an extreme rightwing "curriculum" called The 1776 Curriculum, in opposition to Nikole Hannah-Jones' groundbreaking 1619 project. Get a load of the lies being promoted:


When the dismantling of public education began, it was from reformsters like Bill Gates, looking for a way to privatize public schools so as to profit from them. Now it's picked up steam from those who wish to commodify it and who have created an unholy alliance with the religious right to break apart this cornerstone of democracy. Teachers shuddered when Trump professed his fondness for the badly educated.

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Quite a succinct response to my overly long post!

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I'm practicing! Someone pointed out last week that I talk too much (who, me? :) but it was a really good post that needed more than just a like, and it does make me feel ill. After bodily autonomy, education is my second most important issue, and it's probably always wise to pay attention to whatever the other side is focusing on, because that's where they're intent on doing their damage.

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Did you notice no one agreed with them, though? They came back and yelled at me also!

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I saw that. They had two likes on the posts, and one of them was from me! I would be a really bad feminist if I didn't take what they said and think long and hard about it though. I do want to try to be judicious because I don't want anyone to feel that way. It was cute that they later referred to me as a kid when I'm 46, but there was some insight there too (one reason I use my baby pic as my avatar), but that's more a topic for me and my therapist :) Anyway, everybody has different communication styles, and everyone brings their own life pain here too, a lot of it caused by men. I've seen women apologize for commenting more than once on the same post ! and then there are those of us who are more chatty. We all want this to be a supportive place though ♥️

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I've been trying to tone myself down, , as well as my penchant for verbosity. Hardly anyone complained about that weird bot from a few weeks ago. Go figure.

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Jan 28, 2024Edited
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I think this is a wonderful community, too, free from the drama so many other sites have. And thank you!

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I have had Fisherman's Blues on my Ipod, since I have had Ipods (now Iphone).

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Surely this is a violation of the separation of church and state. This seems like something for the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the ACLU to tackle.

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The Pro-life movement has been playing the long game and we are seeing the fruit of their patience and labor. We all know this has nothing to do with babies but with gaining political power. It sickens me to watch them infiltrate every area of our lives. I've watched that video and it is a straight up lie. So now we are lying to children in public school simply because they are impressionable. I just can't anymore. I know that when I was growing up there were things that were left out of my public-school curriculum and that made me angry, but these children are going to grow up and learn that they were straight up lied to by the adults they trusted.

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Or worse, they won't learn that, and will stay indoctrinated!

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I put out a few links yesterday. One that applies to today's topic needs to be mentioned again, more loudly 💢💢💢💢💢. A new tactic for the fake pregnancy centers is to offer free STD tests. Of course, this isn't because of the goodness in their hearts. It's an opportunity for them to indoctrinate women to their flawed views. Uggggh!

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Considering their lack of medical training I wonder if those tests are even accurate! I can hear them now: "Jesus loves you, and you've got the clap, that's what you get for having sex."

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They're probably expired. I wonder if they have the victim pee in a cup and also do a dollar store pregnancy test.

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That's probably not that far-off!

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So much for actual science. Their curricula (if you can stomach it) tells 5th to 8th graders that fetuses “have lost their value because of physical characteristics, just like slaves and Jewish people did before.”

Jews do not have any particular physical characteristics. They can be black or white, Israeli or Chinese, big or small. Some blacks might have some shared characteristics, but they are indeed biologically the same as everyone else. The whole idea of humans fitting into slots, was an artificial construct that was advanced by the white power elite. Time and time again it has been proven that skin pigment or gross morphological features mean nothing relative to 'humanness.'

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Indeed, otherwise they couldn't breed with one another!

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And when will they create the Morality Police? The Chastity Law? Just like in Iran. One could argue that Texas already has it with Ken Paxton.

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We are creating 3rd World States.....right here under our noes in the US. Rather, the Republicans are and so are the idiot voters! Imagine in the year 2024 regressing back to the dark ages. These states are already suffering brain drain for teachers and healthcare providers. When I think I can't hate Trump anymore, I find a way..... when I think that I can't hate the 5 SCOTUS anymore, I find a way. It's damn scarey. The population needs to wake up, they need to get off their asses and vote!

