“The reality is that ‘individuals’ did not draft and enact the North Dakota Constitution. Men did. And many, if not all, of the men who enacted the North Dakota Constitution, and who wrote the state laws of the time, did not view women as equal citizens with equal liberty interests.”

I want to TATTOO this on my forehead.

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There's a reason I call the NYT spokes-ghoul ross "Douchehat".

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LOL - well thank goodness Douchehat references that very important antiabortion female voice of.....checks notes....Bethel McGrew?!?!

Maybe for Ross's next big abortion opinion piece, he could bring us the deeply nutty & frightening fantasy life of one Dr. Ingrid Skop - she who thinks women should undergo major abdominal surgery to save corpses because why the hell not?!

Nutbags R Us - AAPLOG can't hit the ash heap soon enough for me.

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Absolutely and the media needs to point out they are mostly cranks that should lose their licenses, for not meeting medical standard of care.

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Vance is more dangerous than trump because he is young, in your face arrogant, can deliver his lines and absurd ideas in complete sentences unlike trump to befuddle the audience, and that is a conclusion you would come to if you watched his clips with Dana Bash this morning. If not the VP campaign, other people should start talking about how this dangerous fucker is #2 (not for long) if trump wins. Like @emptywheel says he is more a 4Chan troll than a senator (with power to do something) and I say that is by design and the media should call him out on that time and again.

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Alert: to Jessica's point about language misuse, I saw on CNN this morning a republican congressman from CA say he is pro-choice, (wait for it)... but as in pro giving choice to the states like Dobbs did. Incidentally, in my state, MD, I saw Hogan say he was pro-Roe in an Ad. A true test of some of the never trumpers who live in my county (like Conway) that they are for democracy and mean what they say is that they vote for Alsobrooks and not Hogan.

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I’m 29 and have been on the pill since I was 15, but just got an IUD bc I’m afraid of losing access to the pill. I also got it while my ACA health insurance will still cover IUDs, in case that goes away too. If it would be a straight forward process, I would’ve just gotten my tubes tied.

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There are so many male GYN's who make it difficult, and they'll condescendingly tell you "You'll change your mind," I never have though.

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> One final thing in national news: Do New York Times columnists have lifetime appointments or something? Because I can’t fucking believe they still have Ross Douthat writing about abortion over there. In his latest column about what constitutes “pro-life realism,” Douthat cites all sorts of thinkers and activists on the issue. Let’s take a quick look at their names: Ryan Anderson, Michael Brendan Dougherty, David French, Matthew Lee Anderson, Marvin Olasky, Patrick Brown, and Bethel McGrew.

> Notice anything? That’s right, out of the seven people Douthat quotes, just one is a woman. If you count Douthat himself, that’s one out of eight. Bring in Donald Trump and JD Vance—who Douthat writes about as well—then we have a New York Times columnist debating women’s bodies, lives and freedom while relying on the ideas and beliefs of 90% men. Sounds about right!

If they're going to cite men, at least cite transgender men. They can get pregnant or were able to at some point in their lives!

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Or non-bigoted Catholic men, Douchehat is Catholic.

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Non-bigoted Catholic men like…Stephen Colbert, for instance?

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Interesting, I always thought he was Jewish, for some reason.

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You’re thinking of Jon Stewart, who actually *is* Jewish.

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Douthat must be blackmailing someone at the NYT

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BTW, I like to watch VP rallies and noticed in the Wilkes-Barre one yesterday, her abortion lines got the most response multiple times.

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All these media fuckers asking how are you different from Biden, how, how, she has to differentiate from Biden (why?) -- she is still part of the administration, Biden is still her boss and to expect that she is going to tell them that she is going to disagree with Biden on any issue or do something differently (meaning better) than Biden is a fool's errand. Her interview yesterday was fine.

Her answer to ending gun violence was especially good -- she said (paraphrasing) that being a prosecutor she has seen many autopsies and gun wounds from weapons of war in particular call for assault weapons ban.

