Eva Burch is a SHERO! She shouldn’t have to share her painful reality, but I sure admire her for speaking up & I admire her emotional strength.

Thank you again Jessica, for your newsletter, your strength, your fortitude.

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Why not go on the offensive. These nuts think this forces women back in the kitchen (it does). But this isn’t 1950. Women working are 50% of a family’s income. Plus families need two incomes to cover health insurance. When these policies, along with childcare deserts, force families to lose 50% of their income we should be asking “why do these people want to put you in poverty”. This encompasses the banning of contraception and emergency contraception.

GOP also released their budget. It includes cutting social security by over a trillion by eliminating survivor benefits. So women are forced out of workforce by being unable to control size of family and screwed after spouse dies.

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I like how the former guy says "people are agreeing on 15 weeks now" as if he's been talking to the American people and more and more of them are saying that, when there is no evidence that anybody agrees to that. Does he even talk to people? He talks at people, but does he ever sit an listen to anybody. He always says shit like "people are saying" or "people have told me" and also always spouting off with no data or facts at all. I throw up in my mouth every time he says anything that is followed by "like never before" or "the likes of which we have never seen." Biden needs to talk more about abortion and use the word "abortion" and talk about the FACT that the majority of our population wants abortion to be legal bigly.

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Recommendation to Democrats: Don't listen to the National Catholic's Reporter suggestions re abortion. My guess is Democrats already know that ....

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Try this Joe: http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2023_24/measures/sb286/

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Here is my shock face 😳 regarding the article below. 👇 (satire)


This has been happening for a while now. A young GenZ was telling me about this over a year ago. She was launching a campaign on TikTok to combat this and become an influencer.

Some people are not curious. In my day we always questioned authority and propaganda. 🧐

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I feel the only way to fight this and win is not only expose what is going on, voting pro-choice, but also to take the separation of church and state approach.


I have a meeting with the founder of Secular Houston tomorrow to discuss lobbying in Houston. 😊

Lobby from a secular and non secular perspective but the message is the same. Abortion bans are a violation of human rights and religious rights. We shall see an interesting approach.

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The mailing of the pills must be driving the anti-choice people NUTS.

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Eva Burch did an excellent job. Real stories get people’s attention. Grateful for her fortitude to tell her real story in real time.

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We have a creepy, ivermectin addled “doctor” for a state senator who this afternoon pulled this stunt on the Senate floor. He doesn’t believe the August 2022 vote where we ensured the constitutional right to self-determination for ALL humans and thinks we need a ban on all abortions. https://sunflowerstatejournal.com/senator-seeks-to-force-vote-on-bill-banning-abortion/?rcp_w=d8bc7f97a41216a36220555fcac20cdd

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NYT gonna NYT amiright? I quit subscribing when I realized their editors just won’t let the paper or headlines actually help or inform regular people.

But I can’t say it better than others who have clearly explained NYT’s antitrans coverage and a million other things. The paper of record is not doing great.

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The situation we currently have is truly untenable, where a medical procedure is solely the purview of a woman and her doctor in one state, and a felony with decades in jail in another. Women's rights should not be restricted by what state we live in.

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I read the article in Slate about abortion doulas, and I think I will become one when I retire.

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The only way any of this will ever get any better is to keep talking about it. Silence enables suffering.

To that point, do we know if there are survivors groups being formed? Not only do people need support for their trauma, but there's strength in numbers when it comes to coming forward and speaking out about your experience. A network that could help defend against retribution, and be visible when advocates are fighting against these laws, seems like it would be really helpful.

There are more than enough victims and their loved ones (especially for those who have not survived) for such an effort. Their stories need to be told, in a coordinated and organized way. Especially since it's only going to get worse.

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