Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Heritage is hosting a bunch of Republican congress critters and other Putin proxies today apparently about Ukraine funding. What I would like the media to investigate is how many of the Republican Congress critters and state actors (including those perpetrating the abortion trauma) are on Putin's payroll. I just can't believe Putin is running the show inside here through these people weakening their own country. I just can't believe that the Republican party is acting against its own country's interests.

For reference: https://twitter.com/alexzfinley/status/1734247344219013255

2024 Blue wave and Democratic victory can't come soon enough.

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One quick comment on Sen Tuberville’s change in position. He DID NOT drop his block entirely- only on the ~450 more “junior” promotions. He is still blocking the 11 most senior promotions. Those are the ones who actually could direct military policy, including abortion support, as well as determining whether some branches of the military are loyal to the Constitution or to the Commander-In-Chief if there’s a difference between the two.

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These new stats will blow that 6% happening after 15 weeks up. These reports are SO IMPORTANT for women to understand.


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It should probably be pointed out that Democrats are in the minority in the House so I don't think their members on the committee have any power to compel anyone to do anything, unfortunately. In the Senate they would though.

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"... conservatives who believe that IUDs and emergency contraception stop the implantation of a fertilized egg ..."

This keeps popping up without explanation. Why do conservatives believe that IUDs and emergency contraception stop the implantation of a fertilized egg? This doesn’t sound like a spiritual matter like identifying a fertilized egg as a person. It is a scientific argument. What is their argument? And why should it matter if you support the right to abortion?

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Anti-choice groups are pushing for considering “conception” as the moment a zygote has full personhood rights. So they’re also pushing misinformation that if EC, IUDs or any hormonal birth control stops a fertilized egg from implantation then it’s an “elective abortion”. I have read both - that it stops implantation and that it slows the release of an egg so that no fertilization happens, I believe it’s the latter. But by making these ridiculous distinctions between a fertilized egg vs implantation, both reduce women to vessels who have no right to control what happens within their bodies regarding birth control or abortion.

Most people who support abortion rights also support wide and unencumbered use of contraceptives. The anti-choice groups pushing this narrative you would think would want more people to use birth control, regardless if it stops implantation, in order to reduce abortion rates. Their hypocrisy here is apparent and to me, just shows it’s more about controlling women’s actions regarding sex than “saving” anything.

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You believe it’s the latter. But this is not a question of belief. Either it does or it doesn’t. This shouldn’t matter if you have no moral objections to abortion. And knowing what actually happens should not surrender the arguments for the right to elective abortions.

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That's the point, though. It doesn't matter what 'actually happens'. It doesn't matter to us because we support the contraception either way. And it doesn't matter to them because they are pathological liars who don't believe in scientific facts. If proof did anything to advance our position we'd have won a long long time ago.

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It does matter what actually happens, I can’t imagine why you would say such a thing.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

This was a tweet from Joe Trippi I saw this morning: "So we have moved one of the most difficult decisions from a doctor with her patient to a court room with lawyers and pols. Coming @foxnews

story would remind us that things were so good when Trump was President and Roe was the law of the land."

He is obviously being sarcastic but these Republican mfers will definitely adopt some such language and put all the abortion trauma we are having on Biden because Roe was overturned during his presidency. There are voters who think Biden is responsible because he is president. And, there are media folks (like J. Allen) who go around saying trump is a moderate on this issue (compared to his crazy minions). I think we have to keep repeating that Republican extremist SCOTUS did this and put all this chaos in motion and the extremist Rs went rogue with it.

Jessica, maybe a banner post about SCOTUS/Dobbs and that trump and Rs alone are responsible for this?

