Young people are also leaving red states and rural areas for reasons other than abortion care - jobs!

So you have a perfect storm.

At some point you have to ask yourself why you live where you do. And if you don't like it move. I know many of you will say easier said than done if you are poor, have family obligations, etc. Americans picked up what little they had and walked out of the dust bowl - literally some people walked to states like CA. So if they could do it so can you.

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I understand what you’re saying, and I applaud your passion, but it really isn’t a simple decision to make. Whether you can relocate or not is dependent on a lot of things - how many job openings in your field are available in your target state, how much stuff do you have to move and what that will cost, what salaries and cost of living are like where you’re headed compared to where you are, do you have savings that will pay for the move and tide you over until you’re earning again, do you have kids and if you do, what’s the relative cost and availability of child care, quality of education, etc. That’s all without even considering your friends and maybe family you’d be leaving behind. If you have local family where you are that provide child care, you’ll be having to add to your monthly budget. If you have elderly or chronically ill family members, and you’re helping care for them, that’s another complication.

If you’re moving from a subjugated state to a free state, everything is likely to be much more expensive there, especially housing. While salaries may be higher, they aren’t high enough to cancel that out, and your personal salary history will impact how much you’ll be offered in the new state.

It can be a really complex thing for people to do, and that’s assuming a middle class salary. A lot of people live paycheck to paycheck, and there’s just no way they have the maneuvering room in the budget to make a move like that, especially if they have children.

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I understand all of that and briefly touched on that in my post. It is not easy but at what point does America, do Americans stop doing what it is easy? When are the blinders going to be taken off and just because we can order from Amazon and get our packages delivered to our doorsteps does not mean we live in the greatest country in the world? How many "squirrels" are going to divert our attention away from what is truly at stake?

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For some folks, it’s not a question of easy or hard. It’s a question of financially impossible.

I’m coming at this as someone who has, several times, picked up my life and relocated across country. Most of those moves were when I was young, and had no responsibilities to anyone else.

I did it again about 18 years ago, when I had a 18 year old son making the move with me. Even with him being grown, and holding onto my job (I was able to WFH), it was a lot harder and a lot more expensive. I was making low six figures at the time, had savings, and had purchased a home in the new state. I can only imagine the obstacles for someone without my resources, and with small children in tow.

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Again I get that.

For me I view it through a different lens.

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It's a matter of how much one wants it. I have a friend in TX, and they say it's too expensive to move. At this point, I say it's too expensive not to.

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Hi Heather. For a fun answer, watch some videos on why my dog can't survive on their own. No belly rubs, no squeaky toy's, no liver flavor treats. Today's average 'civilized ' human is even less capable.

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It just makes me sad. Guess I was just fed a bunch of malarkey in history class about America's can do attitude or my grandmother and great grandmother's generation was the last of its kind. WWI, prohibition, the Depression, and WWII. We would just whine and whine and whine.

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Story time again. Long ago when I was much younger and probably much easier on the eyes,I read a book called The Golden Bough.. For decades the best and brightest in the field thought it was the shit. Recently, they changed to it's full of shit. Apparently, the author would write down whatever he heard as fact. Plus he would theorize baselesly and also put that down as far fact.

Early historians sucked even worse. One was named Josephus. If you ever heard the story about Masada, that was him. Recently, archeologists debunked much of his narrative.

Fun topic- religion. What's in your Bible?. Depending on if you're Jewish or catholic or Baptist, you have different chapters or passages or whatever. Bibles are more iffy than the transgender or autism spectrums.

Teachers were/ are also screwed. Most are given books and told that this is THE history. Nowadays, in places like Florida, kids will be especially screwed. Crap like blacks should be grateful for slavery because it taught them valuable job skills. Sheesh gimme a break.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Grace Haley

Jessica and Grace: Just wanted to let you know that the Guttmacher Institute just announced that they are tracking abortions by state. They're calling it the Monthly Abortion Provision study. https://www.guttmacher.org/monthly-abortion-provision-study You may find it helpfu.

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Mary had a little lamb and... Sorry, my stupidity quotient was running low. Truly exceptional piece of info. Would one of you more capable guys suggest to Grace and Leslie that when something like this comes up, that an email blast for it alone might be good.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

From NYT today:


Abortions After Dobbs

The number of legal abortions has held steady, if not increased, after the Supreme Court’s ruling. "After the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade last year, it looked like the number of abortions would soon plummet across the country. But new estimates suggest that has not happened. The number of legal abortions has held steady, if not increased, nationwide since 2020, our colleagues Amy Schoenfeld Walker and Allison McCann reported today."


