
Grace, thank you so much for compiling this data! A colleague of mine who is also a high risk OB was asking on Facebook about any studies documenting increased maternal mortality after abortion bans (such as SB 8 in Texas which was already in place before the Dobbs decision). We all know it will or has happened, and you alluded to increased maternal mortality in this article, but without a citation/ reference. Thoughts?

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How you can wade through this data and synthesize it without punching many holes in walls is something I can not fathom. Thank you.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Grace Haley

RE: the uptick in contraception - were any studies done/stats available on increases in demand for condoms and vasectomies?

I am genuinely curious, but I continue to be disappointed in how the overall narrative this past year has by and large left the sperm providers out of the post-Dobson hellscape equation. Men should be afraid of the repercussions as well, right?! Child support, life-altering change, partners close to death or dying from pregnancy complications, etc.

(Please note - this is a criticism of MSM, etc., not of AED. Plus, I discovered AED fairly recently, so this topic may have been covered previously)

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As I always say in these conversations - it takes two to tango!

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Oh, and welcome :) A lot of us vent here in the comments, so feel free to do the same!

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Yes, you're right, and it's telling, isn't it? If men were carrying their weight it would be just as much an issue for us, or it ought to be. It would be helpful to hear something about men post-Dobbs other than boo-hooing from some self-absorbed prick upset that he didn't get to control his partner's abortion, which for some reason media seem to think is a thoughtful or insightful thing to publish. Maybe there's healthier feedback from men out there, and if so I'd expect Jessica and Grace to come across it. Because yeah all I've really read is that vasectomies are way up; that's it.

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Not sure it can be just as much of an issue for men in the sense that they aren't being forced to risk their lives being pregnant and giving birth, although it can certainly be a big issue.

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Yeah, that's my bad; I think it was an exaggeration for brevity and effect. What I was thinking is that if his partner is pregnant, that should be the top priority issue in his life the same way it would be in hers. But even for a man who stands by her 100% and does his share of everything else, nothing can compare to the actual physical reality of pregnancy that a woman experiences. That's why only she gets to make that decision, and yeah it's also why men should step back and be in awe a little more rather than just thinking it's ordinary or worse that it's her "job". So yes I took a shortcut in what I wrote that needs to be corrected; thank you! :)

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Awesome username by the way. 100% agree about the sperm providers culpability. A significant % of teen pregnancies are by older men in their 20s, if a dad is listed on the BC. Teen girls are blamed. The sperm people claim they want their tiny contribution to count but then they turn around and bitch about child support. “I didn’t sign up for that”. Women are blamed for anything not working correctly. Condoms, birth control, vasectomy didn’t work, pulling out, “hey you were on top” anything, it’s the uterus havers fault and it’s all their responsibility to not have sex. Then take the advice y’all give us- keep ya legs closed! I made a huge list and tried to cover all the bases. https://phezweb.substack.com/p/dont-ever-have-sex-ever

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#thoughts and #prayers to the #billions of #preborn kids who died in the last five minutes due to ejaculation. #penises are the real #killers. #abortions by the billions! Stop the slaughter! #prolife™️

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023

OMG I needed that laugh! #penises are the real #killers" LOL !! Someone needs to put that on a t-shirt!

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I am going to make one that says "Every Abortion Begins With Sperm"

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Hell yeah!

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Thanks Grace for the important information today!

On the topic of harm done, I think a category should be increased domestic violence and femicide against people denied abortions, or stemming from disagreements about her bodily autonomy.

It’s been shown that pregnant women are on the receiving end of more partner violence and control during pregnancy and a that a significant portion of domestic violence victims are hurt physically by their partner for the first time while they are pregnant.

A story that really stuck with me during this painful year was the Texas

mom who was trying to leave an abuser, traveled out of state for care, returned and was immediately murdered by him in what was reported as being his reaction to her abortion. Her other kids are now orphans. She is surely not the only one.

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In part, we’re waiting on data! Domestic violence and femicide were already increasing because of the pandemic (horrific), and we want to make sure we aren’t conflating correlation and causation in order to share the most solid data with y’all. We are highlighting the stories we can in the meantime!

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I appreciate that! Truth takes time.

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This is such a good point. When women are reduced to chattel, our uteruses state-owned, it only foments violence against us.

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Yeah. We haven't been counting her as a death caused by Dobbs, but there's very little space between the mindset of her killer and the mindset of those who are writing these laws.

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Sadly the #1 cause of death in pregnant women is murder.

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You would think more politicians would be willing to say that!

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Yeah, it would appear that this country would prefer to ignore domestic violence, up to and including murder. The 'rights' of the offender get discussed just as much. Does that mean no one has found a way to gain politically from taking domestic violence seriously?

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Thanks for your hard work and cogent newsletters about the ever changing nature of abortion rights in the USA. It is slightly more optimistic when the statistics show that young women are waking up to the threats against their health and lives.

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I don't think we will know the true impact of these abortion bans until the official birth rates come out. I'm in Texas and so far, I haven't heard any news about hospitals being inundated with a flood of babies. In fact, I've only heard the opposite of labor and delivery wards being shut down from terrified women and doctors fleeing these states. So far, it seems like all this has just been an advertising campaign for the abortion pill. I have some sitting in my medicine cabinet right now that I bought shortly after roe was overturned just for my peace of mind. Like most people of reproductive age, I'll be damned if my uterus is going to be public property.

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Yep. Once again I’m scared to have sex. Never wanted kids, I have the IUD. But still my paranoia has always been high since I was so scared of getting pregnant when I was a teen. Because I knew how I would be treated and seen. Plus didn’t want kids but that FEAR comes from the society treating us like cattle

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