I continue to be baffled about why abortions are not more readily available on Indian (sic) reservations.

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Hi! This is a different story but I’ve been reading about the Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader who died after the stillbirth of her child at 20 weeks. Wondering if Missouri abortion laws were a factor in impeding her care/developing sepsis. Thoughts?

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Perfect example of some people’s Religion wanting to dictate everyone’s choices.


https://catholicreview.org/virginia-governor-vetoes-approves-abortion-related-measures/#:~:text=Youngkin%20vetoed%20so%2Dcalled%20“shield,up%20through%20the%20second%20trimester. Read 3rd paragraph. This is where our country is… I’m not sure people understand the Rs/Catholics/etc. realize these bills affect medication abortion, much less other care, for example a rape victim.

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Mike Luckovich Cartoon:

GOP1: ...perhaps we erred in ending women's reproductive rights...

GOP2: ...without ending women's voting rights...


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I'd like to know why AZ can cherry pick only the one part of the Howell Law that bans abortion. It also bans brown people testifying in court against white people. It also rules that it is okay if you kill your kid or slave. I mean, if the Law is the Law, the whole damn thing should have to be implemented!

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Congress passed legislation to get food to children from low income homes over the summer. But nearly half of Republican-led states haven't joined the program. FOR SHAME!!! Republicans will force birth but won't help the low income families that are a result of bans. My God, I am so pissed. Vote these sadistic bastards OUT of office.

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Jessica - I live in NJ which many think is a “safe Blue state”. Meanwhile the HEAD of the Congressional Pro-life Caucus, Chris Smith, has been representing NJ-4 for OVER 40 YEARS!

He does not hold town halls, meet with voters or debate opponents. He accepts campaign money and endorsements from anti-choice organizations like SBA but somehow he just stays under the radar. He’s a headliner at the March for Life every year.

I am trying mightily to raise awareness of his heinous acts and positions (e,g. Forcing African nations to keep “life of the mother” exceptions out of their abortion bans by withholding AIDS funds from them since he’s in Foreign Relations).

If you ever have the time to profile him I believe that would be valuable. NJ-4 can do better for themselves and the nation by kicking him to the curb!

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Somebody in Texas needs to sneak out at night and plaster the faces of GOP legislators over the face of the woman who says SHE is in control of her pregnancy.

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My daughter is a physician in Arizona. I’m sending to all of you what she sent to me in its entirety. For those who may be unaware, the margins of victory for Dems in Arizona, including Governor, Attorney General, at least one Senator, and/ of course, Biden/Harris were extremely slim, slim enough that they could be accounted for, or almost entirely accounted for, by the Native-American vote. Here is what she sent me (sorry if the links don’t work):

Hi dear friends,

Many of you have kindly reached out to say WAT AZ?!!?!? the last few days.

For what it is worth, I wanted to offer a few places if you feel able to spare some support that could use your help that are slightly off the beaten track. No obligation of course at all whatsoever, but wanted to offer these up in case you are outraged and looking for a way to send some good vibes this direction.

Northeast Arizona Native Democrats: committed to outreach and building a democratic coalition in native communities - often the "swing" vote in important elections. They are explicitly organizing around pro-choice and abortion issues.


Abortion fund of Arizona: Travel is often a barrier, and for ALL the expenses and coordination required to even get an abortion in Arizona (and then of course, paying for the thing itself), the abortion fund is there.


And lastly:

Gallup Community Health: A family medicine clinic in Gallup, New Mexico (right over the border with Arizona) that provides same day abortion services. They can't use federal money that they get for the family medicine they provide for ANYTHING related to abortions, so please write abortions or reproductive healthcare in the donations tab and they will earmark and use that money to support reproductive health services for the patients that come to them.


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One of those bs “I’m in control” billboards is close to my house.

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From Yahoo News, in case anyone missed it on Fox:

"A guest on Larry Kudlow’s Fox Business show was slammed on social media after he suggested that women being forced to travel out of their home states to receive an abortion is “not the worst thing in the world.”

... “If someone needs one and they live in Arizona, it just means they’ll have to go to a neighboring state.” “If you had to travel to another state to get an abortion, it’s not the worst thing in the world,” he [Simone] later proclaimed. “Hopefully this is a very rare occurrence in your life, once in your life, maybe you would do it,” he added. “Buying a bus ticket to go somewhere to get it is not the worst thing in the world.”

Did anyone see / read that? Once again I'm just aghast at the ignorance. Forget the money for the ticket for a minute -- the 1-2K Jessica cites in today's edition -- you going to send a woman who is miscarrying on a bus? I can't even begin to react to this guy. I wish doctors would be more outspoken now. The precarious and dangerous situations that women are in in these states is unacceptable in a civil society!

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That proposed Alabama law that guarantees the citizen's right to access birth control may be a lot less than meets the eye. It may be interpreted as excluding the birth control pill; Plan B or the IUD because the super majority Republican legislature may define these methods a being abortifacients, (and therefore not birth control) and the conservative courts would back them up. Even though the medical science would be spurious, it would not prevent a legislative pronouncement on the subject. The junk science propounded against Mifepristone has not prevented a serious legal challenge to ban it on spurious health grounds. So the most common and effective birth control methods could be re-criminalized in Alabama even if this bill passes. This reality, I'm sure, would be kept from the public before the next round of legislative elections.

It is a similar situation with Red states that pass Reproductive State constitutional amendments. If the Republicans have super majorities in the legislatures and courts, they could simply ignore the amendment. Even if abortion was permitted, the Republican anti-abortion legislature state like Ohio is already coming up with laws like publicizing the names and addresses of women who get abortions as a deterrent. They know that such a law would not only be humiliating for some women, but would also expose them to serious harassment, and even violence from family members. Such a law might run afoul of federal medical privacy laws, but with the current SCOTUS, abortion could be written out of the law as not being health care, and the State statute would be upheld. My point is that the fight for reproductive freedom is ongoing, and permanent, and that the only way to win decisively for the long term is to throw the Republicans out of office and replace their judges.

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In the book thread, I wrote that I appreciate Jessica's work on this difficult issue in this difficult time which made me think why I wrote 'difficult time.' I mean, if it were not for trump would we be here? If it were some other R, they would probably have reined in the SCOTUS and the states and would have instituted a 15 week boondoggle and we would then be worse off because of the appearance of reasonableness to some voters. With trump, every fucker is emboldened to do their worst for this country and everyone is seeing them for who they really are. To that extent trump really screwed them. The analogy being used everywhere is that the dog caught the car and the car ran over it. I think we need to silence the anti-abortion brigade for good with our votes and legislation and make them crawl back into their 18th century homes.

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I have heard that, if Trump doesn't sign a bill, that isn't the same as vetoing the bill and it will become law without his signature after a certain amount of time. Maybe that's how he can say he won't sign an abortion ban bill but one would still go into effect?

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I've seen that billboard driving in Houston. It is quite obvious to me. Disgraceful is what it is.

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