I'm sure Jessica and Grace will delve into this one! I'd say the fanatical rightwing is going to go insane over medication abortion. If we want to laugh, it's reminding me of the iconic I Love Lucy episode where she and Ethel couldn't pack the chocolates fast enough on the conveyer belt.

Increase from 465,000 in first 6 months of 2020 to 511,000 in first 6 months of 2023, and that's not counting the ones that went incognito ...

So red states will now say "we are so pro-life we reduced our numbers, meantime the blue states went further into Dante's inferno..." The Democrats have to get right in front of the messaging war. They have to be the prime messaging mover on this.

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Jill Filipovic talked about this recently. That I Love Lucy scene was hysterical.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Grace Haley

Yes! They have angered and activated the electorate against them without decreasing the actual number of abortions. I did think the article provided insufficient context when it said abortion rates were going up prior to Dobbs. The longer trendline was way down, but Trump-era policies started it ticking back up. You can see the uptick around 2016. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/01/11/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-u-s-2/

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Grace Haley

More from NYTimes article: “You have two forces at work,” said Caitlin Myers, an economist at Middlebury College, who reviewed the Guttmacher report. “On the one hand, you have people trapped in ban states, and, on the other, you have people in a whole lot of the country where access has improved.”


Can we say "more tension rising between red and blue states?"

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I live in Wisconsin. Is there a Republican politician's office I can call and exercise my 1st amendment rights to voice my opinion as a voter of efforts to impeach Janet Protasiewicz? ("hey fuck you guys, for REAL")

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Who knows whether this will lead to armageddon. The pieces are all there. If they impeach Protasiewicz the court deadlocks on everything at 3-3, unless Hagedorn decides this is too much and votes with the liberals. And he might on some issues but not on others. But what's to stop the lege from impeaching more justices? They don't even have to convict; just impeaching them takes them out of service during that time and they can drag it out. So it would seem the legislature can incapacitate the court if it wants to.

If they knock out one branch of government, I'd look to the remaining branch for help. The thing is, with two-thirds in the senate, they can impeach AND remove Governor Evers, Lt. Gov. Rodriguez, and anyone else they want. Who can stop these maniacs if they're determined to rule by themselves? Seems like the definition of a constitutional crisis.

It may, at some point, come down to someone issuing an order, and then a (nonelected) official having to decide whether to follow it. I would advise Gov. Evers to be proactive, steadfast, and prepare for the worst. If the ship starts to go down he would seem to be the one best positioned to do something about it. Perhaps the phone calls should be directed to Democrats, with the message, "Do NOT negotiate with terrorists," because you know someone is going to come out and say there needs to be a compromise.

The thing is they don't even really care that much about abortion. What this is really all about are the legislative maps.

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So, to be clear, we are now behind Mexico when it comes to access to abortion. Yay, us (sarcasm intended).

Tommy Tuberville is fundraising off his obscene hold on military promotions. That sums up today's, grifting Republican Party in a nutshell.

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To me, this is strategic for Tuberville. Keep these positions vacant and let the next president (should it be he who shall not be named) fill them with cronies. I mean yes, he’s fundraising, but I think it’s more than that. I could be wrong.

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Just so long as he doesn't use the ABBA SONG MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.

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No, I don't think that you're wrong at all. Though, if that is his plan, I strongly suspect that someone came up with it for him, because Tuberville couldn't think that up on his own.

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I'm in Florida and I'm sick over this. I should be going to Tallahassee today with my other activists in Women's Voices of SW Florida but due to some health issues of my own, I'm unable to make it. So far, we're doing great on our ballot initiative to give Floridians the opportunity to vote on the issue next year, which is at least one positive. I won't feel great about it until it's all done, though!

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Alternatives to abortion is a deceptive slogan for a CPC. They don't want you to have alternatives. It's like those Choose Life license plates, when you know the person in the car does not believe you should have any choice.

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Yeah. It's lazy thinking. It's like saying "I'm for recycling." Well who isn't ? They make themselves feel morally superior when in reality it's anything but. I had a trisomy 18 scare with my second child. He turned out okay. But let me tell you -- I was aborting. Why would I put myself, my family -- even the doctors and nurses and take up their resources!!!??? That was not my choice. If others choose it, fine. But don't tell me with your dumb bumper sticker how to handle that. I've had to say mantras to myself when I see stuff like that, to get centered again....

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Such a scary and stressful situation. Glad it worked out!

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It boggles my mind that Mexico is granting more basic human rights than the US.

