You don't swear too much. This stuff makes us all swear all the time.

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All of this is SO FUCKED! We aren’t cursing enough, in my opinion.

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Girl after my own heart!

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If they were honest about what they really meant the law would state: “a person exists from the moment of fertilization... until it is found to be female upon birth.”

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I appreciate how AED shares the extremist politicians’ quotes and bills. I appreciate even more your insights and citations about who really writes this stuff that the mostly male politicians do not remotely understand until it happens to their pregnant relative. Off to New York they go.

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jessica, i like how you cleverly said fuck even as you said you weren’t saying fuck. here’s the thing, i think your language has been completely appropriate for the subject. in fact, i’m in awe that you don’t curse more. brava!! keep doing what you do. you’re brilliant and brave. thank you.

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Aden mansplains death. Got it. Translation: I’m a pro life man and I will kill you to prove it.

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Waking up to the news today that Secretary of Defense Austin received care for his prostate cancer, I thought, “How nice he was able to receive timely care for his life-threatening condition.” I wish women could expect the same.

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Yes, and when the OB-GYNs are gone, breast, cervical, and uterine cancer will be detected late, and early cancer deaths will rise. How long will it take? Probably not long. Primary care is already overburdened. No one wants to practice in red states.

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They will say “unintended consequences” and no one will be held accountable. It will not even be reported because seizures, heart failure, heart attacks, strokes, death, and suicide from abandonment of disabled patients in severe pain, terminal, surgical, and cancer patients has met this response. They rigged studies to say what they wanted, told everyone to take an aspirin for an amputation, and they could care less if you die. You have no power. Meanwhile, overdoses in a separate population from illegal elephant tranquilizers are exploding and no one is helping those people either despite all the money flowing in from court wins. A police lasso to humanely detain suspects is among the applications for funds.

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As a 72-year-old woman who was around when Roe changed women's lives, I now view today's Dobbs world as warranting the use of the word fuck with abandon. Jessica, please have at it.

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Jessica, please say and write the word “fuck” as much as you want. And fuck those people who think you curse too much.

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Abso-fucking-lutely! If anything warrants gratuitous profanity, this does!

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As a biologist and an educator who teaches reproductive biology, can I tell you all how much I hate that effin term "pre-born child"?! It's NONSENSE! Conceptus, zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus - these denote very specific developments after very specific things have taken place in the pregnancy. UGH!

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It's clumsy language, like calling the living "pre-deceased corpses".

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As you talk to family and friends....anyone that will listen, below is copy & paste directly from extremist pro-birthers website Students For Life.... all of these extremist groups, entitled rich white men, GOP idiots, etc would want to make ILLEGAL all contraceptives listed under the Abortifacients section below. And laughably make special note of the last one listed under non-Abortifacients.... it's what they used to call the Rhythm method. It wasn't recommended back then let alone now in 2024.... it's cute how right after it they claim it's "FDA approved".


Oral contraceptives (birth control pills)

Intra-uterine devices (IUDs), both copper & hormonal

Hormonal patches

Hormonal shots

Hormonal implants

Hormonal vaginal rings

Plan B (emergency contraceptive) and off-brand equivalents


Male & female condoms

Vaginal sponge


Cervical cap/shield


Sterilization (tubal ligation or vasectomy)

Fertility awareness methods(natural family planning/green sex) like the FDA approved “Natural Cycles”

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I wonder what this means for hormone replacement therapy and other diagnoses. There has to be money at the root of this, right? It can’t be this crazy alone.

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I apologize for my word choice there. Very insensitive and dehumanizing. I don’t know where my brain went.

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There a lot of uber-religious forced Birthers with money, because they milk the tax-exempt aspect of shell companies.

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Posing as religious to get a tax break, sure, but anti-abortion? I’m still looking for financial incentive since that seems to be the real incentive in anything. Or just any incentive beyond ignorant and misogynist.

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Sooooo, if an embryo is a person from conception, when will they start letting these expecting mothers claim the embryo as a dependent on taxes? If single, can she collect child support? What about a life insurance policy? Sorry, old white men. You don't get to have it both ways.

Also, on Jay Kuo's substack, someone replied to a comment with this statistic:

Maternal death rates are 62 percent higher in abortion-restriction states than in abortion-access states, and that's in a country that already had the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world 😪 https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2022/dec/us-maternal-health-divide-limited-services-worse-outcomes

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Exactly! And if a pregnant woman commits murder and is found guilty, then I would expect that the unborn baby also goes to prison. Since it has every right of a person shouldn't have every responsibility too?

Does the fetus get a public defender too?

Just saying......

The whole personhood thing is outrageous...

If I miss one appointment with my OBGYN and then unfortunately a month later have a miscarriage, will I be brought up on homicide charges? YES

All miscarriages will be investigated as homicides.

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Jessica, I will say it for you then regarding Steve Aden. Fuck that guy.

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Jessica, you don't curse enough! "Fuck" is often appropriate especially in terms of arguing that women have the right to abortion.

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"I was going to use the word ‘fucked’ but a few of you have emailed that you think I curse too much." No, you don't curse too much. The situation warrants cursing too much.

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Diversity, equity, and inclusion will be gone. Next up, I’m looking at the chapter on intelligence (FBA, CiA, etc)

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