Hey man Florida has voter registration bullshit going on. The last day to register to vote is October 7th, when the election isn’t until November 5th. That is fucking infuriating! There needs to be people sending text messages to every phone all over Florida with a link to register to vote! Why aren’t there people doing that?! Public opinion is on our side, but only if everyone votes. Why haven’t I been hearing about this? What happened to same day registration? Someone needs to come up with a ballot measure for that also! That s just infuriating that they’re trying to suppress the vote any way they can. They also made it so that if you vote by mail, you have to renew that option for every single election. You can’t just set it and forget it. Like you did when u first starting voting again regularly in 2019.
Please explain to me how it can be legal to ban someone from leaving a state. This is like the wild west. How does the supreme court ok something like this. It just makes me sick that this is happening in the United States. Please vote out all Republicans in November.
Girl Scientist on Substack showed a sign in re: the forced birth movement that reads: "If you're inside a uterus you're a person. If you have one you're not." Perfect summation.
I love this and I'm going to save it and post it everywhere I can.
"And that’s the thing: The absence of abortion restrictions isn’t ‘abortion up until birth’, it’s the recognition that there is no safe or ethical way to legislate something as complicated as pregnancy. It’s also what Americans want: 81% of voters don’t want the government involved in abortion at all."
Also, I saw a screen shot of Jessica's Twitter from the EMTALA case on screen on MSNBC this morning.
The "up until birth" slander against abortion rights is an old monster, also attributed to the old "partial birth abortions" argument regarding deformed neonates obstructing birth.
This policy that allows Catholic hospitals to withhold life-saving care for women suffering from miscarriages or other nonviable pregnancies because the Catholic doctors’ “consciences” prevent them from saving the mothers, has to be visited. How is it deemed “conscionable” to kill a fully-formed human being? How is it “conscionable” that a clump of cells supersedes a fully-developed woman? This is misogynistic barbarism and I can’t believe it still is allowed to exist. Doctors who can’t do their basic job of saving lives shouldn’t be licensed to work in areas that require them to save lives! No one is forcing them to work in hospitals. Ban them!
I dread the day that national media report that a woman has died because she could not get the healthcare she needed due to these dehumanizing, cruel laws
Yeah, this lack of data is really disturbing. Our country is allowing women to be murdered and there is no data after two years? We know how many rapists’ babies were born since Dobbs,
“I don’t think we should make it easier for people to travel for abortion. We should put things in to prevent circumvention of the law.”
I don’t think we should let people get married in Vegas because in Connecticut you have to wait longer to get issued a marriage license. (I have no idea if that’s true but quickie marriages are less of a thing outside Vegas so…) I think we should allow people to take their guns into states that prohibit it. Because apparently states rights only applies if it controls people from leaving a state to exercise the rights granted in the next state. And only if Republicans disagree with the laws in those states. Let’s stop people from leaving the state to attend college at places that allow critical race theory to be taught.
It sounds absolutely insane when applied to other things that vary by state. It should sound insane here.
Perfectly said!!! It's like leaving a dry county to go buy beer in another county that sells it, then drinking back home. Or driving to another state to gamble because gambling is illegal in your state.
Hey man Florida has voter registration bullshit going on. The last day to register to vote is October 7th, when the election isn’t until November 5th. That is fucking infuriating! There needs to be people sending text messages to every phone all over Florida with a link to register to vote! Why aren’t there people doing that?! Public opinion is on our side, but only if everyone votes. Why haven’t I been hearing about this? What happened to same day registration? Someone needs to come up with a ballot measure for that also! That s just infuriating that they’re trying to suppress the vote any way they can. They also made it so that if you vote by mail, you have to renew that option for every single election. You can’t just set it and forget it. Like you did when u first starting voting again regularly in 2019.
Please explain to me how it can be legal to ban someone from leaving a state. This is like the wild west. How does the supreme court ok something like this. It just makes me sick that this is happening in the United States. Please vote out all Republicans in November.
Girl Scientist on Substack showed a sign in re: the forced birth movement that reads: "If you're inside a uterus you're a person. If you have one you're not." Perfect summation.
I love this and I'm going to save it and post it everywhere I can.
"And that’s the thing: The absence of abortion restrictions isn’t ‘abortion up until birth’, it’s the recognition that there is no safe or ethical way to legislate something as complicated as pregnancy. It’s also what Americans want: 81% of voters don’t want the government involved in abortion at all."
Also, I saw a screen shot of Jessica's Twitter from the EMTALA case on screen on MSNBC this morning.
The "up until birth" slander against abortion rights is an old monster, also attributed to the old "partial birth abortions" argument regarding deformed neonates obstructing birth.
This policy that allows Catholic hospitals to withhold life-saving care for women suffering from miscarriages or other nonviable pregnancies because the Catholic doctors’ “consciences” prevent them from saving the mothers, has to be visited. How is it deemed “conscionable” to kill a fully-formed human being? How is it “conscionable” that a clump of cells supersedes a fully-developed woman? This is misogynistic barbarism and I can’t believe it still is allowed to exist. Doctors who can’t do their basic job of saving lives shouldn’t be licensed to work in areas that require them to save lives! No one is forcing them to work in hospitals. Ban them!
We could also cut them off from government funding where it exists.
I dread the day that national media report that a woman has died because she could not get the healthcare she needed due to these dehumanizing, cruel laws
Likely, it's already happened, just not been reported.
Yeah, this lack of data is really disturbing. Our country is allowing women to be murdered and there is no data after two years? We know how many rapists’ babies were born since Dobbs,
but we don’t know how many women have died? Hard to believe. Hard to stomach.
Data is everything in this struggle.
Just thank you.
“I don’t think we should make it easier for people to travel for abortion. We should put things in to prevent circumvention of the law.”
I don’t think we should let people get married in Vegas because in Connecticut you have to wait longer to get issued a marriage license. (I have no idea if that’s true but quickie marriages are less of a thing outside Vegas so…) I think we should allow people to take their guns into states that prohibit it. Because apparently states rights only applies if it controls people from leaving a state to exercise the rights granted in the next state. And only if Republicans disagree with the laws in those states. Let’s stop people from leaving the state to attend college at places that allow critical race theory to be taught.
It sounds absolutely insane when applied to other things that vary by state. It should sound insane here.
Perfectly said!!! It's like leaving a dry county to go buy beer in another county that sells it, then drinking back home. Or driving to another state to gamble because gambling is illegal in your state.
This is all fascist shit.
Idaho IS a 'war zone in an undeveloped country'. And everywhere is at that same risk in November.
Great video from Free & Just!
Thank you to the men in Arkansas for sharing in the responsibility of repro control.
As for you a Raul Labrador.......fuck you!
C'mon, labradors are sweet. More like Raul RabidChihuahua, amirite?
Don't forget labradoodles, they are even cuter than they sound. As for Raul, he's not a good boy.