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One thing I would say about that is voters tend to hold the current president (and congress) more responsible for whatever the problems are, because those are the people they expect to be able to do something about it. Obviously our system puts up huge obstacles to that, but it definitely hurts morale. So while it would be crazy to hold Biden responsible for what's happened, I can understand voter frustration that he can't do (or isn't doing) anything about it. It leads to despair and resignation. The administration ought to be boldly and visibly fighting back against what the states are doing, even if it means strongly testing the boundaries of what's permissible in our system or taking actions that are very unlikely to work or even seem 'crazy'. Voters need to see that the administration is trying and fighting for them, or else too many of them give up. I'm not sure the administration understands that.

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BIG point this post: evangelical, anti-science docs on boards can’t/won’t help. Learned this when our veterans and disabled were abandoned and now post op care for double mastectomies is Tylenol. Honestly, I saw it in practice; couldn’t find a decent pain doc to send the worst cases to before the “epidemic”.

BUT Their specialty organizations’ positions is that abortion is a human right I believe. They have lobbyists. We should be calling them. Also calling primary care orgs like AMA because primary care offices will be flooded with late stage breast and cervical cancer when OBs are gone and the doc shortage will be magnified and they don’t want this. Nor do oncologists. These people maybe can pull their heads out and deal with fixing this maybe before it’s a cascading crisis.

I hope that is helpful. Everyone deserves the care they need, and they can decide what that is. We’re all human. Bless everyone and thank you all for being kind.

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Agree, Zach. IDK why Biden does not have surrogates forcefully speaking/educating voters about this issue. IDK why there are not articulate surrogates going on TV and giving a road map for winning elections, local, state, and federal to the voters so that we can have majorities in the House and Senate to do something about this in the next 4 years. Also, Alito and CT are old and telling the voters the importance of electing a Dem president to fill those seats in the next administration. I mean I have seen one guy on TV, some deputy campaign something from Biden campaign who seems so timid. Look at Liz Cheneys of the world making a case not to vote for trump but she was also berating Biden's policies on CNBC -- she can't have her cake and eat it too. We need these never trumpers to go up against all these cruel bans if they are honest about defeating trump and the extreme Rs.

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I agree that Dems do not remind voters about SCOTUS replacements nearly enough. Maybe too early to chirp about it right now, but they should fill the airwaves with it about 1 week after school starts in Aug/Sept. across the nation. Not just on National media, but also local.

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I'm left to conclude that either they don't understand the situation or they're just not very good at this (and unfortunately likely both). That is very bad for our chances. The never-Trump people are useful insofar as they can divide conservatives, but I don't consider them to otherwise be of any help. Most likely they harbor fantasies of turning over the Republican party to Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis and then everything will be okay to them. If someone is both against Trump AND in favor of reproductive rights we ought to be opening a road for them to vote Democrat, but that means listening to and considering what they don't like about Democrats and the Democratic party. We can't afford to pretend we can lose and 'get them next time', because today's Republicans are quite intent on making sure there is no next time.

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Agree that all the Conways and Cheneys are just waiting for trump to disappear and have some other R replace him. They are also OK with that person doing the same 'policy' thing trump and other Rs did (or doing) just not advertise too much and act like they care, you know, compassionate conservatism.

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Voters thinking Biden & not Trump is responsible for these abortion bans is a horrific thought I didn’t even consider.

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I remember a survey asking people which president was responsible for taking out Osama bin Laden and while some people correctly said Obama, a sizable number said Bush or Romney. Yes, Romney. It's easy for politically engaged news junkies (like me) to forget how many, perhaps even most, voters are low information voters.

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Yep, they will do anything. And, I did link a tweet a while back here from a reporter interviewing a woman who thought it was Biden who had caused all this. Some voters are clueless and they will easily fall for disinformation. Republican majority SCOTUS/Alito have gone unscathed in all of this discourse. Why are we not pounding on them everyday for the hell they have unleashed?

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Ken Paxton's cruelty and sheer assholery (inventing a new word there, sorry) are just unfathomable. That anyone could vote for him is beyond me.

