I am in Florida, btw. 5 of 6 justices were picked by rob desantis. Ashley moody (ag) was really protesting our ballot measure. God that pissed me off. Thank goodness we can put it to the people. We need 60% of the vote

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We get to decide! Our horrible Supreme Court has ruled that we can decide on abortion in November I’m so happy! Everywhere abortion is put on the ballot pro-choice wins! Yes on 4!!!! (&5 is recreational weed, we get to decide that for ourselves also) thank god, I was really worried.

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I am curious, does part of this bill require or mandate that any male who impregnates a teenager must be tried for statutory rape?

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Paula Ramos is to be applauded for her coverage of what asylum seekers at the border are going through. We’ve known for years that women immigrating north are urged to take birth control but this reporting shows how bad things are. US immigration law is, for several reasons, pro-cartel.

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I think we should let Texas secede.

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As a Texan, I’d say no way. All major cities in the state are blue.

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Comment was mostly in jest. :) But to your point, we have to collectively do something about GOP gerrymandering and all solutions point to Ds having a supermajority in Congress, the WH and course correction on the SCOTUS by expanding it, and for this particular issue, passing strong voting rights bill.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

Video in link... apologies if Jessica has mentioned this already.


Rachel Bitecofer 🗽💡🔭🦆


You should probably 👀 what Texas Republicans are talking about behind closed doors👇

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Did you see this from Newsweek, Jessica? https://www.newsweek.com/texas-gop-meeting-death-penalty-women-abortions-1884950

Paul Brown, from Abolish Abortions TX can be heard saying the most nonsensical thing ever: “the morning after pill is killing a baby prior to implantation”

My head almost exploded.

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Compare the historical parallels between the FUGITIVE SLAVE ACT from 1793 that made it a crime to help a runaway slave, and the ALABAMA LAW in 2024 that makes it a crime to help a teen trying to get an abortion. Are women the new slaves? Swipe right or left to make the comparison.


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Would the transportation ban also hold liable bus drivers and airline pilots? Ticket agents? The airlines and bus companies?

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Yes. That’s the plan by the guy behind the Texas travel bans.

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So the only way that they will be able to protect themselves is by refusing to sell tickets to women of ‘childbearing age’? Or , if someone else buys them a ticket refusing to carry the woman who has the ticket?

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Republican voters think they can sign petitions and pass amendments; well bless their hearts! Republican elected officials (and judges) will not follow the law or the will of the voters; they answer only to the Christian Nationalist anti-abortion groups. If those supposedly pro-choice voters are not willing to vote those officials out, it doesn't matter, and those voters are just as responsible as the fanatics. These are the same fools who still think it's 'safe' to vote for Trump. 🙄🤦

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They love children being pregnant, don't they? If you're old enough to be pregnant, no matter what that age is, you should be able to make your own health care decisions and it should be illegal for a parent (or anyone else) to interfere.

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I was really struck by the repeated wording of “minor girls” in the Alabama abortion travel ban bill. I mean, in some sense it should be no surprise, since all of these assholes wanted the 10 year old Ohio rape victim to give birth, but it still continues to shock. They want children to give birth. Not just women. Girls.

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Somehow with a straight face they can be so concerned about 'trafficking' these children, but have absolutely no qualms about what their parents or the state would force them to do. But then this is the state Roy Moore hailed from 🤷

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Speaking of travel, here's information about the nine Society of Family Planning grantees for projects about travel issues: https://mailchi.mp/societyfp.org/traveling-to-abortion-care-post-dobbs-awardees?e=7356751a5d

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29

That FindOut PAC ad was awesome!!! Well done, ladies!

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I immensely grateful for your work -- but your links to the Axios poll doesn't render anything that says that 81 percent of us want no legal interference with reproductive health. What am I missing?

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As David Frum said on The Bulwark podcast, these Christo-fascists (my words) want women to live in a North Korean-style surveillance state.

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