I just heard about this, and haven't heard it yet, but wanted to pass it along. You likely already know about it.


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Monster behind TX's abortion ban laws, he was a Scalia clerk.


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So Republicans want to effectively remove freedom of speech (1A) to ban the word abortion, info related to abortion, etc..... but yet the pro-birthers (forced birth agenda groups) want to exploit the 1A to harass clinics and patients. The hypocrisy in is our face.

What's next..... shall we shackle all pregnant women & girls to beds in hospital basements so they don't go anywhere.

There will be more dead newborns... this is only the start. We've seen many stories already let alone the many NOT even reported on. Desperate people do desperate things. I feel compassion for these women.

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I'm a new subscriber to your excellent publication (although I'm 71, and having to create a new account and use the clumsy and cumbersome Substack isn't ideal). Abortion, Every Day is extremely helpful and contains information I haven't seen in the OTHER multiple newsletters about reproductive justice I read every day. Is there any way for organizations in this space to work together and share information and avoid duplication of efforts? It is truly a case where if we don't hang together assuredly we will hang separately.

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I’m a subscriber because I fully support your mission, but I have to confess that I need to be in a “good place” mentally before I can read your posts. This is not to denigrate your posts in the least, but rather to express how appalled I am by the antics of the right. I was a high school student when married women were given the “right” to contraception. In college, pre-roe-v-wade, I knew many girls who underwent illegal and very risky abortions and I, myself, had a self-induced abortion.

This is an issue very close to my heart. With good sex education, teens are likely to both postpone sexual activity and not engage in risky sexual activity. That means fewer girls in desperate straits to deal with unwanted pregnancies who may also fear their families’ wrath.

If “god” himself thought that every fertilized egg was a rational human, fully endowed as a person, he wouldn’t spontaneously abort such a huge number of “potential“ lives.

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I am a physician in Florida. I am wondering why we can't sue or prosecute lawmakers who pass anti abortion laws for 'Practicing Medicine without a License'. Most lawmakers don't have any training in medicine let alone Obstetrics/Gynecology, yet they are passing laws that are causing serious problems nationwide.

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My father was a high school principal in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s. He was actually somewhat conservative. However, there were some things he was adamant about. One of those was abortion. He believed in choice—absolutely. And, he was absolutely against any requirement for parental notification. People were surprised by this, but he knew firsthand about the realities of life. He knew both about pregnancies resulting from rape and incest and about what could happen if some parents found out their daughters were pregnant.

The people (and I use that term loosely), who try to pass these laws have no experience in anything approaching the real world. I am reminded of a vice president at the college where I worked. He could see no reason why we could not put 600 students in an online class because we didn’t have to worry about how many desks fit in a classroom.

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This is a very good point which is easy to get lost, and I think it's also why abortion has support across the political spectrum (of voters). 'The people... who try to pass these laws have no experience in anything approaching the real world' is something that everyone on all sides can learn from when it comes to politics.

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I am continually amazed at people who have no experience or knowledge in a certain area or about a certain situation feel like they can try to tell others what to do and how to do it.

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It is prime example of Dunning-Kruger.

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Please read Lesley's link to an article that show pictures of pregnancy through 9 weeks.

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I'm so goddamned pissed at republican politicians.

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If you want to get more pissed off...

Has anyone been nominated for this coveted award? I hereby nominate Glen beck for asswhipe of the moment? Here's his latest spew. Nothing about abortion, but his delusional version of reality is very very scary 😨 😳. Sick, sick, sick.


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The Biden Administration today hit 85 + targets at 7 facilities with 125 + precision munitions which included the use of B1 Bombers in Iraq and Syria following the deaths of three of our American service members - 2 of whom were FEMALE. The same MAGAt scum like Tubstub who have never served in the military and follow the orange “fucking Asshole” per Biden - who also got a doctors note to avoid the draft - want to restrict our military from equal healthcare for our female service members. Biden’s answer - you kill our service members - including our female members - we will blow the shit out of you!!! Now it’s time to tell the Insurrectionist to stand down because we have had enough of their crap too.

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He also disrespects veterans calling them stupid for serving. Totally callous to disabled vets. Dickwad. 💥

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Jessica, you may have covered these questions at another time, in which case I missed it. But I want to know whether any localities or states may be considering or passing laws that prohibit prenatal testing that could reveal if a pregnancy is abnormal or unviable. Further, could they prohibit private and public health insurance coverage from paying for such tests, or paying for any abortions even if they are legal?

The nightmares just keep coming.

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I can only add that Project 2025 defines life as “Conception to natural death.” They dispense with any notion of consensus or compromise and will outlaw abortion from conception if they win in November. Which makes pre-natal testing moot. If they intend to force women to remain pregnant regardless of test results, why bother with them? So I don’t see them being outlawed. I see them being deemed unnecessary.

