As usual you expose the core of the matter.

Walk between the tombstones in any heritage cemetery and read the ages of the women buried there. Women died young because of unsanitary conditions during childbirth, and too many, too close together pregnancies. Knowing so much of that is now preventable suggests that those who want to return to those conditions actually hate women and want them punished. If it was just about the babies, the “village” would take much better care of them than they do now.

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Since Christianity seems to be the one religion that insists on life beginning at conception I have to conclude the anti abortion fight is a Crusade, as much as it’s a white patriarchy tool.

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May 8, 2022·edited May 8, 2022

There's something else that the pro-forced-birthers (but I repeat myself) don't or refuse to consider: ectopic pregnancies. That is, when the embryo implants itself on any lining other than the womb, neither the [cis] mother or the embryo could survive. Yet the pro-forced-birthers want to prohibit that.

It was never about life. Now thousands if not millions of people with wombs are going to needlessly die if not be put in a cage.

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Thanks as always, Jessica. Your post inspired me to write my own on Facebook. In general, my political approach is not to waste my energy trying to convert the stubborn and righteous, but to use it instead to inspire the choir to speak more loudly and with more courage (you do this for me). Abortion is favored by a majority in this country, but that majority has not done enough to express its will on our "democracy." We do not need a minority of misogynistic male assholes and their female sycophants to make decisions for 60% of Americans, what we need is 60% of Americans to state their desire for -- and experiences with -- legal, safe abortion with pride and without stigma.

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Happy Mothers Day. You are a great one!

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I was in the same position with a 2 year old and an unexpected risky pregnancy. No one knew what was best for my child except me (& my child’s other parent). No one had a right to tell me how to be a parent in that situation.

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It's not in the constitution, bc the constitution is not a medical document... nor is the Bible. Maybe the founders trusted women, too??? (I know... problematic... women were property.) I trust those with a uterus to make the right decision for themselves.

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