Is there any fear that these horror stories are taking away the plain grounds that women have a right to determine our own lives in relation to our bodies regardless? This should not be under debate.
I got a chance to watch your segment on Chris Hayes' show last night (the day after it aired - I recorded it); you were great! I wish he had given you more time - he could have spoken less - but oh well, it's his show. Glad you were on it, love how he praised your blog!
The thing that strikes me about the medical marijuana charges or abuse of a corpse charges is that they are being brought by the same people who defend corporal punishment of children. These people really have lost all sense of humanity.
Yes. I was going to say you can't lose something you never had, but then I thought, I bet most of them had it once, when they were born. And then it got taught out of them and scared out of them and beat out of them and so forth. And back to your point, that's the tragedy. Not what people do with embryos or fetuses, what they do to live born growing sentient children.
You are such a great proponent for choice, Jessica. Wish you would ENCOURAGE women to run for their STATE LEGISLATURES every time you get a chance. Need more young people in state and national legislatures too
The ABC IMPACT x: On The Brink - on Hulu is a very worthy watch. The women are brave, honest, raw and strong. They will also be sheros of this era. Their husbands are interviewed as well. The program is well done. I wish it was streamed every where.
I found myself wondering if there’s a national support group for those who live through what they have. They all deserve so much more support than they have received.
On a separate note, some of their husbands could make a huge impact as well. Men (particularly in the south) have a much harder time getting away with brushing off other men than they do women. Let’s see these elected officials try to brush off one of these men. These loving, grieving husbands seemed to be there for their wives, but when they find their footing they are going to make an impact many on the right are not ready for. I predict they are going to expose how much willful ignorance about fetal anomalies and pregnancy health lies in legislatures.
Excellent point about the husbands (and the South). The world reacts very differently to pissed off men from how it does to pissed off women. Of course every man in this country should have been outraged from day one (which goes back at least before Dobbs to Texas) but we'll take whatever help we can get.
I was so happy to see you on MSNBC tonight! Listening to you was like reading your article. You inspire hope and also a sense of confidence that we will be able to prevail, even it the fight is fierce.
Yep. They just don’t want anyone to know and they fear Students for Life & those like them as much as they fear Trump. They will try to hide behind the Bible to condone their votes. Cruel Cowards and Willfully Ignorant about a lot of pregnancy health. As more and more women find their voice and the media allows them TV and print exposure, the country is going to learn this has been going on for a very long time, but it has recently been made much worse and now there will be more numbers than before. Wait until the stories of maternal death trickle out. And these women who have been demonized and fearful are going to band together and all of us pro-choice believers are going to hold them & stand with them. In the end, many will be better educated. Hopefully, it will happen before it gets worse. Nov 2024 has so much on the line. Young people need to realize if they stay home or vote 3rd ticket or vote R, they will lose these rights for a longer time period no matter what message they think they will send to Dems. It’s that simple. They need to understand that.
And we either convince the voters of that over the next ten months, or we have to do it the hard way, as a resistance movement in a post-democratic state.
Excellent interview, Jessica. Thank you so much for all you're doing to call this BS out.
I'll add that in NC, telehealth for abortions and mailing abortion medication was outlawed in the 12-week ban the anti's rammed through this summer. We don't have a referendum option here, and the R's just massively gerrymandered the districts in their favor. Still we persist, but our activists are exhausted.
But you still have Aid Access, with Dr. Gomperts in Austria, yes? And the US states (like CA) where providers can do telehealth & mail out meds, even to the slave states. NC can say it doesn’t allow mailed Rx, but my understanding is that shipments are only rarely intercepted.
Yup! Aid Access operates under applicable laws in Europe, shipping pills without regard to various state restrictions. And several US states have already enacted shield laws that allow prescribers to operate freely under that state’s laws, and protect medical info & records from being obtained by other states or entities.
Yes, you can't really turn anything around in NC unless and until Democrats get the state supreme court back, which will take many years. A very large part of the country desperately needs federal action, but Democrats would have to win the trifecta for that. 🤒🤕
I'm just listened the NYT podcast, The Daily" about Kate Cox and I'm as fucking mad as you are, Jessica.
the logic of her getting an abortion is based on doctors citing the danger to Kate Cox's health in future much-wished for pregnancies.
what about the woman who doesn't want a child and opts for an early abortion. she is choosing for herself.
where in all this is the strident anger that if a woman's body is not her own, if she is just a vessel for conception, if she not in charge if her own corporality, if these beliefs are true, then she has no standing at all as a citizen and Matthew Hale wins
Women's non-ownership of their bodies is foundational to christian mythology, as it all hinges on Mary's forcible impregnation by their male god figure. Mary's role as a passive vessel carrying a male fetus of far greater value than herself is creepily celebrated each Christmas with the song "Mary did you know?" (And yes, Mary did "know" because the Angel Gabriel told her so in Luke.) The unknowing and unchoosing Mary's holy subjection to a divine fetus is the cultural/religious template for the forced birthers. Per the song, "This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you."
Is there any fear that these horror stories are taking away the plain grounds that women have a right to determine our own lives in relation to our bodies regardless? This should not be under debate.
Representing on MSNBC. Well done. I sat through the whole thing, not something I would normally do for MSNBC.
I got a chance to watch your segment on Chris Hayes' show last night (the day after it aired - I recorded it); you were great! I wish he had given you more time - he could have spoken less - but oh well, it's his show. Glad you were on it, love how he praised your blog!
