I just listened to the story about the studies getting pulled on the Boom! Lawyered podcast. The whole thing is just idiotic. The case shouldn't even have gotten to court. And how come Sage didn't review the articles before publishing them. Geez.

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I couldn’t locate a website for LAP but I did find this terrific article on Jezebel’s site spelling out the reasons to fight for more than Roe:


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Ugh, the Charlotte Lozier Institute is so dangerous. If you google anything about embryonic/fetal development, it's often the top result or near the top. People seeking information are getting misinformation as the top result and the web site is very polished and professional looking. Is there a way to flag or report search results as fraudulent? We need an army like the Swifties to click on the actual medical sites like NIH, Mayo Clinic, and Johns Hopkins to push Charlotte Lozier down the list.

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Yes, I was looking up the actual month when the heart valves are functional (which as we know is when there is an actual heartbeat commences) and I got some Lozier institute bullshit about the 'baby's' heart fluttering hundreds of times a minute at 6 fucking weeks! I want to report that propaganda!

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Very good question. Algorithms are only as good as the people whose data they are aggregating. So much of this is an information war, truth versus lies, and it seems like that is a bigger issue facing humanity in the 21st century.

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Follow the money, conflicts and justices behind the flawed right wing abortion pill study that was just retracted with this interactive relationship map. Click on any face for details that appear in a side panel. https://thedemlabs.org/2024/02/08/flawed-right-wing-abortion-pill-study-retracted-follow-the-money-conflicts-and-justices/

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Thanks for posting. Interesting site.

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Great graphic, Puri! Thanks for this link. Leo is a clear and present danger, and seems to fly below everyone’s radar. He’s not being covered enough, IMO.

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Republican politicians are making many states hellscapes for women and girls. To you fucking Republican politicians, the fight has just begun.You will see yourself ousted at the next elections. Women and the people who love us will defeat you at the polls!! Then we will take back our control over our bodies!! We're going to protect the right to make ALL of our own decisions, just as men do!! Goddamn fucking Republican politicians.

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“Like I said, not exactly compelling”

I would have said that in the past but, I dunno. Projection is a hell of a drug. I think when you train yourself for confirmation bias (i believe because I looked really hard and found something that confirms my prior belief) it doesn’t have to be very compelling.

I remember teetotaler friends of mine who were super excited former President George W drank water and prayed. They just ignored that he threw us headfirst into a bloody 20 year war with no win conditions. You could almost here them shouting “one of us!”

Women with no rights and options might find another woman with no rights or options being happy about the choice she didn’t get to make it to be compelling than I would expect.

Would it sway the middle? I doubt it but… I’m still confused how so many 20 somethings think birth control is out to get them. So maybe?

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Also in the Turnaway Study, women who were denied abortions, found after a little time, that they were happy they had the baby because, understandably, they bonded. However, the financial strain they were trying to avoid, was also a reality.

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I think it’s perfectly natural to try to make the best of whatever doesn’t go your way. No one wants to be a *Debbie* downer (emphasis added to note the inherent sexism of that phrase in relation to women having to smile as they are asked to wade through shit).

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Edit: in AED’s weekly Jess notes the woman in question did not say they were glad they had their baby but that they felt guilt and shame for wanting one. Ahh Fox playing fast and loose as usual!

I stand by my comment but I don’t think it’s applicable in this (revised) situation.

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I still don't see how it's constitutional to penalize someone who helps someone else get a service in a state where the service is legal. How can you be fined or imprisoned when there's no crime committed? If I give my friend $1000 to gamble in Vegas and I live in Utah (where gambling is illegal) I haven't *gambled* in Utah, so where's the crime? That's just CRAP ! That has to be challenged all the way to SC. Kavanaugh said interstate is still viable. (what a creep to even say that, but....)

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Yes there ought to be at least five votes for that. People say that judges think about things differently from politicians, and in the past that's seemed true, but these days..... And idk what if Uncle Tom and Son of Sam get their billionaire buddies to give Brett a plane ride - and the plane is stocked with lots of BEER? 🤷

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The Teen Vogue article is good. I sent it to my three teens (one is 20, but still a teen really...)

If that Comstock Act comes to fruition, I think many in the country would be shocked. We wouldn't be because we're following all of this, but imagine the people -- we all know them - who aren't. Now they'd see a law about, what, debauchery?, by a prude guy from a hundred years ago telling them they can't get birth control pills at CVS anymore (aren't those considered abortifacients in their fanatical heads?) It would be shots fired at Fort Sumter.

