Colorado has a shield law which protects this woman. Yay!!

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Much of our Judiciary is compromised though people don't want to go there. Something I have not seen mentioned so far is if trump appointed Cannon (in a hurry) I think after he lost the election because he anticipated some of these charges/indictments or future crimes he was going to perpetrate in his new S. FL residency that he needed a Leonard Leo Lapdog for a judge. Propublica, which already showed Cannon did not fulfill her disclosure obligations about all the luxury gifts she received, please do more.

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Lawrence made an astute point last night on Alex's show and then his own about the condom detail that came out in Daniels' testimony tying it to the current situation. A 60 year old man screwing a 27 year old impregnable young woman having sex without condom and what do you expect he would have done if she had got pregnant? Tell that to all the pseudo-religious Republican extremists from SCOTUS on down who took away Roe and unleashed the current nightmare who still support him. Other than the legal issues, this NY case has highlighted that this lecherous dirty corrupt old man should never have been able to come so close to the WH the first time. What should have happened in 2016 is happening now with so much more evidence on other bad things that I hope people are paying attention.

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Ironic that Idaho attorney general Labrador is telling us Idaho docs that we don’t need to fly women out of state, that we should just do the emergency abortion, while the anti-abortion movement is trying to read the details of every single abortion case to find doctors to charge.

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The linked Salon article about self-managed abortions says "The two-step process works up to 70 days after the first day of a person's last period.". I believe that statement is incorrect: 70 days is (only) the FDA-imposed limit. WHO allows up to 12 weeks, Las Libres im Mexico does up to 14 weeks, groups in Africa support SMA to 14 or 16 weeks, and Doctors Without Borders does SMA up to 22 weeks. The protocol for the amount and timing of misoprostol varies, but it is still definitely effective past 70 days.

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The folks who self-describe as “pro-life”

claim they want to speak up for the voiceless and save the unborn. These sound like laudable goals — until you see how their abortion restrictions and bans are working to allow women to suffer, risk permanent impairment, and death.

After the Dobbs decision to overturn Roe, state lawmakers (mostly old white male Republicans) failed to listen to medical experts or women and have passed laws that put pregnant women at risk and they are doing nothing to fix it. How many women must suffer? How many must die? How many women who miscarry must be arrested? How would these lawmakers feel if the woman was his sister, his wife, his daughter?

After hearing all the women’s stories and how an abortion was denied or delayed (until the women were septic) and hearing how the pro-life crowd are not interested in fixing the mess they have made, I’ve realized what “pro-life” really means: “Let the women suffer, let the women die.” They. Don’t. Care. About. Women. We are like buses, just wait and another one will be available.

Trump did this. He can bob and weave and lie all he wants, and he often does, but we know why this is happening. Trump did this.

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Trump, Leonard Leo, (who gave trumpolini the list of Federalist antiabortion judges who will rule as they are told to), Mitch McConnell, and the corrupt republican party all contributed.

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Donald Trump has heard the same horror stories we have all heard (of women, whose fetus was diagnosed with a fatal abnormality, being turned away from emergency rooms and denied an abortion because they weren’t YET septic, they weren’t close enough to death to LEGALLY receive medical care) and still Trump brags that Republicans wanted to overturn Roe for nearly 50 years but he (Trump) made it happen. He brags about the pregnant women suffering, risking permanent disability, and possibly death. Trump doesn’t want to protect pregnant women. He is indifferent to their plight. He’d rather pander to extremists who care more about a dead fetus than a living woman.

There may be many who helped create this mess, but Donald Trump did this. He is proud of it.

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Which is really ballsy since he told Howard Stern back when, that he wanted Marla to abort Tiffany.

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He must have known Tiffany would hear this. He has no compassion. He has no sense of decency. He is unfit by any measure to serve in any elected office, especially as POTUS.

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I visited the Mütter Museum of Philadelphia yesterday. The anomalous fetuses that are usually diagnosed after 15 weeks should be shared with the public. Such a small percentage of of abortions are done after 15 weeks and many of these are for anomolies, especially as you get closer to 20 weeks.