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Yes, we told them about the Supreme (now extreme court) and the importance of voting for Hillary, but did they listen, no, they just condescendingly told us Roe would never get overturned.

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idk if you look at marketing 'extreme' seems to be a synonym for 'really cool'. The 'Extreme Court' is probably what they would have had in Idiocracy. That movie was funnier before it became real.

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Tell me about it! I recently rewatched it with my husbs (who hadn't seen it) and in the arena scene, all I could think of was how prescient Mike Judge was to write that, and to peg the hooting trumpanzees so accurately.

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It's been a long time since I last saw it. Mike Judge is a sharp observer of humanity so he gets all of the little nuances. Beavis & Butt-head has always been among my favorites. Anna Faris is good like that too, someone who can instantly pick up on the multitude of different ways someone is being stupid, or other character flaws. To paraphrase The Waterboys, we see the crescent, they see the whole of the moon.

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The Waterboys that did a couple of songs in the"Waking Ned Devine" soundtrack?

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That would be them! "Whole of the Moon" might be their best known song - so good. Now that I brought it up I'm listening to it again myself, not sure I can describe it but the song is kind of about being in awe; it's bringing tears to my eyes!

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This should be illegal in public schools. Why are people voting Republican? It is so obvious they want young people dumb, uninformed and with unplanned pregnancies.

And where are the young men when the unplanned pregnancy happens? They're nowhere around, because they're going to college, they're going to be somebody....."not my problem" they say.... after the condom breaks.

Given that these Republican states generally allow parents to opt out their children from the already " fake sex education classes" , I wonder if a parent could opt out their children from having to watch this fake video?

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I think you just put your finger on it...Less men are going to college, and way more women. This is their solution to that.

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I have concern that this doesn't get the attention it should because people dismiss it as happening in "someone else's" school district, and roll their eyes at the rubes. Similarly, the abortion bans in half the country are causing mostly only indirect harm in the other half of the country (putting strain on health care systems). People have to care what's happening elsewhere in the country from where they are, or it keeps getting worse, and today it's them, tomorrow it's us. The enemy is counting on those who haven't (yet) been affected directly not caring enough. That has to change.

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But I think it is affecting women in blue states. The influx of abortion refugees to blue states is straining the health systems there and creating longer wait times as well. Dr. Floyd mention this during the Senate hearing led by Senator Murray.

I think what we’re lacking is pushback from our government. We have an Education Secretary, although much lower profile than Betsy Devos. What’s the plan to address disinformation in our schools? And have we heard from the Department of Health and Human Services as to how they plan to address disinformation being given to women in hospitals when they face a failing pregnancy? What are they doing about people running CPCs and pretending to be medical personnel? What’s the Department of Justice’s plan to address states planning to keep women from traveling to other states for their healthcare? Biden isn’t the only one missing in action. Please tell me I’m wrong, but I don’t see any urgency on the part of our government to protect us.

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I think that's absolutely right. My question is whether the voters are demanding all of those things from our government, and strongly enough. AED readers aren't going to be a representative sample. Average Democrats, and especially average middle-of-the-road swing/persuadable voters, need to be hearing exactly what is going on in these places, and they need to respond with a big WTF?. I'm worried about whether there's enough grassroots pressure. I think politicians tend to follow much more than they lead.

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Especially following 💰.

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Ooh good emoji! Reminds me of old video games!

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I’m actually a bit optimistic here. I’m more confident that the grassroots efforts are what’s saving us. All those successes in Ohio, Wisconsin, Georgia, Florida, etc were the results of people like us figuring out how to get amendments to their state constitutions, get judges appointed, maps redrawn. But I see no equivalent movement by our government. I don’t think THEY are aware. They don’t talk about anything granular. They seem to only know the stories of the few women who have made news in the mainstream press. They’re important, absolutely, but we’re under a multi-pronged attack and the rest of it doesn’t seem to have registered with our government. This is what infuriates me. They should be leading the charge. I think you’re probably right that they follow rather than lead, but jeez, they should educate themselves — read Jessica’s newsletter! FWIW, I write the President, my two Senators and my Rep all the time and almost never hear back.

