Appreciated your point on creating hierarchies. (I've denied medical care because other people had it worse, and wish I understood this concept sooner because once you understand it you start to see it all kinds of places.)

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Thank you for this space.

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I have noticed that there seem to be 3 levels of wanting/needing abortion:

1. medical necessity

2. financial: cannot afford a child, or another child

3. do not want a child, or another child

I suspect that number 3 is what scares conservatives the most, ie, the fact that women are increasingly having fewer and fewer children, even if they are healthy (number 1) and even it they can easily afford it (number 2).

Once we women secured the ability to do more things in our lives than produce children, we have increasingly chosen to do so. We may choose 0 children, or probably 2 at the most.

Women can increasingly support ourselves and our children- at least middle/upperclass women.

And this I believe is the crux of the backlash, and why they are going after not just abortion but every form of birth control and emergency medication that they can justify. They are redefining pregnancy as moment of conception instead of implantation, because this gives them the ability to attempt to outlaw certain forms of BC and morning after pills.

The long term intent is to shut down our independence. Abortion is nothing more than a first step.

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I think we can’t repeat enough that more pregnant people die of/in childbirth than of abortions. Just say it again and again. We’re saving our own lives, it’s our right.

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Thanks for transcripts. I won't be able to listen to podcasts, but can scan what you report is happening.

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