
The whole "will of the people" thing pisses me off. I think it is for the sake of people (both men and women) who aren't paying attention, so they will think "oh, everybody in my state wants that ban, so I guess my vote against it or against pro-life politicians won't matter." When, the reality is that nobody voted one way or another for bans. They voted for them indirectly by voting for Republicans who are increasingly more extreme and "christo-fascist" to borrow that phrase from Andra Watkins. Pro-choice republicans weren't worried about losing reproductive rights by voting for pro-life Republican candidates because they thought it was protected at the federal level and would never be an issue.

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I live in Idaho, and Raul Labrador has long revealed himself to be a grandstanding, misogynist jerk for years. His election to AG is one of the worst things to happen in this state -- and that's saying a lot. Ugh.

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If Labrador doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what it’s going to take: these people are evil. Not just misguided or wrong on the facts, actually bad people just like murderers and rapists. They cannot be compromised with, only defeated.

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Thank you Jessica for all you do.

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Check the stories of eight women who filed amicus briefs to protect EMTALA emergency care for pregnant women.


Use this online calculator to estimate the cost of traveling out-of-state for an abortion (including things such as travel, lodging, meals, childcare, lost wages and more). Republicans are intentionally pricing abortion out of reach for poor women.


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I’m so tired of them acting like their position is supported by the majority. That is such bullshit!

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Jessica - under stats and studies, the hyperlink to the article about women being denied emergency care does not work, can you send that please to us?

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The article about "women being denied emergency care in anti-abortion states" does not want to open, so I am hoping this message reaches Jessica and she can relink.

Thank you,


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Unrelated but related. I just want to say that I am grateful for this community and its safety. I know people make fun of the safe spaces phrase but I experienced something today on the comment section of the NYT that reminded me that misogyny is alive and well not just around abortion.

It was one of the articles about Weinstein’s New York conviction being overturned by an appeals court citing that the testimony of women not directly involved with this case was prejudicial. Normally law wise that’s true, but given the serial and predatory nature of his crime and the fact that his whole defense was it was consensual they’re lying, there’s a good argument to be made that it should be admissible.

I went to the top recommended comments and there were so many men piling on with their views of why it’s the law and this is justice. Like it seemed targeted so I wrote a comment about that and I hit a nerve with a guy so he came at me saying I was self victimizing and it was policies I vote for that free rapists. First of all, having a little distance from it, it was just ridiculous. He must have read my reply to someone else who was denigrating democrats. But his reply shook me anyway.

I read Jessica’s memoir so I know she has faced worse to bring us truth and to fight for women and girls. I do my part in other ways, but I am grateful she has the courage and the platform to fight on this front. Thank you Jessica for all you do and for giving us this space.

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Labrador says "EMTALA says nothing about abortion". Um, it doesn't need to. That's because abortion IS healthcare, something these politicians are working so very diligently to deny.

Perhaps the most disingenuous argument Idaho has made is that the fetus is the patient when a woman presents with a pregnancy that endangers her. In that case, the woman is the patient. When the fetus is the patient, the woman seeking care isn't having a medical emergency - her child is. That's why EMTALA says you can't dump the woman onto the street while she's in labor just because she lacks insurance, for example.

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“half of voters want states to make their own abortion laws”

And of course — even if they want it — that’s a fantasy that they haven’t really thought through (thanks MSM for nothing!) …

(1) our nation is way *way* too interconnected in 2024 to be functional like that.

(2) it will never be enough for the anti-abortionist camp until they get a national ban.

(3) voters rarely get to choose their own laws. If this was a popular vote on this issue — just like gun laws — this discussion would be over. States rights is for losing arguments.

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"Cause I’ve decided so." I think this politician identifies too strongly with Homer Simpson.

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I can definitely tell you Labrador is a lying sack of shit because the residents I supervise also help out the high risk pregnancy doctors at St Lukes in Boise and are the ones writing the transfer orders for these women flying out of state. This has all been really hard on the resident physicians. (Of course harder on the patients - I just don’t know them.)

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I hate to say it but it would probably be good to rebut the accusations with proofs. The level of trust in this country is below zero and the people we most need to reach are already more skeptical of Democrats.

And I also hate to say but it would help to have more names associated with deaths. I know they likely won't be 'perfect' patients and the stories might not seem unambiguous, but still. It's just far too easy for people in this country to dismiss things as hyperbole.

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Doctors are lying. Women are lying. Little girls who are raped are lying. But politicians and attorneys, two groups of people who are notorious for lying, are telling the truth? Got it.

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