I love that - 'high asshole quotient'. Yes, it's a cultural thing. They encourage it. 'Live free or die' could have a benevolent meaning, but it could also be the motto for a sociopath.
I love that - 'high asshole quotient'. Yes, it's a cultural thing. They encourage it. 'Live free or die' could have a benevolent meaning, but it could also be the motto for a sociopath.
I love that - 'high asshole quotient'. Yes, it's a cultural thing. They encourage it. 'Live free or die' could have a benevolent meaning, but it could also be the motto for a sociopath.
It is my Canadian-born husband's evocative phrase, he is ususally very subtle, in his snark.
Gotta love Canadians! ЁЯЗиЁЯЗж
I sure do! except the right-wingers.