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I wrote last week about everything they label pornography. They’d use Comstock to charge anyone (but especially their enemies) with trafficking in porn.

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Hope they root out some clergy in their crusade!!

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Oh no, they would get a pass, because religion.

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It's funny (but expected) how Republicans always claim they want no overreach, small governments, latitude to run their states - but yet look at all of them now on how they treat their own citizens....they are megalomaniac dictators. And it goes far beyond abortion.

Their bible, their beliefs, they're narrow ideologies do not stop me from doing anything - it stops them. They need to learn the difference.

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My favorite meme

Person number 1 says: "My religion says I can't do that".

Person number 2 says: Fine.

Person number 1 then says: My religion says YOU can't do that."

Person number 2 replies "Fuck off."

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It does stop them. That's so true.

Pence unabashedly admitted in the first debate that it wasn't about small government. He said to Haley that the GOP had to "lead" on the abortion issue and make it nationwide. She said "we have to level with the public that we don't have the votes in the senate [yet]" in return, not that she wouldn't pass a national ban.

They're blinded so much by their ideology that they don't care how they force it on others and they'll exploit every opportunity to do so, not caring about their own integrity, honesty, or cruelty. The laws are just playthings to get themselves to some Christian theocratic US. It's coming if the idiot gets back in.

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The letter to Jordan and Johnson re FACE has interesting timing. In this particular court case conviction on Jan. 30th in TN, the “protestors” were not peaceful. They were obstructionists. It’s nice to see them face consequences for their actions.

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LOVE the reporting false locations to the extremists..... does anyone have the phone number? I'm happy to make calls everyday. I'll send them to the city dump, the trap house, the stripe club...... Lol. These people are so aggravating....yes, they very scared of democracy and voting.

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There's a number on the tiktok that's linked: 4174134134 She suggests getting a free phone app for area codes 660, 816, and 314. I think she's saying you want to make it look like your call is coming from a Missouri area code? I don't know how to do it but spammers always mask their number so it's probably easy? For reference, checking on wikipedia: Missouri has seven area codes

314 & 557 : St. Louis and inner suburbs

636 : outer St. Louis suburban counties

816 : Kansas City and surroundings

660: rest of northwestern Missouri

573: eastern Missouri, includes Columbia

417: southwestern Missouri (Springfield, Joplin, Branson)

Obviously with cell phones people's numbers don't always match where they are but I'm guessing calls where the number matches the area reported would be most credible.

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Thank you.....

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"Fox News is offended that a New Hampshire legislator breastfed her baby while arguing in favor of abortion protections. Apparently someone forgot to tell them that the majority of women who seek out abortions are already mothers, and that plenty of people who believe in abortion rights also have children!"

I don't disagree with this analysis (and wasn't able to play the video), but I think there's something even more disturbing with regards to breastfeeding in public. Many on the right think it's shameful for a woman to use her breasts as nature intended. They see breasts as sexual and as "belonging" to males for their use. They get all frenetic if breastfeeding continues into early childhood, particularly if the child is male.

This is why I'm delighted that Rep. Amanda Toll fed her week old baby while at work and that Dr. Austin Dennard also did so in the recent Congressional hearing while she shared the dais with Jessica.

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OMG, the Fox story about the woman who didn't have a choice. They aren't really helping their cause, are they? Basically, thank God she's "happy" because everything else about her situation is completely dismal — life-threatening illness, no ability to work, bad marriage, no money, another child to care for... And the message? That all women in that situation should have...no...choice? Because they might miss out on being happy, too? Sheesh!

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You forget "they love them" some mommy martyrdom, they think that's a true christian .

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It's just so gross.

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Yes, it absolutely is stunted human thinking.

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“It is a woman’s calling to suffer.” Every Christian nationalist voter and politician in America.

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Andera. I read your 2025 post about the John church program in lieu of jail time for soliciting a prostitute, and the app that monitors their social media. Do you think that is the reason why House Speaker Mike Johnson and his son have a porn-monitoring app? Or is that a different program? Just curious.

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Personally, I think they use that app to garner attention to the Christian Nationalist owner who stands to profit from its growth and use. But I'm cynical.

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🎯I believe you have nailed it, they performatively promote his business. $$$

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Because of the sin of Eve. 🙄

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So true. That point is also at the core of their call for women with doomed pregnancies to carry them to term, no matter what. They're being told it's honorable and being lionized for doing so... even if posthumously.