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Right? That was my reaction when I visited years ago. Every anti-abortion person should be made to stare at that entire exhibit and then try, just try to justify why anyone should be forced to carry such a pregnancy.

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They think it will never happen to them, they lack compassion.

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Re: the Jezebel article. I understand criticism about Biden, but I wish in articles like these that that there was 1) acknowledgment of work that they have done ie. HIPAA, and more of an explanation of what they could do, but are not doing. The executive branch can only do so much, right? Truly would love to understand that more!

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I really did hear this today. I know it happened also a while ago. This was a new report.

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It was brought in Texas. I read about it over the weekend.

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This issue has become a long, daily series of obfuscations, lies, and subversion. Women know what’s happening. We know the truths the Christofascists are denying and twisting in order to force women to obey.

This abortion-denial fiasco is not going away any time soon. State officials who support the anti-abortion effort are primarily men who support the anti-women agenda. They are hellbent on coming home for a nice home cooked meal at exactly 6 pm, a beer delivery by one of the kids while reclining and catching up on sports. A little nookie at 10 pm completes his day and all is good in the world.

A woman’s job is to do what she’s told. Period.

The bumper sticker on the back of my car reads WE WON’T GO BACK. One way or another we will regain abortion access — even if it takes an Underground Railroad.

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I've thought about this so much as an Underground Railroad of sorts, too. I wish we could come up with a name that can stick.

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How about one single word…PASSAGE?

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i think her post is a repeat post by accident ? and yes where is the info on the freak harassing his gfriend who got an abortion out of state!? this should be on every news channel and it isnt.

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I worked at a doctors' office from June '72 to Sept '73, and one of our docs did "California-legal" abortions pre-Roe. One of the things I was briefed on in my first hour on the job was a heavy locked steel cabinet where all the abortion records went. There were only two keys, one held by the head nurse and the other held by the doc who did abortions. I was warned that we might be raided, and until Roe I carried a dime (phone calls cost 10 cents at the time), a $5 bill, and an index card with my boss's phone number in my bra, in case I got arrested. I was told if anything happened, my boss would send someone down to the county jail to bail me out if necessary. Every one of the staff took these precautions pre-Roe, even though some California abortions were at least quasi-legal. One of my jobs was to file patient medical records, and every time I got abortion-related records I had to go find a key. This was also true for death certificates for women who had died in the hospital "abortion ward", for whom our doc had signed the death certificate. This whole situation led to some wierd situations where a patient had one medical record folder in the records room, and another in the safe. In one case, a patient's parents were part of the social circle of one of the other docs, who rarely did abortions. He performed the procedure, then had to go ask his colleague, the abortion doc, for the key to the safe, to, well, hide the evidence. We never did get raided, but the possibility was always there, even for me, the most junior clerical staffer. Plus ca change.

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OMG an otherwise nice evening turned into a shit show. How much more sneakier can the pro life movement be? We were invited to a birthday party for my cousin's 1 year old. Instead of gifts bring

please bring diapers for the Amnion Pregnancy Center in Norristown. Well had to do some digging to find out the shitheads they are. Just be upfront and say you are against abortions huge banner on your website- I would have more respect than having to google you. They infiltrated the public school system in Philly area years ago and got called out on it. I already have split with that side of the family at the holidays guess now I can include birthdays as well. Glad I can get the abortion reversal pill there - my head is going to blow. Think I may contact our AG as I see Letitia James is going after the liars.

My husband said he is going to wear a t shirt that says hands off my uterus! :)

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Yay MO A.R.A.s!!

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This is good to see,

"This is a good reminder for why ‘restore Roe’ is a troubling framework: people were still being denied abortions under Roe! We need to push for something much, much better."

In a similar vein,

"The proposed amendment would prohibit discrimination of a person 'making and effectuating decisions about all matters relating to one’s own pregnancy or decision whether to become or remain pregnant.'"

But in the end the real problem is gestation personhood, the idea that a woman's pregnancy at any point qualifies as a person in any legal, medical or moral sense. It is something becoming an infant, nothing more. This needs to be codified in law, nationally.

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Yay Vanderbilt!!

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