That last bit about the woman with the possible fatal fetal anomaly really points up the difference. At around 12 weeks of my third pregnancy, the Alpha fetal protein test indicated a possible fatal anomaly. I was warned that it could indicate a severe neural groove issue. I was comforted by the fact that I had the right to choose if I was willing to continue my pregnancy. I was not pressured or required to abort. I was informed of my options and given the power to decide for myself. I chose to have an amniocentesis, knowing those risks, and they discovered that the fetus was healthy. All pregnancies have risk at every stage of development. The most important thing is to be informed and have every option presented to the person who is taking those risks, the person with the greatest responsibility. She gets to decide; just as a policeman isn’t prevented from carrying or using their gun. Are mistakes made? Yes. But do we take away guns from all citizens because of a few? No. So why are women different?

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Here is my explainer on Issue 1, which also focuses on unintended consequences of abortion bans, including that they tend to drive ob-gyns out of states with such bans. https://medium.com/@vthuronyi/ohio-issue-1-abortion-rights-explainer-8ca85b119886

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Hey Jessica, did you see that David Bereit and a bunch other prominent antis are hosting a webinar tomorrow just about Ohio?

If you're interested, https://www.davidbereit.com/mission-critical?cid=4cac560a-0c53-4a70-b706-26496d85cbff&eoid=2148762441

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I didn't, thank you for flagging!!

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From Ohio here ... "No" on Issue 1 (forced birth) signs everywhere. So stressful with all the lies bandied about--calling it more extreme than Roe. Gov DeWine ran his FIRST TV ad ever about an individual issue repeating all the lies about Issue 1. He's says we shouldn't vote yes on this--vote no, he says, and then we will "work on something that works for everyone." He had the chance to "work on something that works for everyone" and sent a 10 year old rape victim to Indiana for an abortion and signed the 6-week ban. On the good news front: Also on the ballot is legalizing marijuana vote-which, hypothetically, should pull the more liberal-minded to the polls. At least I hope it does. Also, I have received 6 "vote yes" postcards from around the country. Warmed my heart. Hope we can deliver ...

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I saw that ad, and the bullshit about finding something everyone likes. Absolutely gross.

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