As we get closer to election day, conservatives are seriously ramping up their efforts to defeat Issue 1 in Ohio, which would protect abortion rights in the state constitution. Amy Natoce of Protect Women Ohio—the group leading efforts in opposition to the pro-choice ballot measure—told the Catholic News Agency, “We’re really running a full-scale presidential-level campaign here in Ohio, leaving no stone unturned.”
In fact, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America says that their canvassers plan to reach 50,000 voters just this week, and volunteers report that most of the conversations they’re having end with people saying they’ll vote against the amendment.
All of which is to say: Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom still needs your help. You can donate here, and volunteer to phone bank or help in other ways here.
And remember: if know anyone in Ohio, get the word out!
The good news, though, is that polls show that Ohio voters support Issue 1. That’s part of the reason why anti-abortion activists are making this huge final push—and why they’re so pissed off about this recent ad from Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom that tells voters just how extreme the abortion ban will be without protection in the state constitution:
Anti-abortion activists take issue with the ad pointing out that the ban Republicans want enacted in Ohio doesn’t have a health exception. Protect Women Ohio says that’s a lie, because the law allows abortion in cases of “medical emergencies” that would kill a woman, or permanently and irreversibly impair a major bodily function. Which is…pretty fucking narrow! (As we know, ‘exceptions’ are built deliberately this way.)
And as Gabe Mann, a spokesperson for Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, points out, before the ban was blocked, cancer patients and a 10 year-old rape victim were denied care. “The language that’s in the bill basically forces the doctor to have to watch his patient begin to die and then they’re allowed to take action,” Mann said.
Also in Ohio today, the Associated Press has a piece on conservatives’ lie that Issue 1 would allow ‘partial birth abortions’—a non-medical term made up by anti-abortion activists referring to a procedure that is federally banned. In that piece, the AP points out something interesting (given how intently activists in Ohio have been lying about Issue 1 and abortion later in pregnancy): There have only been four abortions performed after 25 weeks of pregnancy in Ohio in the last ten years. None have been performed in the last five years.
Finally, in GOOD FOR THEM news, an Ohio restaurant is temporarily closed after staff quit en masse when the owner put a sign up in opposition to Issue 1. Jessika Lambert, former assistant general manager of Copper Blue in Milford, said, “Women deserve rights, that’s the simple answer.”
Quick hits:
Former president Barack Obama is encouraging people to support Issue 1;
Ideastream Public Media on what the measure means for birth control (they also have an explainer on Issue 1 and abortion);
A mother wrote to The Columbus Dispatch about her experience finding out that her fetus might have a fatal condition and why her ability to choose to carry her pregnancy regardless was so important;
And a terrific column in the Ohio Capital Journal about the hypocrisy of Republicans calling Issue 1 “extreme.”
Be on the lookout for Abortion, Every Day’s regular daily report later today. And to support the work that goes into bringing you daily feminist-minded abortion news, sign up to be a paying subscriber or gift a subscription to a friend!
From Ohio here ... "No" on Issue 1 (forced birth) signs everywhere. So stressful with all the lies bandied about--calling it more extreme than Roe. Gov DeWine ran his FIRST TV ad ever about an individual issue repeating all the lies about Issue 1. He's says we shouldn't vote yes on this--vote no, he says, and then we will "work on something that works for everyone." He had the chance to "work on something that works for everyone" and sent a 10 year old rape victim to Indiana for an abortion and signed the 6-week ban. On the good news front: Also on the ballot is legalizing marijuana vote-which, hypothetically, should pull the more liberal-minded to the polls. At least I hope it does. Also, I have received 6 "vote yes" postcards from around the country. Warmed my heart. Hope we can deliver ...
Here is my explainer on Issue 1, which also focuses on unintended consequences of abortion bans, including that they tend to drive ob-gyns out of states with such bans. https://medium.com/@vthuronyi/ohio-issue-1-abortion-rights-explainer-8ca85b119886