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How frustrating is it though, that Donald Trump is the only Republican who has (so far) successfully told the anti-abortion movement what they need to hear, which is to go fuck themselves. I'm not saying that makes him a moderate or any less dangerous. Just that it doesn't even occur to any other Republican that they could do this, despite a large minority of Republicans being pro-choice. We need to win this election. If we don't, the ONLY check on Republicans' power will be Republicans themselves deciding that something's gone too far. And right now, even if he doesn't mean it, Donald Trump is the only Republican who seems even capable of thinking that way. And this is a guy with dozens of felony charges against him who wants to rule as a dictator. How fucked is that.

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The anti-abortion crowd understands that whatever bullshit he spews from his mouth, he will enforce or declare a nationwide ban (because if he wins, he will be a dictator. He will use military force in blue states to make them comply.) He’s saying this crap for voters who don’t pay much attention to politics between presidential elections. They won’t drill down or think deeper unless they or someone they care about need an abortion between now and then. What upsets me is how the mainstream media seems happy to parrot his garbage instead of calling it yet another lie.

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Their republican owners want their theocracy, chaos, or tax-cuts. at least one, maybe all of it.

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The mainstream media isn't willing to call a fascist revolution before it happens. So once you take that very real possibility off the table - which is a serious, probably fatal, mistake - it changes the way you analyze everything, if you're only considering situations through the confines of a normal democracy. I see it everywhere. The question is why is it unimaginable. Is it denial, or is it concern about upsetting the new masters? Both are wrong but the latter is an explicit betrayal of the nation.

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Too bad, because they have been very clear and painfully detailed about what they will do to dismantle the country. It should surprise no one, because they aren’t trying to keep it secret. But talking about Project 2025 all day every day is “too niche” (to use my not-favorite trad publishing catch phrase.) What they spell out is bad enough, but I know the many other things they mean. Mainstream media is all about clicks and eyeballs now. Something like P2025 will only provide that when it’s too late and Americans are like, “What is happening?!”

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Yup, exactly. People are used to having checks and balances in America. But as I say, the last time one party had this much power was the Democrats in 1965, and not coincidentally the Republicans have been plotting their revenge for 60 years, and they're now in a position to execute it. And that will become conventional wisdom too late. What do people expect, Brett Kavanaugh to stop it? By the time someone like Brett Kavanaugh is willing to say, "hey, wait a minute," they're already long past the threshold where that matters.

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I wrote in another comment about people not getting the real impact of words like democracy, and so on. Start talking about losing your country as you know it to these corrupt grifters. Media can certainly play those aspects up but they won't. There won't be a revolution if trump gains power again or it will be ugly, because protests and revolution like we mean it won't happen. He already showed his hand when BLM/Floyd protests happened. Thinking that we will fight IF it happens is not a good idea.

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It will be ugly. But I think it's only responsible to try to brace ourselves for what happens if we lose this election (and if it were held today, we likely would). A lot of things are going to get broken, and someone is going to have to fix them, just like Europe in the 1940s. We may want to take lessons from dissidents in places like Russia and Iran for how to survive. If they win this election, it means that they're not unpopular enough yet for the American public to turn fully against them, and the only way for that to happen may be for them to win power and misuse it (as they will). It will be ugly if Democrats win too, although I'd much rather have that problem, because a large portion of Republicans will not accept that result and have already made very thinly veiled threats of violence. There's just too much fuel out there for the fire that's coming, and unfortunately I'm not confident anyone is going to do anything to change things until the fire starts.

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I agree with you. Lot of people are complacent or willfully blind if not ignorant. Smart thing to do is to elect quality people and 2016 should never have happened. Social media, especially fuckerberg's FB paved the way for this. And then lazy media with their own corrupt ways and means did not do their due diligence. I mean, can you imagine what they did to put trump in the WH and how they helped play down Jan 6? There was a very small window after Jan 6 that every R felt it went too far but there was no severe backlash from the media -- where were the big blaring headlines that something like that should never happen in a country like America and what an embarrassment it was for the country? Where was the shaming of the R party and the person most responsible for it? When that didn't materialize Rs relaxed and went back to their corrupt ways.

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The main respected newspapers: the NYT and the Washington Post failed us, by harping on Hillary's comment about the deplorables, and hyping her manufactured investigation "But her E-mails" (I read them, they were boring). by the FBI, and ignoring Trumps ties to the money-laundering Russian oligarchs, and him being under investigation for that, they were so complicit and still don't call him out treating him like a normal candidate, those who do speak out are an anomalie.

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Oh, don't get me started on who screwed Hillary and how much. It started in 2008 by the Dem party in the primary (anybody here remember the May rules committee meeting?) and then in 2016 it was the Bernie bros, and everyone else but the majority voting public. We were robbed (robbed of SCOTUS and why we are here on this blog and everything else).

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I know, it exacerbated the rise of the apricot hell-beast, and pushed the insanity to where we are today.

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