But how amazing was that op-ed on Ho? While it made me laugh, I'm still disappointed that this is what we have in the high courts.

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"Come back if you’re bleeding X amount per hour"

And they wonder why people don't trust them anymore.

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Are you a resident of Wisconsin, are you of legal voting age and are you a female if the answer to these questions is yes then please explain why the fucking legislation of Wisconsin is Republican whose sole purpose is to take the state of Wisconsin back to the 1950’s when a woman in Wisconsin could not own property could not get credit in her name only. VOTE to replace all republican members of state legislature and if you are married to one put him in his place.

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I’m so glad you took on the Conway-Donnenfelser WAPO piece.I picked up on the changes to the language, but it was so subtle that I thought a lot of people would miss it.

I’m finding that the vast majority of people are *not* clicking in on the messaging changes being made on the right. When I point out the use of words like consensus, they’re responding with a shrug. We need to do a better job in this country on educating people about propaganda - not the big, obvious things, but the more sophisticated way things can be twisted.

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Dan Kelley, whom Protasiewicz beat in WI, was vocal about his forced-birth stance, so how hypocritical of the GOP there. They never stop. And people have short memories. They bank on that.

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They care a lot more about the legislative maps than they do abortion. A ruling in favor of reproductive rights would do them a big favor by taking the issue off the table. I think it would be very difficult to draw maps that would give the Democrats a shot at the legislature though, or at least maps that would pass muster. Not sure how far they want to take this but if the legislative branch renders the judicial branch inoperable, I'd call that a constitutional crisis.

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Also Wisconsin is headed for a constitutional crisis. Whatever happens it won't be boring and the rest of the country might take some notice too.

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The problem with the viability argument is it can be used both ways, and if the backwards way is going to stick then it's counterproductive. The point is supposed to be to preclude any regulation at all before 24 weeks by saying there can't be a state interest yet, and then to go on to explain why sometimes abortions are necessary past 24 weeks. But if it's going to be used as a floor rather than a ceiling (meaning starting at 24 weeks and then getting more restrictive, rather than starting at 24 weeks and then getting more liberal) then it doesn't work. When the public is educated on what actually happens with abortion care, we win. It's just that the enemy is dead set on stopping education and propping up myths and lies.

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If the WaPo was being diligent in its fact checking of Conway and her partner in deception, then why did they print the lie about a fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks. There is an established definition of a heartbeat and the electrical activity sometimes picked up on a 6 week ultrasound does not meet the definition. A heart has to contain chambers with valves between the chambers in order for a heartbeat to occur.

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I often wonder why blatant lies and truth twisting is published. It serves billionaires’ need to distract from the fleecing of power, rights, and money by creating drama and scapegoats. Again, same tactics were used to blame addiction and overdose on people with severe, incurable, progressive diseases causing life-altering or ending pain; non-experts with serious conflicts of interest are asked for quotes for every story, and the media every time takes the bait. Sure it’s a complex issue, but there is no good reason people can’t access hospice, or surgical pain relief, etc., and agencies just talk out both sides of their mouths while rotating between public and private jobs.

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This is horrifying. One of the top google results when searching "fetal heartbeat" is this crap: “A preborn baby's heart is actively beating at 6 weeks and will have already beat nearly 16 million times by 15 weeks. In fact, at 6 weeks' gestation, the baby's heart rate is about 110 beats per minute, which can be easily detected by ultrasound.”

"Science: At 6 Weeks, Unborn Baby's Heart Rate is Approximately 110 ..." Not surprisingly it was from lozlerinstitute. org And they say "in fact." Uggggggg.

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The fetus does NOT feel pain at 15 weeks: it’s more like 24–25 weeks. Here are the facts:


There is no heartbeat at six weeks because there is no heart at six weeks. Here are the facts: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/09/02/1033727679/fetal-heartbeat-isnt-a-medical-term-but-its-still-used-in-laws-on-abortion

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Yes, and the mother is pain-capable with a beating heart at all points of pregnancy and birth.

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Indeed! Amazing how that’s ignored…

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Yes! It’s bullsnot. At 5-6 weeks, all that can be seen (if anything) is the fetal pole, which will become a fetus. I’m not a medical person, but this is how I understand the development of a fetal heart. If anyone wants to correct me, feel free. Otherwise, this may be handy information to have in countering the misunderstanding of the “6 week heartbeat” nonsense. Most people know very little about embryology, so when the right says fetal heartbeat at 6 weeks, most people are assuming a fully developed, fully functioning heart.

week 5 - week 6 The developing heart is made up of two tubes that have fused in the middle, creating a trunk with four tubes branching off. Cardiac tissue begins to contract, and it may be possible to detect it using vaginal ultrasound. This contraction, or flutter, happens because the group of cells that will become the future "pacemaker" of the heart gain the capacity to fire electrical signals. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) defines the fluttering of cells in the embryonic heart tube as "cardiac activity" rather than a heartbeat.

The heart of the embryo has changed dramatically by the end of week 6 - the basic heart tube has looped, forming an “S” shape.

week 7 The pumping chambers, or ventricles, and receiving chambers, or atria, of the heart begin to separate and develop.

week 8 The valves between the atria and ventricles of the heart form.

weeks 9 & 10 The aorta and pulmonary vein form. The valves between the ventricles and the aorta and pulmonary artery have formed. The four chambers of the heart are fully formed. By week 10, the fetal heart has developed fully.

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BTW, that TikTok video on the "survivor of multiple abortions" is hilarious.

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The claim that anti-abortion cares about "fetal pain" is so unbelievably sickening after hearing all the stories of women being forced to give birth to babies who die painful deaths over the course of hours or even days. Especially the one who could feel her baby seizing during her pregnancy because it didn't have a brain. The cruelty is the point. Makes me so angry I can't see straight.

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