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First Unitarian of Dallas has a multi-generational commitment to this work. It was their women's alliance that started a community group in the 70s, and members - some still active there - were behind the case that became Roe v Wade. https://dallasuu.org/about-us/our-history/

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They can’t just take the term abolitionist and put towards whatever they want. There is a book called poverty by America by Mathew Desmond. He writes about poverty abolitionists, that we all need to be poverty abolitionists.

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How kind and caring of those stalwarts of the patriarchy to make sure that a 10-year-old who's been raped by an uncle isn't coerced into having an abortion. Who would deny her the joy of having a real live baby while all her friends are stuck playing with dolls? Pardon me if I sound bitter . . .

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"unwanted abortions"

"coerced abortions"

That's fuckin laughable

The lies and manipulations that they use to twist and turn words around representing problems that do not even exist...... someone please find me a woman over the last 12 months that received an "unwanted abortion".

You know what you can find though? Hundreds if not thousands of women that wanted an abortion but now have an unwanted child.

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The ADF quote again,

"... The app user could be a trafficker, an ex-boyfriend, or anyone seeking to obtain abortion drugs to slip into an unsuspecting pregnant woman’s drink."

There is no reason why abortifacients should be targeted with this argument. Giving anyone a medication, even aspirin or Tylenol without them knowing it is a crime. Certainly, giving people illegal drugs like cocaine or fentanyl is a crime. We are all protected against this kind of behavior by law.

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When I read about how the forced birthers will do ANYTHING to ban abortions, it's really upsetting. I have peripheral neuropathy, and when I read about these bans, it makes my nerves light up like I'm plugged into a socket. So I try to not pay too much attention to the bad news, although I will NEVER AGAIN vote for a Republican politician. I really enjoy the great news !! Putting the good news at the end allows me skim down to where I can read the positive news. Thank you, Jessica, for all the work you do to keep us informed. I appreciate you.🩵

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And while we’re basing policy on the behavior of .00001 % of the population, why don’t we outlaw semi-automatic weapons on the basis that someone, somewhere, might use his (it’s always a guy) to shoot up a school? Huh?

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If there are debates in June & August, I’m going to use them to raise money for ACT (abortion care training) at Oregon Health & Sciences University & The Yellowhammer Fund. The ACT program at Ohsu helps offset the cost of students who have to travel to OR to learn how to provide abortion as standard care when they’re studying in banned states.

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My niece just passed on a bunch of offers to get into the residency. I hope she will have a stable environment next year to continue her pursuit of service.

Jessica educates us on this most important issue, the only issue as it were for me in this election. Imagine that there will be 4 more Alitos if trump gets elected. As Lawrence said, your vote is not just for the next 4-6 years, but for a generation because the senate and the WH determine lifetime judicial appointments.

See the video in: https://x.com/mjs_DC/status/1795268013496947113

Then there you have Rashida Tlaib saying "we remember in November" going after Biden. She thinks we deserve trump because of Biden's 'shortcomings' from her point of view. You know she does not deserve to be in Congress - she is an activist who should remain outside. Let me explain. When you get elected, you have a tremendous opportunity to lead, work with others, and effect changes. Not use your privilege to scream and damage your own prospects from within hurting everyone in the process.

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thank your being "relentless"!

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Random thoughts:

1. There is gross irony in that the most coercive abortions (yes using that language be patient with me) are because anti-abortionists have done so much to destroy our safety net and create conditions for unplanned pregnancies. Like seriously if you think abortions are bad, make birth control free. Drop it from airplanes! Make it super cheap and easy and safe to have kids.

2. The reason they’re so persistent is the gamification of their faith. Many of these people deeply deeply believe abortion is baby murder. But even more so they get little endorphin hits when they get to tell their friends about how they’re fighting Satan or whatever.

3. It’s really good but (ok going to complain here) also devastatingly sad that the recourse for EMTALA pregnant people — who were denied care — is to fill out a fucking government form. 🤮

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I don’t blame medical students for not applying to residencies in states where they would be practicing medicine with a gun to their head. But the numbers you cited are not sustainable. Those states are either going to have to license nurse practitioners, pharmacists, etc, to deliver more care, or there is going to be a serious shortage of trained medical practitioners in their states. Leading to hospital closures, increases in morbidity and mortality, and other downstream consequences. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and very difficult to reverse.

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Between Catholic hospitals and religious charities, this is what those states will do to have healthcare: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/05/rural-virginia-healthcare-religious-community-photography/677525/

And yes, it will always be substandard. Yes, many people will refuse to practice medicine in those states. Which is why they're determined to force this nationwide. The longer this goes on, the more obvious these disparities will be.

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Yes, those last two sentences.

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I think the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos are “extrauterine children,” not that embryos are fetuses. Am I wrong?

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You are correct.

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Eileen Diamond, director of a Fort Lauderdale clinic, told the Post that patients early in their pregnancy are are in “disbelief” that that they have to travel hundreds of miles to get an abortion. “It’s very daunting for them…we are seeing a lot of patients turning to finding alternate ways to get pills by mail,” she said.

Disbelief? These women had no clue to begin with. Betcha they don't vote either. Maybe now they will.

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So many Americans cannot be bothered to pay attention until they're inconvenienced.

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EMTALA needs to include Catholic hospitals. (My experience was that it didn’t, and that HAS to change.)

And what’s with these asshole Catholic bishops who don’t want women to have recovery time for abortions? How is it any of their business?

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Why can’t the USA kick this crime ring known as the Catholic Church, out of our country? Why can’t we rid ourselves of this clear and present danger? How many hundreds of thousands of victims are there at this point?


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