Wonderful work, Jessica. Can imagine it is extremely exhausting. Glad you are getting help.

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Thank you Jessica for helping us keep our eyes o man the prize, state by state. To combat our despair and rage, last year my colleague and I made a fundraising website to connect people with resources to abortion and repro justice projects that need help. Abortionsavedmylife.org. I know people are exhausted and feel hopeless, but everyone can help. If you are willing, please put our link in your newsletter. With gratitude and in solidarity.

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Question for Jessica: will we get more episodes of the non-podcast podcast at a predictable schedule? Because I haven't gotten one of those in a while…

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From A Week in Patriarchy in The Guardian to your articles in Medium to All in Her Head on Substack I have admired and been grateful for the insightful writing you have done on feminist issues. In retrospect it was inevitable that you would be the person with the courage, the commitment, and the righteous anger needed to document and broadcast across America the activities of the anti-choice, anti-democratic Republican extremists. You have shone a light on how deeply rhetoric and legislative activities are interconnected between conservative states. You have uncovered how what once appeared to be small scale anti-abortion attacks have proved to be the opening salvoes of a planned and coordinated war on women’s and trans people’s bodily autonomy. You have provided a forum for people to build a strong, supportive community that continues to grow as more and more people realize that there are times when you have to take a stand because protecting the rights of others safe guards your own rights. Well done, Jessica. Thank you.

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I've known Jessica from even before that, from her being the head of the blog Feministing. Unfortunately, far too many people still see her in that role when she's so much more than that.

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To mix metaphors, the dog has caught the car, and a sleeping giant has awakened.

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Jessica, Grace -

Thank you so much for the work you’re doing here. It matters so much! I’m disabled, and on an income that will be slashed in half in a few month when I turn 65 (I’m pricing cat food), so extra money is something I don’t have.

What I *do* have is stubbornness, and some extra time when my health allows. If that’s of help to you, let me know. I’m a pretty good researcher - I was a systems engineer, and did a lt of it. I’m also a fairly decent writer, so if that’s of help, let me know. If I can help fill in some gaps, I’m happy to do so.

I share your updates daily on social media. Most of my friends are in the 35-75 age range. Especially for those of use who have even vague memories of the pre-Roe days, rage is the only word that comes close to how we feel. Many of us saw this coming for decades, and are incredibly frustrated that we couldn’t get anyone to listen. But even with that, there’s a sense that people are not really paying attention. Perhaps that will change as we get closer to the election, but we can’t afford for this to be an issue that disappears between election seasons.

That’s one of the reasons that what you do is s very, very vital. You have my eternal thanks.

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You are doing a fabulous job and I will do my best to spread the word that people need to subscribe and pay for the awesome investigative reporting and local journalism Abortion, Every Day provides. Please take time to rest, savor the last year's accomplishments, and then... onward!

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I read this newsletter; then I turn on MSNBC and it's "trump, trump, trump, submarine, trump, trump, trump". On the anniversary there were some stories about Roe v Wade being overturned; but we need stories like these covered in the larger media. There is more to the news than Trump. Thank you for all you do to keep attention on this problem. I wish more were doing it with you.

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donated! I hope you are able to expand.

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Phew, wow, you and your team have done amazing work, and we are grateful! Here in MA we (on the Indivisible Feminist Action Team) are working hard to expose the anti-abortion center network, 30 of them, now pushing back with “open houses” for local officials to learn about how they “help” women. There is also a new website revealing tactics of anti-abortion centers created by the Abortion Truth Campaign, a coalition of us working on the CPC issue. Check it out at https://abortiontruthcampaign.org/.

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Thank you for your accurate and insightful reporting, and for keeping all of us abreast on what is happening across the country. I was a teenager before Roe v. Wade, and I know what it’s like to worry and fear that an unplanned pregnancy will ruin your life. I also lost a friend who had a much wanted pregnancy, but the fetus died and she did not naturally miscarry, she died of sepsis in less than 24 hours. Pregnancy is not a benign condition despite what the far right might say. We will continue fighting every day for a woman’s right to determine if and when she has a child

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You are the best, Jessica! And Grace too. This is the only place where I feel sane.

You're a bright light on the anniversary of the dark day in which women in this country were reduced to chattel. You are invaluable.

Almost considered canceling my NYTimes subscription today when I saw their main story:

The Impossible Became Possible’: The Women Celebrating a Year Without Roe

"For anti-abortion activists, the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision eliminating the national right to abortion is festive, but also a time to acknowledge challenges."


But then they have a pretty good OpEd on legal strategies to overturn Dobbs so I'm hanging on. Plus, I often plug this newsletter in this comments.

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Is someone at ACOG (American College of Ob/Gyn) following your newsletter. I wonder if they might support you financially. Keep up the great work.

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Thank you Jessica!! I spread the news that you work so hard to give us every day. My daughter is now subscribed. I will continue to support your work any way I can ❤️

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Jessica &/or Grace,

I’m curious if any staff members from the DCCC, DNC, DLCC, DAGA and DGA receive this newsletter? If not, they should. If the Ds are serious about fighting for women’s rights, the leading D political organizations/associations/committees need a staff member willing to read this newsletter daily, as well as access to it. Add Kamala’s staff as well. Knowledge is power and they need knowledge! I’m honestly amazed at the work you put together. Thank you, every day.

I’m willing to help make this happen, if it isn’t already.

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Great idea! I'm happy to donate as well.

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I honestly didn't appreciate how much I know about the specifics of abortion bans until the other day when I was talking with a family member about abortion and explaining in detail why "exceptions" are bullshit. My family member was shocked, appalled, and frightened by what I told them, and I realized how much more I know about abortion bans than many people in my life (most of whom are pro-choice!), and I've got to educate them! And my abortion knowledge is thanks to your amazing newsletter/not-a-podcast podcast! 😉 I'm very proud to have been a paid subscriber from the very beginning!! Thank you for your tireless work and all you do!!!!! 🙏❤️✊🏻

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