That last sentence. That's exactly the concern. The preferred policy is 'pregnancy is too complicated to legislate', and I think stories of real women and real pregnancies are the best way to make the case. It might be the only way to make the case.
That last sentence. That's exactly the concern. The preferred policy is 'pregnancy is too complicated to legislate', and I think stories of real women and real pregnancies are the best way to make the case. It might be the only way to make the case.
I think a lot of conservatives are extremely cynical about humanity.
I wonder if deep down conservatives believe that there are a significant number of “pregnant baby killers” out there who are waiting to get abortions until the second or third trimester either deliberately or because of laziness.
If that sounds bonkers crazy, *great*. I think it should.
I would love to hear pro-Choicers talk about third trimester abortion access policy full stop. I think starting that conversation by attacking how stupid the anti abortion’s third trimester position is, by calling BS, would be a great start.
1. Look how nuts their position is.
2. This is the real problem.
3. That’s why (this) is a better policy.
Instead I see:
1. Pro-Lifers like the Honorable Students for Life want X weeks, reasonable compromise, protect and defend, not a ban. Definitely not a ban.
2. Pro-Choices prefer Y, no limits, no bans. Pretty sure a ban is a ban.
(Note no one persuadable read the article bc news sucks so they just saw the headline that conservatives are fighting for a consensus and moved on).
Yes. If we were as good at politics and messaging as they are, it would have never gotten this far. We have twelve months to right the ship. Unfortunately I think we might be undone by issues other than abortion; it could be very very bad.
I agree. Why give the GOP and government in general a chance to make accessing an abortion more difficult at a time when you’re potentially experiencing the worst news of your life (and may need to act fast)? Criminalizing late-stage abortion also makes it more dangerous for doctors who perform these life-saving procedures (thinking of George Tiller in Kansas). I want pro-choice groups to be articulating just why women are getting abortions and (therefore) why they need to be available at every stage.
Exactly. What's the issue? Yeah, these stories are gory, and yeah they're upsetting. Yeah, the kind of fetal and birth defects that occur in nature ought to dispel anyone's belief in a god. But that's the reality. That's got to be what Republicans are counting on, everyone wanting to stay in safe comfortable imaginary-land instead, where the fucking stork brings the baby. Smh.
That last sentence. That's exactly the concern. The preferred policy is 'pregnancy is too complicated to legislate', and I think stories of real women and real pregnancies are the best way to make the case. It might be the only way to make the case.
I think a lot of conservatives are extremely cynical about humanity.
I wonder if deep down conservatives believe that there are a significant number of “pregnant baby killers” out there who are waiting to get abortions until the second or third trimester either deliberately or because of laziness.
If that sounds bonkers crazy, *great*. I think it should.
I would love to hear pro-Choicers talk about third trimester abortion access policy full stop. I think starting that conversation by attacking how stupid the anti abortion’s third trimester position is, by calling BS, would be a great start.
1. Look how nuts their position is.
2. This is the real problem.
3. That’s why (this) is a better policy.
Instead I see:
1. Pro-Lifers like the Honorable Students for Life want X weeks, reasonable compromise, protect and defend, not a ban. Definitely not a ban.
2. Pro-Choices prefer Y, no limits, no bans. Pretty sure a ban is a ban.
(Note no one persuadable read the article bc news sucks so they just saw the headline that conservatives are fighting for a consensus and moved on).
Yes. If we were as good at politics and messaging as they are, it would have never gotten this far. We have twelve months to right the ship. Unfortunately I think we might be undone by issues other than abortion; it could be very very bad.
I agree. Why give the GOP and government in general a chance to make accessing an abortion more difficult at a time when you’re potentially experiencing the worst news of your life (and may need to act fast)? Criminalizing late-stage abortion also makes it more dangerous for doctors who perform these life-saving procedures (thinking of George Tiller in Kansas). I want pro-choice groups to be articulating just why women are getting abortions and (therefore) why they need to be available at every stage.
Exactly. What's the issue? Yeah, these stories are gory, and yeah they're upsetting. Yeah, the kind of fetal and birth defects that occur in nature ought to dispel anyone's belief in a god. But that's the reality. That's got to be what Republicans are counting on, everyone wanting to stay in safe comfortable imaginary-land instead, where the fucking stork brings the baby. Smh.