Video here: https://x.com/KamalaHQ/status/1834736658496766178

Note also that the Cat Man (and his running mate) is off the hooks with his dangerous rumor mongering about the Haitian immigrants -- they are his constituents and the media should ask him what he is doing to help them?

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Yeah there was a troll on one the Substacks I read, stating Kamala was fine with genocide of the Palestinians. I asked her to point to where she made that statement. Crickets.

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barnes and noble is shopping your book real soon! 😎🍷

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The New York Times has an essay by Dr. Christina Henneberg, "It's An Invasive, Painful Procedure. Why Don't We Treat It Lke One?" (Sept. 12, 2024), https://www/nytimes.com/2024/09/12/opinion/painkillers-wont-fix [...]. She says that the pain of IUD insertion varies widely by patients, but is often severe. She says that because of time pressures, doctors want to complete procedures as fast as possible, but as a result, patients' pain is often ignored or treated as imaginary. Dr. Henneberg says that one of the clinics where she works allots 15 minutes for an IUD insertion appointment--including paperwork. This problem occurs in a wider context of women's voices and concerns being ignored by the health care system. "By and large, I don't hear my patients asking for pain-free IUD insertions. I hear them asking for their voices to be heard and believed. And it's not only doctors who need to listen, but also the insurers, administrators, and policymakers controlling the flow of health care dollars in this country."

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ordered! I practice high risk OB in Missouri and am one of so many working tirelessly to get our amendment passed, and now I'm SO excited to hear that Nebraska was able to get their amendment on the ballot (even with that sneaky false ballot measure promoted by the anti-abortion crew). Between that and North Dakota, it's a really good day for womens' healthcare.

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Thank you!!!!!

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Douthat is one of the NYT's resident conservative op ed writers. He's another convert to Catholicism who is more Catholic than the Pope. He's also an illiberal chauvinist who wants women back in the kitchen, barefoot, pregnant and afraid.

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Bingo, all facts I seldom see mentioned to give his insane word-vomit context.

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Right!? I cancelled my subscription to the New York Times after his latest bs article on “realism” regarding abortion. It was so nauseating, condescending and disrespectful. He and the other men he quoted assume they have a right to make decisions about other people’s bodies, regardless of those other people’s consent! I felt like saying you know I’m standing in the room, I can hear what you’re saying about me. Douche bag!

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Make sure you tell them why you cancelled, if people start cancelling over him they might dump him.

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Re: Nebraska. People are intelligent enough to see through the X-tian right's b.s. I feel hopeful.

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I really want Kamala to stop saying “when Congress passes” and focus on SCOTUS and judge appointments. Maybe focus groups say otherwise but we need the judiciary and it’s a stronger argument. No one believes Congress will do jack.

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I think she is stressing the importance of having a friendly D congress and to vote accordingly. Right now, least time consuming thing for Roe is to have the new congress send her a bill and she signing it, though judiciary is also important and senate is doubly important for judicial appointments.

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Yeah idk what the best messaging is. The reality is it's very unlikely Democrats will hold the senate, even if she wins the presidency fairly easily, so the only way to get any judges confirmed at all would be to work out some kind of deal with Collins and Murkowski or something like that (and idk if the rest of the Republicans could stop that by leadership not letting votes come to the floor?) Judicial reform is not going to happen anytime soon so it needs to be a longer term goal, for elections in 2026 and 2028, with the Harris administration continuously pointing out how the federal judiciary is defying the will of the American people. Of course all that assumes that if Harris wins she's able to take office and we survive the insurrection or civil war that the other side starts, but remain with the same constitution and officials we had beforehand.

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Two thoughts:

1. If Trump wins he is going to possibly replace Alito and Thomas (and god help us maybe Sotomayor) with 30 year old MAGAs that will make the fifth court look serious. The only advantage — and I mean *the only* advantage — is that doing so will make the court reform narrative very clear to most of our country. Dems need to be warning people about this now and taking this threat very seriously. Just say something like “I won’t put in crazy pants judges — but judges who understand you and who understand we’re in 2024, not 1824”

2. We’ll survive him losing easily. Just like we did in 2021 once his butt was out of the White House.

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I know. I worry it sets us up to fail.

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