Thank you for writing this. I see articles saying that these recent shooters are young... but not mentioning that they are ALL MALE! I am starting to wonder who is raising our young men? Are they being raised by marketing executives pushing meme images of hyper masculinity as their only valid future identity? What is frightening isn't just that the young have fallen for these marketing scams, but that its now embedded in the culture across all ages. Maybe these young men are snapping under the pressure without any alternatives? I know one thing, I want real, kind, brave MEN to stand up and figure this out. I don't want people blaming the mom's and telling women that we need to fix men and boys.

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So crisp, so true

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I can't stop crying. It's hard to parent my very-alive-for-now son because I am hiding to sob and rage without scaring him more than he already is since he carries the unbearable burden of being a school-age child in this country.

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Thank you, Jessica. I so appreciate your voice and writing. It is informative, articulate, and communicates the rage, disillusionment, and sadness I feel. I also feel exhausted. It has been over 20 years since Columbine, and 10 years since Newtown/Sandy Hook. I am beginning to feel like if our government wanted to end this proliferation of violence they would have done it by now. If they wanted women to be equal under the law, they would have done it by now. I am so tired of the bullshit.

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Thank you for your clear illustration linking toxic masculinity and misogyny to horrific atrocities.

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I value your voice. You cut Thru the shit, the chaos, the purposeful noise, to get right to it. Thank you.

I’m too heartsick to write more. I feel worn down today.

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I’m embarrassed to say that I’m an old white guy. I have a wonderful wife, daughter & son. I’m sickened by the corrupt, misogynistic GOP & the cowardly democrats. I just subscribed to your newsletter after reading “All these brave men” & your article about overturning Roe v Wade. What’s going on in America is disheartening & sickening. I’m with you 1,000%. I don’t fear for me, but am scared to death for my children & their children. If you decide to run for governor, U.S. Senate or President, you have my complete support. The republicans are corrupt pigs & the democrats are incompetent cowards. Give it some thought and please keep writing. Thank you


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As usual you have cut to the core of the matter. Thank you.

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Thank you for giving voice to the rage. Thank you for being bold and honest. The rage and grief I feel are so much bigger than my body and I’m so grateful for your work. How does everyone not see this that you name? Why is any of it allowed?

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Thank you for making these eloquently bitter points. Bitter because we have heard this crap for years and nothing changes. Bitter because they will not listen to us. Bitter because we all despair that we will ever be a meaningful and forceful participant in this conversation, so long as they can say with impunity, “shut up and show us your tits, bitch!”

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I haven't been following the news on this because, sadly, after Sandy Hook this is 'just another' elementary school shooting 💔 But this piece hits especially hard and ought to be read by everyone. Can't imagine anyone making the argument better or more eloquently.

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Thanks for saying what needed to be said.

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So true. Thank you for stating it so clearly.

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Thank you. The lies about men being "superior" has unraveled so I assume life is going to get harder and more frightening for women and children. The boys will be boys cutesy line really meant that boys/men aren't to be trusted. I can't imagine things getting better for women and children unless there is a revolution to stop "boys" in their tracks. I don't know how to suggest the beginning of the Revolution because the "boys" control the resources. Somehow women have to get their hands on the resources. It is encouraging that more and more women are running for political positions. Unfortunately some of them are Republicans, i.e., fascists. Fascism has many characteristics, one being women UNDER male control.

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