Trace how the Republican push to ban contraceptives leads to NO TROJANS IN MISSISSIPPI with this interactive power map.


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Thank you for the Florida news. Let me add, please donate!! Only two weeks left to mobilize and finish in those critical districts. Go to floridiansprotectingfreedom.com

today !! Thank you.

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I remember some years ago -- maybe 7-8 -- I was living in South Carolina and sat in with Planned Parenthood to observe the state legislature debate a personhood bill. I remember that one of the few female progressive legislators asked a bill sponsor if they included contraceptive measures that prevented an egg from implantation and, after a slight pause, the sponsor responded that they were still looking at that issue and planned to continue to do so. A pretty clear indication that the GOP was going after birth control as well as abortion ... Unconscionable.

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Wouldn't it be great to see Rokita pushed out of his job? Yes, and not for petty reasons but because future doctors and women would not be persecuted by this scumbag.

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I wish I could upvote this comment more than once.

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Rokita must be forced out.

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One assumes lawyers have some passing familiarity with Latin terms. From my 7th grade Latin class:

a/ab; adj. away from: a [away from] crania [brain]. Can Klusmann be that lacking?

Also, the Washington Post has a story about how GOP controlled states are attempting to wrest control over "blue" cities within those states via a policy known as pre-emption. Louisiana is something else. No paywall: https://wapo.st/411crQs

"More clashes are expected. Louisiana Gov.-elect Jeff Landry takes office in January and has promised to confront the state’s largest city, New Orleans. He already has created a committee led by a local GOP political donor and businessman to address public safety and other issues there. He has threatened to withhold state funding for the city’s water infrastructure until the DA agrees to prosecute women who violate the state’s abortion ban by seeking the procedure."

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"A" as a prefix, means in medical terminology:

"'a'- not, without, lacking [prefix]"


I loved medical terminology, it was my favorite language.

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I read that article and saved it. I live in Austin and see it happening here and to Houston and Dallas, San Antonio. These extremist state governments I hope get more law suits from cities on that. Home rule is the historical legal term for cities to run independent of state intervention. Abbott hates the cities- I still can't believe he won again.

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As a fellow Texas resident, it amazes me that Abbott and his men in the legislature run this state so far to the right on social issues. 47.9 percent voted for Biden. You would think that would be a sign that they should moderate things but no.

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I think people aren't all that surprised to see events like this play out in Texas, or Florida, but remain rather unaware how widespread is this attempt to undo democratic rule by the GOP. Quite alarming; and the national gerrymandering makes it more difficult for voters to choose their representatives.

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When Donald Trump appeared on the political scene he was as foul and godless as anyone could be, but the 'Christian' movements hitched their wagon to his anyway because it was about the power. (Yes, I know these 'Christians' are themselves foul and godless, but I have a different point to make). The question is, are the secular conservatives out there - and we can be pretty sure they exist if somewhere around one third of Republicans are more or less pro-choice - are they as comfortable with the theocrats as the theocrats are with Trump? Or maybe they haven't thought a lot about it. If we could drive a wedge between secular and religious conservatives it would be very very helpful. The harder the theocrats push, the easier it should be. But that's why Trump is such a good candidate for the Republicans. The 'Christians' have made their peace with him, and the secular conservatives really don't believe he'll sell them out to the theocrats because, come on, look at the guy. Messaging against Trump has been proven to turn out voters, but there's also a limited mileage out of it, because it doesn't address the threat from the religious fundamentalists. Trump has always been the shiny object, but we need to be hitting the Mike Johnsons hard, to try to get the segment of Republicans (and 'independents' too) who don't want a theocracy to ask some uncomfortable questions. Trump will keep throwing the religious zealots under the bus, no doubt, so we need to force him to keep doing it, over and over and over. Weigh him down with something else other than his own copious flaws, because he REALLY hates it when someone else makes him look bad.

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I have a different theory about their love of 45. He is almost as old and arguably more unhealthy than Biden, but if he gives them the means to remake the government, fine with them. I think they love the fact that he’s older. They are using him to get what they want, and they don’t care what happens to him once they have it.

