Happy Monday, fierce JV! How is it that men like Sonny Borrelli and Scott Bottoms continue to be everywhere - you've written about this - the literal dregs of humanity fighting hammer and tongs to rob us of our own?! It sets my teeth on edge and I emailed and Twitter-slapped both of them. As Goddess is my witness, I will live to see every last one of these men driven from office!

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RBG thought that Roe had weaknesses, but she was in favor of it generally.

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Thank you so very for covering Senator Borelli’s comments. He is widely out of touch and highlighting his ignorance for all to see definitely helps us in Arizona.

You are amazing!

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The Katie Britt thing was BIZARRE. My mouth was agape. I'm still laughing.

But it's not funny, really. What were they thinking? Woman in the kitchen, wearing a cross, talking like a lunatic. The talking points memo put out before it called her " America's mom." Tuberville said she's a housewife. OMG. The rape scene and her "SHOEBOX OF A ROOM!" comment, as if it had occurred in a master bedroom with an ensuite like she has it would have at least been somewhat tolerable. My jaw is still dropped ! And she'd force that women to bear the child conceived in the shoebox of a room. And she was fine with backing out of the border bill she helped craft! It's rich with hypocrisy.

The GOP is so. out. of. touch. Britt's performance sums it up. I was scared she was going to be an effective responder. Wow did that backfire.

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NPR show " Reveal" will be airing an episode starting tomorrow about how Catholic Hospitals are buying out other Hospitals, thus choking off abortion access, even in blue states. Tomorrow's focuses on New Mexico I believe. Could be Colorado. I forget.

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good Biden Ad... stay till the end :)


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I think the effort to sanctify and glorify the act of carrying a nonviable pregnancy to term is a quixotic and doomed program. The number of women willing to endure that psychic trauma, to say nothing of the physical risk, has to be minuscule. While there will always be a few masochists willing to make a bid for sainthood martyrdom, this stratagem is a sign of the desperation of antiabortion forces to align their extreme views with medical reality.

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That's why they are trying to not make it a choice with forced-birth laws.

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The same smug asshole guys who make the stupid aspirin joke about how women who don’t want to get pregnant should just put one between their knees also think there’s no such thing as marital rape because wives don’t have the right to say no to their husbands.

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Isn’t it funny how people like Borelli never say anything about what they think men should do.

I suggest a snip.

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On both ends! His tongue and his scrotum.

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More to the point, they think that women don't have the right to desire sex outside of sexual reproduction. This is the more typical issue and of course men are practically immune from pressures in this area. In both cases, ignorance about a woman's sexual satisfaction as it relates to sexual reproduction is the problem. Both women and men need to understand how the opposite sex functions erotically and how that relates to heterosexual sexual intercourse. This is how sexual reproduction works and heterosexuals need experience in this in order to advance sexual relations wherever they might lead, reproduction or not. This means the application of birth control, sex for its own sake.

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That's what the forced-birthers ae afraid of! I agree, we should have better educaion on sex, including accurate anatomical, and reproductive information, none of this abstinence horseshit. And yes, teaching about pleasing your partner should be included. I grew up in rural Maine before cable TV, I was 15 and heard the phrase "blow-job" and had no clue what it was. I had to ask my very sexually precocious friend Buffy. She knew.

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Chris Senunu endorsed Trump. Quelle surprise.

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He was threatened I bet. Just yesterday he was tweeting back pretty good retort to the Orange Satan's truth social nastyness.

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Wow. Scary.

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The Trumpanzees in his state are very well armed, and are members of the "cult of the gun", or "Ammosexuals" as I prefer to call them.

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well, who knows what happened but the quick turn around is a surprise.

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Definitely suspicious.

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Definitely cowardly.

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I said this on the chat last night. It felt glorious the way Biden 'shamed' the justices sitting in front of him for unleashing cruelty all around by overturning Roe. He also said 'send me a congress that supports pro-choice and I will restore Roe,' (sure, people here are not satisfied with that but there is no other alternative but to give him a congress he can work with and maybe we will coax them to do better than Roe then).

Also, that guy sitting in the speaker chair was hilarious -- he didn't know what to do which was pretty much all of them. They didn't want to anger the Orange Satan by applauding Biden for anything. What a fucking unserious fuckers! We need to vote every single one of them out! Again, it was so satisfying to see Biden making them uncomfortable while having fun. It was a great speech.

OK, Lawrence O'Donnell was saying the guy in the speaker's chair was surreptitiously clapping caught by a side camera a few times. I told this to my husband and he brought up an Asterix story where the goths are trying to kidnap the Druid and hiding and when the Druid makes flowers out of nothing to the onlookers, everybody claps and one of the goths claps too and other kidnappers don't like it -- but his answer to them 'I may be a barbarian but I like flowers.'

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Ah yes Holy Mike Johnson, who was an unknown member from Louisiana' red bible belt. He is a Fundamentalist, who has called himself the moden day "Moses". He is also a dominionist whacko who wants to turn us into a Theocracy.

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Mar 9, 2024
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We have to vote them all out! They are unfit in every way. MTG is saying Biden showed fear (at MAGA) seeing her tawdry getup at the SOTU. No, no, it is not fear, it is mockery/surprise/ridicule at her stupidity. These people are dumb. Many of these people would not even get a menial job anywhere but they have a job that pays them upwards of $175,000 now for doing nothing serious and doing everything to shred their country. The voters who vote these dumb fuckers must be made to feel the embarrassment.

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She looked like she came straight from a job saying "would you like fries with that?" Not shaming honest work, but the uniforms are hideous.

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If a person broke into my house and I shot them dead — with malice — antiabortionists would be fine with it.

But if a single human cell was in my body and I felt threatened by it and wanted it gone, antiabortionists are like “oh-no! That’s magical life! Don’t you dare!” Shame shame!” And they are willing to burn down our country to force everyone to follow their weirdo miserable belief.

I just keep finding that shocking. Over and over again.

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That because you are sane, they are not. We have to get them out of everyone's genitals, because they don't belong there.

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It is amazing that some people actually think because they think something would be nice, they should use the power of government to force everyone to do it.

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About when life starts, NO it never ends, except when there are (is) no progeny. This means the nutters must punish wet dreams (masturbation) and menstruation.

bc ... thankful only one of his four impregnations was full term; he donates to planned parenthood.

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Sure. Ova are alive. Sperm are alive. Sexual reproduction is not the creation of life, it is the ancient chain of life with ancestry back to primitive cells, where we can only imagine how life began.

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I suspect the primordial soup. But who knows?

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If politics doesn't work out for Katie Britt she could always do commercials for happy meals, and tampons.

and i apologize Sonny, i "clipped" one your R's

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"summer's Eve" douche commercials come to mind,as douche is actually harmful (to the natural "housekeeping" flora.) and so is she.

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okay, Borelli, do u think an almighty sky-finger gets women pregnant?

time to run out and buy this new book: "Responsible Ejaculating" by Gabrielle Blair.

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Don’t go in the kitchen. I’m delivering a State of the Union response.


Alexandra Petri proved me wrong, apparently it IS possible to get the idea in text form without actually watching.

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Alexandra Petri is the reason I don’t cancel my WaPo subscription

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She and Jenifer Rubin, who calls them "forced-birthers". And Jenifer was a republican!

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