I am really hopeful about the religious freedom challenge to the Missouri ban. I was arguing with a forced-birther earlier this week. She sent me a ton of Catholic propaganda, and I was like, “Nope,” and sent her several articles about how Christians can’t even agree on when the Bible says life begins (tho I’m in the “with the breath” camp because the Bible actually says that.) The seminal problem with such people is they believe their faith is “the truth.” She shut down when I told her it is fine for her to believe that but she can’t force me to. She never knows what to do with that and ends the conversation.

These people have a false definition of faith. They can only believe if they are certain. Certainty is the opposite of faith. It makes them very emotional to ponder the absolute uncertainty of faith. So they shut down. As an example of this emotion, my parents are 89 and 84. They have spent the past 50 years in a Christian nationalist church hearing to live for eternity. If the promised eternity isn’t there, they’ve basically wasted this life to build up treasure in the next. They can’t countenance that, so they become more extremely certain.

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I haven't had a chance to use this argument with any "believer" yet but I want to turn the tables on them to make a point. Their feelings about when life begins are religious beliefs. There are some faiths that believe it is a sin to eat pigs, shellfish and milk and meat at the same time. How would they like it if those "believers " tried to outlaw bacon cheeseburgers for everyone? Maybe I'll get my state rep to do just that.

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Be prepared for them to say something like, “But those faiths aren’t the true faith, and therefore I don’t have to respect them.” At least, that’s what I usually hear. I use the Taliban a lot, and they shrug and are like, “But Islam is a cult, so they shouldn’t act that way, but my faith is the one true faith, so it’s ok to make everyone follow it.” They DO NOT see that they’re the same as the Taliban.

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You're right; that's exactly how they respond. I don't know how to counter it without getting into a circle of "would you like it if other people imposed their faith on you" --> "no but they're wrong and I'm right so everyone should do as I believe" --> "yes but other people believe just as strongly in their faiths" --> "but they're wrong" --> ad infinitum.

I think the missing piece, on their side, is the capacity for basic empathy, the willingness to live and let live, and the ability to mind their own goddamn business for once. Several missing pieces, I guess. Sometimes I worry I'm being too harsh on the christofascists but then I remember that I spent my high school years believing that society would collapse before I got to college because my dad was convinced that Obama was the Antichrist, so I feel like I'm allowed to say whatever mean and uncharitable things I want about people like him.

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You could buy and send her pope on a rope soap, and tell her it woks good on assholes. I googled and it seems available.

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It's cult-like programming. I learned those thought-terminating-statements when I was a kid. We were taught to deploy them and run. There's no way to reach most of them. We have to beat them at the ballot box.

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I put

The article from STAT on my desktop when I saw it earlier today. Just read it. Great article. He's a 🐈 person too😺

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Just read the Gizmodo piece. No insight into why they're fucking with Sunday. Is it merely mentioning abortion or substack or what???

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Something tells me Arkansas isn’t building a monument to commemorate the lives lost to maternal mortality...

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Someone should submit a design of children grieving their mother who died because she couldn't get an abortion. Or a design that's a bronze monolith engraved with the text of "The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion". Or a very detailed anatomical model of the damage done to a child's body by forced pregnancy and labor.

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Why not spend cash on formula or diapers instead. Assholes,

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Or miscarriages. Or stillbirths. Or neonatal deaths. Or children lost to mass shootings or domestic violence. So on and so forth.

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If it was just a memorial acknowledging pregnancy loss, regardless of reason or pregnancy intent, I could get behind it (Japan actually had a very sweet tradition of grieving miscarriage with Jizo Buddah) But this is just vile propaganda. No thanks.

Gotta agree with the others. There are much better ways to use that money.

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But others in the highly religious country decried the decision. Irma Barrientos, director of the Civil Association for the Rights of the Conceived, said opponents will continue the fight against expanded abortion access.

“We’re not going to stop,” Barrientos said. “Let’s remember what happened in the United States. After 40 years, the Supreme Court reversed its abortion decision, and we’re not going to stop until Mexico guarantees the right to life from the moment of conception

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The Civil Association for the Rights of the Conceived? Dear gods, these people are ridiculous.

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Insane is a better word. They want that title to be repeated in media stories. Makes it more legit in their eyes. Starts to "normalize" it. I hope the Dems fight the language war.

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These people are exhausting.

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That’s the goal - to wear us down. Ain’t gonna happen though.

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They sure are.

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I read about Mexico just before this came out. The Mexican aa people are going to use what the Supreme Court did to attempt to go after abortion 🤫

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