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Yes they are some sick, backwards, effluent.

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Some even believe that if the mother's life is in danger, the "unborn baby" should come first because the mother is no longer, get this, PURE.

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I’ll say it again: We have to make sure new reproduction rights laws prohibit religious hospitals from withholding lifesaving care, or making their own decisions on whose life is more important when a tragedy makes that decision necessary.

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Ever so much this, they should have one real doctor who can provide neccessary life-saving care on call.

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One thing conservatives are good at, probably because of their mindlessness, is banging the same drum over and over until any sane listener's ears are bleeding. But it seems to help them. If anyone on the left fringe says anything that sounds crazy to a majority of Americans, conservatives repeat it over and over and demand that every single Democrat in the country answer for it. We could try doing the same thing. There's plenty of ammunition; I read it here every day. We should play this Oklahoma legislator over and over to drill it in every voter's head that this is who Republicans are. This is exactly what they do to us.

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So true! Oh but Hillary's emails, Hunter's laptop, ....

They just give these stupid sound bites people can use at backyard barbecues to sound informed.

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I highlighted this OK asshole tomorrow for another assholeish thing he’s done. He’s a font of sound bites.

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Assholio from bevis and butthead methinks tis goodith too .🦨

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I'm glad you're there to keep track of all this and Project 2025 for us. I hope everyone finds your substack and spreads the word.

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I want to send it Jeff Tiedrich, I think he would help by writing about it.

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I'm glad that the two anti-abortion studies were retracted by the publisher. Retractions tend to involve long, drawn-out processes, so not easily done. On the other hand, don't expect this to deter the antis at all. They are at least as dishonest as anti-vaxxers who keep citing Andrew Wakefield's idiocy about MMR vaccines causing autism. That paper was retracted a long time ago, *and* Wakefield lost his medical license (over that and other egregious misconduct.) But anti-vaxxers are still screaming about vaccines causing autism and making Wakefield out to be some sort of martyr. This has real-world implications, as can easily be seen in resurgence in cases of measles, both among unvaccinated school children and among adults. For which anti-vaxxers take no responsibility. So my prediction is that anti-abortion nutcases will continue to use those studies--and others like them--and the carnage among women and girls who are pregnant will continue. No matter what Sage Pubs does.

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I agree with you. One thing the retraction does provide is a footing for Dem candidates to call out any of their opponents who try to use that fake data. So many Rs were trying to use that data as talking points. It would be really great if the National TV media would do an expose on the fake study and its ties to the anti group. I won’t hold my breath. At minimum the DNC, DCCC, and the head organizations for the Governors Assoc, Atty Generals Assoc, and the State Legislative Assoc should educate their candidates.

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I agree with you about making this retraction into news. I don't agree that major media or candidates will do so, or will have any incentive to. I feel the same way about the national selection process as I've felt since 1972, when I became eligible to vote for the first time--it makes me angry and tired. This time, for president , we have a "choice" between a pre-selected out-and-out fascist and a pre-selected out-and-out genocidaire. Neither one of them care a bit about our reproductive rights, or anything else for that matter, unless it relates to profits for the donor class. That corruption has seeped down even into local selections, and none of us have any control or say about it. I'm personally spending what little time I have left on this Earth on supporting unionization efforts and the like. Which I've also done since 1972. I just got my ballot for the California primary selection yesterday. Sigh.

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There is only one Presidential candidate that supports Unions. I hope that sways your vote.

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Actually he doesn't. If anybody believes the rhetoric, that indicates they haven't been paying attention. Also, genocidaire.

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UAW President would disagree with you based on his speeches.

What do you term going on in Ukraine? GOP doesn’t care.

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Please--we're getting off-topic. (1) My maternal grandfather was one of the founders of the UAW and a leader of a sit-down strike in his plant. That doesn't mean I have to agree with everything the current pres of that union says. Or does. I do not take my political cues from him or from anyone else. So--irrelevant. (2) Ukraine war--a proxy war, like many others the US has been involved in. Also irrelevant. (3) Some day I'll write about what it's like to be a descendant of genocide survivors, who lived a century before the term was coined. But I do know genocide when I see it, and it's distinct from proxy wars (see above.) So, your point is...?

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Someone needs to make sure the retraction of these 'studies' explicitly makes it into the supreme court arguments.

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