I love John Oliver…he is usually spot on with many topics and was with this one as well. I live in Idaho and am 67 years young and have never been polled either. (Am a Democrat in a Republican held state)

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Just a note on polls: I want to encourage everyone to relax about the negative presidential polls that came out yesterday. Think about who actually gets polled. I guarantee you it's not young progressives or Gen Zer's. I'm in my 40's and I've never taken a poll or been called to take one. Also think about who is motivated to take polls. Like leaving reviews for a restaurant or business, most people are motivated to leave reviews when they are pissed off about something. Just remember, the only poll that matters is the one that happens at the ballot box.


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It’s Election Day... LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!!!!

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I live in Louisiana, and I can assure Johnson will absolutely target north control. I first moved to Louisiana in 2010, and it was extremely difficult to find doctors that would prescribe birth control then. It’s only gotten more difficult.

I assure you, though, there are abortion and reproductive rights advocates and activists here. It’s an uphill battle, but we’re dug in for the long haul.

Thank you for helping to keep us informed!

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I'm hopeful that we are going to win tomorrow. When I saw the NYTimes graphic that had the bar chart comparing Biden's poll numbers to TFGs, Biden was strongest on abortion and TFG on the economy -- in the minds of the voters who picked up their landline phones. (LOL!) So I thought well in the midterms, abortion beat the economy. We retained the senate and minimized expected losses in the house.

We will do the same tomorrow. Our freedom and autonomy and equality is more important .

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WHen you say 9pm, you always use Eastern time right? Just want to make sure. I"m 99.9% percent sure on this.

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Yes we do!

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We -should- win these races tomorrow, but it's a much taller order to make the election in 2024 a referendum on abortion. We are very very strong with voters on abortion - but the polling suggests we are doing badly with voters on just about everything else. Or at least the president is. Anyone who could do something like what the Republicans are doing now, it's a no brainer to me you don't let anywhere near power. But how to get enough voters to make that same judgement, when they are as disgruntled as they are. It's terrifying.

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Fox (So-called) news is stoking that unreality, also, polls are answered by non tech savvy people, who mostly answer their landlines, or will answer their phone to a strange caller.

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“protect the life of every Virginia child born and unborn.” What a crock of shit. About 15% are in POVERTY. That was in 2018, probably worse now

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Love John Oliver, he did a segment about pregnancy crisis centers in 2018 and it was terrifying, I had never heard of them back then, he need to do an update:


Looking forward to watching you on TV tomorrow

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Thank you for sharing that! I had never seen it. He’s amazing & agree needs an update & run again , although it’s still mostly relevant as is.

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I'm a Virginia resident and I am SO FUCKING TERRIFIED. I am interested though, now, thanks to John Oliver, the film Money Plane.

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The segment by John Oliver *gutted* me. Somehow hearing the words spoken had much more of an impact than simply reading them (and that impact was strong enough). I voted early in Virginia, blue all the way. I’m doing ballot curing on Friday to help other people’s votes be counted.

Thank you so much for the work you do.

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Humbly asking for an ask-you-anything style Abortion Every Day online party when we kick ass tomorrow. We need to celebrate together.

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Might be tricky if she's got to be on TV; she's said there's always a lot involved in that. But it makes sense to do it; the audience that would tune in there tomorrow would be all people who should be subscribed here.

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I don’t necessarily mean tomorrow. But sometime soon. If this goes well, we gain energy by celebrating together.

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Sure hoping for good news tomorrow and definitely will watch you on TV Jessica! That Onion article was great but I wouldn't be surprised if Alito and Thomas have thought about it.

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Here's hoping for all the impacted races👍✊🙏🦹‍♀️🥺.

This was a message sent to adult college students. Who apparently shouldn’t be told about birth control, and definitely shouldn’t be told about orgasms.

Orgasms👹. The devil you say. I'll bet they're big on butt plugs though.

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🇺🇸 🤞🤞🤞 🇺🇸 So nervous. 😥

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