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They thought (because he was so utterly unqualified) that they could control him, they picked his cabinet and judicial appointments, for instance. But he never could even fake being competent. And he suffers from excessive narcissism, coupled with verbal diarrhea, they could not control the mad man.

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Yeah, it's tricky, because on the one hand he came out of nowhere and completely took over the Republican party; everyone now has to kiss the ring, and anyone who crosses him is eviscerated. But yet he's still far more the vessel than he is the poison, and I think that confounds far too many people. Trump is a sideshow; if we want to know what's really going on, we have to pay attention to the federal judiciary and to Project 2025. As much as I detest Trump, I detest the Christian nationalists even more, and part of me wishes he would see that he's being used, and get upset with them, but he won't, because he's a pathological narcissist, so all he cares about is being flattered. And then there's also a part of me that thinks that instead of fighting him so hard it would have been better to try to suck up to him and bend him towards moderation, since he doesn't have that many core principles (mostly just nationalism and trade wars). Ugh. They're both toxic, but if you give me a choice between Trump and the Christian nationalists and those are my only two options, I will choose Trump every time. 🤮

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Jessica, I would not agree at all with the sentiment that would cause you to say, "I wish I was a better person". We all want to be kind and empathetic but that doesn't preclude getting fiercely angry at the injustices in the world and, yes, taking delight in seeing a nasty person suffer consequences or take a fall. Rather I think kindness and empathy expect anger at injustice, or else how much do we really care? And feeling good about someone else's misfortune is just a survival mechanism, a way to release toxic stress, and goodness knows when you've dedicated yourself to exposing and chronicling atrocious injustice (and that was just as true for feminism before Dobbs), there is an endless amount of toxic stress. TL;dr: You ARE a better person and anyone who says otherwise is just uncomfortable with your truth telling.

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I was present yesterday at the Texas Supreme Court ( all Republicans) hearing. It was a full house. The attorney for the women, Molly Duane was the most intelligent, clear, precise of any one and I encourage readers to view her oral arguments-Texas has the most extreme ban of any state, and women have been so close to death before they were treated because of the draconian laws. The entire reason for the oral arguments yesterday is because the state appealed and their argument was that these women have no standing! Unbelievable. Several of the plaintiffs were there. They are heroes in my opinion. And remember what is at issue is just a tiny sliver of the bans- for the court to clarify the vague definition of medical emergencies. When I watched Joy Reid later interview the lead plaintiff ( you can see on you tube), she asked a question that I have been asking myself- where is the outrage ? In Texas? In any state ? Does anyone remember the massive women's march with pink hats in January of 2016? Across the country and other countries? I've wondered about this and have looked and find nothing about an organized March on state capitols . Maybe it's all going to happen in 2024..? And why hasn't a law suit been filed that states banning abortion is a violation of freedom of religion? There are plenty of religions that believe in free choice and apply that to women's right to choose- Jewish, certain Protestant christians, some smaller like ba hai .... enough to make the case that could work its way through state courts and back to the assumed Supreme Court. Not sure how it all works but I just can't see these states with the most harmful and severe bans lasting very long... doctors are facing a life in prison? This is just nuts. The state thinks these women should sue their doctors! For what? I just don't understand why large swaths of law suits are not out there-

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We have one religious freedom lawsuit pending re: abortion. I suspect people are waiting to see how that plays out before filing more. Because we are fighting with limited resources.

As to the outrage, I come upon a lot of it in my daily life. I think it is being directed to various lawsuits, election campaigns and get out the vote drives rather than marches.

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Listening to the Texas women's stories, and actually having a young woman in our family who almost died while her amniotic fluid ruptured at 20 weeks makes me want to march.. But I'm glad to hear about other legal actions that could make a real difference.

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Wtf are the lawyers? Are the group of lawyers who are referred to as ambulance chaser nonexistent in Texas? There are lawyers who are suing for the deceptive amount of cream in an oreo?? Again wtf?

Neofacist Christian goals are blind to any other creeds or religions.

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