I have a lot more to say about this, but I’ll cover it when I get to the Project 2025 abortion section on my space shortly.

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I know she's mentioned the topic but I don't recall specific proposals in any legislatures, so it may for now be on anti-abortion groups' wishlist? That's an excellent question as any such proposals need to be widely publicized to warn the public. Yes it's a five alarm dumpster fire every day :(

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Thank you.

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It’s hard to use our imaginations when we are fucking bludgeoned with ick every day, all day long. I sound like a shrill, hysterical she-hole. But…fascist governments eventually restrict travel for everyone. Right now, multiple states have proposed travel bans for young pregnant people, but those are sick previews of travel bans for all people who could be pregnant. When they talk about “sealing” our borders, that is a very specific word. It means nothing gets in…and nothing goes out. We are so close to some sort of Iron Curtain situation on multiple fronts, not just with abortion. Wherever readers here spend their time and whatever they value, I hope they take these threats to freedom and democracy seriously.

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Ominous teasers here. Andra has read Project 2025 - and lived to tell the tale - and is explaining it on her substack, which you can find by clicking on her name. What Republicans are doing on abortion is their modus operandi for all of their other issues. Replacing government with religion is a big part of it, just as we've already seen with crisis pregnancy centers and the attempts to indoctrinate in public schools. Restricting and redefining our freedoms, such as freedom of speech and travel, is another. They're so close to having their total revolution, and we need the discourse on our Democratic side to be talking seriously about their plans, and not to be overly distracted by the big shiny orange object.

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Nope, you sound reasonable to me!

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On a personal note here, my granddaughter in North Carolina attends an evangelical Christian private high school. And it’s PAID FOR BY THE STATE! Entirely with vouchers that take funds away from the public schools and pollute the minds of innocent children. The Supreme Court allows it, apparently.

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I’m sorry for your granddaughter, Karen. I grew up in a SC Christian school, and I know how much it harmed my development. If she ever expresses curiosity about life outside that world or wants to find a way out of it, please have her reach out to me. I’m not bashing Christians. I am one. But I know how stunted I was and how long it took me to find my own way to functionality. If I can ever help any young woman navigate that process, I will.

(Ironically, my Alma mater is in the news right now. They’re being sued for a student choking incident at the school.)

To address your other point, school voucher programs are an interim step to fully taxpayer funded religious public schools. I highlighted their next step toward that goal in my newsletter Friday. If they win, public education will be taxpayer-funded Christian nationalist indoctrination nationwide.

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Zealous healthcare workers currently are on the frontlines of turning people in to authorities, but I worry it may soon be indoctrinated school kids reporting their family members.

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Thank you for your kindness, Andra. It was your article that prompted my reply. Their 2025 is so scary. Unfortunately, my granddaughter’s parents (my daughter) don’t see the potential harm in sending her to the school. They just see it as an alternative to the local drug-infested (and underfunded) public school. I live in CA, way too far away to have any influence.

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The goddamn republican members of the Supreme Court have really fucking screwed up the lives of women and girls. We are going to explode some day and it won't be pretty.

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I think it is a bad idea to refute birth control as having anything to do with abortion. To be honest and realistic about what women want from birth control, abortion is birth control. This represents the reason that the vast majority of women get an abortion. It has nothing to do with a pregnancy gone wrong threatening her health. The real threat to the right to abortion is gestational personhood, the idea that once an ova is fertilized it should have all the rights and respects of a living person, a child or a baby. If IUDs or any birth control method steps past contraception and into early abortion why should anyone sincere about the right to abortion or the cruel absurdity of assigning personhood to any point of gestation care?

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Have you seen this article in the Guardian? It’s useful when refuting this nonsense re personhood of pregnancy tissue:


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Lesley, thanks for this!

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Great article!!!

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More telling would be take a microscope to all those samples and find the actual dividing gestational tissue and identify at what stage of gestation it was. There is nobody down there worth worrying about.

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Boy, That brought back memories of petri dishes filled with Daucus Carota🥕 on tissue culture medium. Enjoyed the article 👍. The 'baby ' on the tic tok roundup was 😍 .

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Abortion is the vanguard, the canary in the coal mine. Conservatives are feeling threatened by a changing world, so they have become particularly combative in our time. The gap is vast. We are talking about the sanctity of one's own body, and they retort with talk of murder. They are feeling cornered and they are doubling down, staking more extreme ground by the day. This is a microcosm of the larger political situation. There's too much tension, too much distance, the rhetoric and emotions run too hot, for there to be much of a chance of a peaceful resolution. Whatever happens it is going to be ugly, so prepare yourselves and care for yourselves and those close to you. ♥️

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Wisconsin is sort of a case in point about how long it takes to take back control of a state's Democratic politics. They lost everything in 2010 due to complacency (apparently, not my word) and it took 13 years to undo the damage Scott Walker brought about. MI appears to have had a quick recovery and is a model. Reversing abortion rights damage is going to be a long haul because only one party is in favor of it and it needs total control of federal apparatus to undo the damage.