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He’s extremely slimy, disgusting and corrupt. I’m (unfortunately) in Texas and wonder the same thing daily - how anyone here could vote for the GOP. His assholery knows no bounds.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

Texas Supreme Court that halted the order is all Republicans too! Among them 3 women.

How did Texas go from Ann Richards to the current hell hole?

This tweet below has her talking about abortion (sorry can't separate the video link from the tweet)


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Every one counts and it’s the home stretch!

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I had to click to the 15-day NH ban because I thought it was a typo and should have been 15-week. But no. AED, as usual, is correct. The NH bill would ban at 15 DAYS, counting from the first day of your last period. So it's essentially an outright ban ! Or, even worse, it's a pre-ban depending on when one ovulates. Astounding ignorance !

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Looks like TX SC put a hold on the lower court ruling. So Cox is just a ragdoll to be tossed about. They don't even care how cruel they *appear* to be, much less how cruel they are!

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Just imagine! Jane Doe in Kentucky has the chutzpah to belive, as if she were a PERSON, or a man, that she is entitled to “privacy and self-determination”. Brava!

In case anyone has missed it, (or Jessica has covered this and I didn't see it) the Washington Post published an interview with the woman, Hadley Duvall, who appeared in the campaign ad in the Kentucky, which re-elected Andy Beshear as governor.

"Duvall decided to tell her mom about the abuse less than a year after she answered that question, texting her from school in April 2017 to say she had something important to share that night. Miller prodded her daughter for more details — 'Are you in trouble? Are the police involved?' — then picked Duvall up early, too unsettled to wait for the end of the day."

"Duvall broke the news in the car, both women recalled."

“ 'Jeremy sexually abuses me,' Duvall said to her mom."

"Miller slammed on the brakes and later threw up."

"Over the next 24 hours, Miller said, she cleared out the bank accounts and the gun cabinet, while Duvall stayed with a friend. Soon after that, they went to the police."

Smart moves by the mother. Also, the small Christian college Hadley attends named her Homecoming Queen for her bravery!

No paywall:


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Thank you for posting that article & the quotes.

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It was covered, but WaPo wanted you to sign up for a free account to read it. I cancelled them because of their rightward tilt so was not able to read it. Thank you.

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Happy to share!

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The vid was powerful 👏. Couldn't stomach reading the rest of the article.

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I hope Paxton enjoys rotting in hell. What a POS person!

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You should chat with Anna Hochkammer from Florida Women’s Freedom Coalition. Greets speaker and on the frontlines of a major ballot initiative.

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I'm dragging some friends, to sign the petition tomorrow, at my local library.

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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

If I were of child bearing years now, I would return to my native country in a heartbeat, even though the state I am in would not have such bans. This American Taliban is scary. Remember a time these Republican radicals were scaring everyone about Muslim Sharia law coming to their state? These ugly and cruel people are no different than Sharia toting Muslim radicals. Why not write headlines like that? Where is the media?

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Boy, another buttload of ugggggggh! The question is do I go back and read links or say screw it and go back to One Good Thing?

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So what’s the plan in Missouri for anyone undergoing IVF if embryos are now full citizens with rights?

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There is no real policy or plan behind any of this and these mfers are not smart. Their only consideration now is that it enrages liberal women and men and they get to control us and keep us fearful and helpless.

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I appreciate the sentiment, but demure at "mfers". I prefer the term ratfckers. Let's leave mothers out of this!

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What about the new generation of artificial wombs or shots that are protective in utero or multiple parent embryos?

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No artificial uteri, please, they should not have access to any unprotected children, as they are abusive and tend to have molesters in their ranks.

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Bioethics is far from my Forte, but like the others the artificial already exist. I believe FDA testing has already been approved.

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Ah yeah, MIT, WE CATCH YOU. Exceptionally bad pun. I envision a much darker trajectory than they seem to. Eugenics, possibly dystopian advance on homo sapiens ... strength, mental abilities Gestalt emergence. who knows? It's not like our phones are spying on us😏

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