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I think you answered your own question, the MSM press is MIA on all this, if they would stop acting as republican stenographers, and do their fucking job they would know, as would a decent chunk of the public.

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Jan 28, 2024
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Absolutely agree. The problem with the Fairness doctrine, as you probably know, is that it only applied to public airwaves, and thus not cable, it needs to be updated to apply to modern technology.

Yes Rupert Murdoch has two sons Lachlan who is now running The Fox empire of propaganda., and is said to be worse than his father. James the other son denounced the evil and donates to liberal causes.

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It reminds me - and idk if this is a good thing or a bad thing - of how Republicans in the years after Bush 43, felt that their own party had sold them out and wasn't capable of representing them anymore, so they threw them all out and replaced them in the Tea Party and MAGA movements. The worry is if that kind of 'rebirth' only happens when the other party controls the government, so does that mean we need the Republicans to win and finish implementing their fascist state before the Democratic party gets its shit together? That cost is too great to bear but what if it's the only way? I agree, the lack of focus and urgency from the party is going to get us all killed.

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Well, I think maybe we need some Democrats who are firebrands, and we have some. Gavin Newsom seems willing to fight as opposed to just arguing, for example. But we have too many leaders who think all the have to do is win the argument. Those folks need to go. I don’t think we can or should wait for the GOP to crater.

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Jasmine Crocket to the republicans "Y'all lie!"

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If you're right that the grassroots are strong, and the people in charge are weak, I guess I'd rather have that than the other way around. We've got to get the attention of those in the middle, who don't like either party. I'd rather have Newsom as the nominee than Biden myself, but the other side absolutely does love to try to scare Americans with every flaw in California they can conjure up. I suppose we all have to stop fretting about the lack of leadership and instead do the leadership ourselves; I guess that's a movement.

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1000%. Niemoller said it best ("First They Came").

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Exactly. We're in severe danger of re-learning that ourselves.

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Over a decade ago, Boston College, which is Catholic, researched sex-education programs. Areas which had comprehensive programs, as opposed to abstinence only, had a sharp decline in both teen pregnancy and abortion. People who had complete, correct information made informed choices.

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Areas where the voters support crap like this don't respect or trust women, so I don't imagine that they would be willing to "allow" them to make decisions, let alone see them as informed. (Source: worked in women's health in a red state for 15 years.)

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I agree. I lived in a city that had abstinence only and there were teen mothers who had no idea they could prevent pregnancy. It was tragic. I’m in Texas, so I spend lots of time with my jaw hanging open.

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Iowa is also moving legislation with this video. I just want to leave this state :(

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I was born and raised in iowa, my mom lives in Des Moines. It is appalling what Kim Reynolds and Brenda bird are doing to the state! Not just them but every damn Republican in that state . These laws would not be passed if there weren't so many Republicans in the Iowa legislature. Pretty soon it will rank in the bottom tier of education, they already don't have enough teachers who wants to teach in these oppressive environments. And they will only allow a rape victim to get an abortion if the rape is prosecutable, whatever the fuck that means..... does that mean if they don't find the rapist then it is obviously not prosecutable, which means it never happened?

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Yup, I actually work at the Capitol. It's awful. I thought this session would be a bit toned down because it's an election year, but my god, some of the bills are insane. It's exhausting, to say the least.

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I live in Wisconsin. 💔 for our neighbors in Iowa, which used to be a highly competitive state, and now it's become a fascist laboratory 😥

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It feels like it some days.

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Ugh, this is SO disturbing.

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Regrettably, this is all completely continuous and consistent with everyone who wants to shape children's beliefs and behaviors to correspond to some religious or political point of view. This is the job of private schools with an openly religious or political orientation. Public schools should stick with basic standards and especially the fruits of science which inform us as to what is actually going on when a woman either is getting pregnant or is pregnant. And science tells us that all life is a continuum characterized by sexual reproduction. Sex education should be the place where this all takes place, rooted again in science, biology and anatomy.

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Can you imagine the pyrotechnics from wingnut hypocrites (largely redundant, I know) if progressives were trying to indoctrinate kids by encouraging abortion as young as kindergarten?

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