This Oklahoma story needs more national attention. What a hellscape
The thing that strikes me about the medical marijuana charges or abuse of a corpse charges is that they are being brought by the same people who defend corporal punishment of children. These people really have lost all sense of humanity.
Yes. I was going to say you can't lose something you never had, but then I thought, I bet most of them had it once, when they were born. And then it got taught out of them and scared out of them and beat out of them and so forth. And back to your point, that's the tragedy. Not what people do with embryos or fetuses, what they do to live born growing sentient children.
Business Insider Investigation… had to pick my jaw up.
Thank you for all your work and great interviews the past 2 nights. Thank you MSNBC! How do we get you in front of more Independents?
You are such a great proponent for choice, Jessica. Wish you would ENCOURAGE women to run for their STATE LEGISLATURES every time you get a chance. Need more young people in state and national legislatures too
The ABC IMPACT x: On The Brink - on Hulu is a very worthy watch. The women are brave, honest, raw and strong. They will also be sheros of this era. Their husbands are interviewed as well. The program is well done. I wish it was streamed every where.
I found myself wondering if there’s a national support group for those who live through what they have. They all deserve so much more support than they have received.
On a separate note, some of their husbands could make a huge impact as well. Men (particularly in the south) have a much harder time getting away with brushing off other men than they do women. Let’s see these elected officials try to brush off one of these men. These loving, grieving husbands seemed to be there for their wives, but when they find their footing they are going to make an impact many on the right are not ready for. I predict they are going to expose how much willful ignorance about fetal anomalies and pregnancy health lies in legislatures.
Excellent point about the husbands (and the South). The world reacts very differently to pissed off men from how it does to pissed off women. Of course every man in this country should have been outraged from day one (which goes back at least before Dobbs to Texas) but we'll take whatever help we can get.
I was so happy to see you on MSNBC tonight! Listening to you was like reading your article. You inspire hope and also a sense of confidence that we will be able to prevail, even it the fight is fierce.
Great appearance on Alex Wagner. I hope you get exponential increase in support for invaluable work.
All these horror stories from red states? That’s what Republicans have in mind for the whole country.
Yes, that has always been their goal.
Yep. They just don’t want anyone to know and they fear Students for Life & those like them as much as they fear Trump. They will try to hide behind the Bible to condone their votes. Cruel Cowards and Willfully Ignorant about a lot of pregnancy health. As more and more women find their voice and the media allows them TV and print exposure, the country is going to learn this has been going on for a very long time, but it has recently been made much worse and now there will be more numbers than before. Wait until the stories of maternal death trickle out. And these women who have been demonized and fearful are going to band together and all of us pro-choice believers are going to hold them & stand with them. In the end, many will be better educated. Hopefully, it will happen before it gets worse. Nov 2024 has so much on the line. Young people need to realize if they stay home or vote 3rd ticket or vote R, they will lose these rights for a longer time period no matter what message they think they will send to Dems. It’s that simple. They need to understand that.
I have tried to explain to some, that a 'protest vote' doesn't work in a two party system, you are just complicit in the evil.
And we either convince the voters of that over the next ten months, or we have to do it the hard way, as a resistance movement in a post-democratic state.
The fetal coverture article was fascinating. Thanks for sharing.
well done. very, very appreciative of your hard work
Excellent interview, Jessica. Thank you so much for all you're doing to call this BS out.
I'll add that in NC, telehealth for abortions and mailing abortion medication was outlawed in the 12-week ban the anti's rammed through this summer. We don't have a referendum option here, and the R's just massively gerrymandered the districts in their favor. Still we persist, but our activists are exhausted.
But you still have Aid Access, with Dr. Gomperts in Austria, yes? And the US states (like CA) where providers can do telehealth & mail out meds, even to the slave states. NC can say it doesn’t allow mailed Rx, but my understanding is that shipments are only rarely intercepted.
Yup! Aid Access operates under applicable laws in Europe, shipping pills without regard to various state restrictions. And several US states have already enacted shield laws that allow prescribers to operate freely under that state’s laws, and protect medical info & records from being obtained by other states or entities.
Yes, you can't really turn anything around in NC unless and until Democrats get the state supreme court back, which will take many years. A very large part of the country desperately needs federal action, but Democrats would have to win the trifecta for that. 🤒🤕
I'm just listened the NYT podcast, The Daily" about Kate Cox and I'm as fucking mad as you are, Jessica.
the logic of her getting an abortion is based on doctors citing the danger to Kate Cox's health in future much-wished for pregnancies.
what about the woman who doesn't want a child and opts for an early abortion. she is choosing for herself.
where in all this is the strident anger that if a woman's body is not her own, if she is just a vessel for conception, if she not in charge if her own corporality, if these beliefs are true, then she has no standing at all as a citizen and Matthew Hale wins
Women's non-ownership of their bodies is foundational to christian mythology, as it all hinges on Mary's forcible impregnation by their male god figure. Mary's role as a passive vessel carrying a male fetus of far greater value than herself is creepily celebrated each Christmas with the song "Mary did you know?" (And yes, Mary did "know" because the Angel Gabriel told her so in Luke.) The unknowing and unchoosing Mary's holy subjection to a divine fetus is the cultural/religious template for the forced birthers. Per the song, "This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you."
aristotle didn't help. have you read "making of the modern body" by laqueur and gallagher? tra la la.
I will have to read that!
I watched All In last night, great segment with you, Jessica!