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Yes, we're going to have to vote against republican politicians for quite a while so that Democrats can be elected to make and keep abortion legal. And Democrats need to be very aggressive to do everything we can to stamp down republican UGLINESS AND CRUELTY towards women and girls.

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My husband is from Milwaukee, so we have multiple family members in WI. It is all we can do to keep his mother voting blue when she is surrounded by her Jan 6 insurrection attending son-in-law and grandson, her other son who believes vaccines contain microchips, one daughter who defends her husband and son and the other who lectured me about parents rights the last time we were there. Actual Christmastime conversation the last time we all got together: “Why can’t we say the n-word?” Which was the last time we agreed to do that.

It is going to be a tall order to make WI a functioning state. I don’t know what to say to any of my husband’s family members to get them to vote for their own interests. It is a really good example of how long it will take to right the whole country if they win in November.

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Omg, didn't know you had connections in my state. Thankfully I've lived in Dane County since before I turned 5, and we're kind of like the San Francisco of the Midwest. And the rest of the state talks about us pretty much that way. That and dog whistles about Milwaukee's Black population.

The only other thing to say about Milwaukee is that it's fitting that America's most German city would be hosting the Nazi (i.e. Republican) National Convention this summer. All of this would make for a great movie but for all of us who have to live through it, not so much.

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Camp Hindenburg in Grafton, Wisconsin — near Milwaukee --was another site of Nazi youth and family camps. "Children dressed in Nazi uniforms and drilled military-style, with marching, inspections, and flag-raising ceremonies,"

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I don't know what to say other than to joke, in-laws, who needs them when you have a good husband. I wouldn't know what to tell them either. Educational to hear from true Wisconsinites -- I get my news from seeing Ben Wikler on Lawrence a few times.

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We are a strong case study for the Democratic party's challenges with White voters who do not have a college degree. Iowa is similar but, sadly, farther gone because its urban areas are smaller.

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In Wisconsin we elect our supreme court, so it was just last year that we got the court to a 4-3 liberal majority. They're considering the state's legislative maps right now. Under those maps, it's impossible for Democrats to compete for the chambers. Geography favors Republicans in Wisconsin because large numbers of Democratic votes are packed into Dane County (Madison) and the city of Milwaukee, but we may get something close to fair from the court. I suppose the legislature could still impeach one or more justices, and they've vowed to appeal to the U.S. supreme court, who frequently don't turn down opportunities to meddle in state affairs, so who knows. I doubt Moore v. Harper is the last word on anything. But yes it takes a long time, and two senators to every state makes it very hard for Democrats to get the trifecta in Washington D.C.

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Hey Zach 👋. Glad to see you back strong 💪. Do you know anything about this? Alexander Soros has pledged that under his leadership, the foundation will give greater support to abortion and voting rights. The statement is from early July 2023. I can't find any evidence that he has doled out a dime. He does seem to hate the Orange pumpkin head with a vengeance, so that is encouraging.

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I didn't know so I did a quick Wikipedia check. I've never known much about George Soros other than that conservatives make him a bogeyman and that they tap into antisemitism to do that. I wish he was as influential as they say he is! I hope Alexander has a good head on his shoulders, because the fact is that doing hard work requires resources, so wealth and the people who hold it can be disproportionately influential. It seems like a LOT of rich people surreptitiously funnel money to Republican causes, so we need some true liberal billionaires on our side.

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recreational abortion . What fun! An iteration of that crap that they tried to push about abortion vacations 🤮. What's next? Don't send the kiddos to summer camp, least the woke concelors will indoctrinate children to be pro abortion🤔

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What is the source of the allusion to "recreational abortion"?

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Today's AED. Near the top.

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I saw this, "In fact, during the Judiciary Committee meeting yesterday, Republican Rep. David Haggan said the amendment “feels to me like this is more recreational murder or recreational abortion.” I’m not sure what “recreational abortion” is—do we get to jump rope or go camping after?" I was wondering how Haggan could imagine there was anything recreational about abortion. Was there some other discussion elsewhere? Is this the first time we've heard this kind of suggestion?

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They mean any abortion, resulting from recreational, rather than procreational sex. They want to punish women for having sex for fun, rather than for pushing out a baby every time.

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Yes, I think you nailed it.

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They are seriously sick people!

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I think it's been around for awhile in some form or another. Unfortunately, if it's said often enough, some of humanitys lower hanging fruit gets infected.

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It sounded like typical rhetoric from their side to me. They will say anything to make it sound like women are too irresponsible and fundamentally unserious to be trusted with the contents of their uteruses. I didn't detect anything new there, but they say so many awful things so who knows.

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