There is a story in today’s Mother Jones in the politics section. It is specifically about Texas and Greg Abbott’s idiocy. Since it came across my FB news section, I can’t seem to get a link. Maybe someone else can find it and post it. If you want your head to explode, read it.

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Ban exceptions are fake. Posting this (and the Instagram reel you made about it) far and wide.

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WOW - horrifying, sickening, very sad. It is unimaginable, but no doubt true (and then some)! Such helpless feelings. What can we do? How does this get blown up and into mainstream media??

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Check out this DemLabs map of the 65,000 rape related pregnancies by state using data from JAMA Network that Jessica had cited. The map isoverlaid with the Republican governors, senators, state attorney generals and congressmen -- and how to contact them. Easier to see who to hold accountable.

Mapping 65,000 Rape Related Pregnancies in States that ban abortions


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I was wondering if in the red states there would be more rapes as women would be more fearful of getting pregnant and would reject sex, thereby angering their date or partner, resulting in a rape. Looks like that is happening.

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that's a crazy explanation and conclusion - without any evidence

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And why is it crazy? I offered a supposition. I remember when I was in my teens and 20's with fending off guys who couldn't take 'no' for an answer. Have things changed that much in the last 40 years ? Can you offer explanations for the increase in rapes in those states? Or, are you suggesting women are lying about rape just so as to have an abortion in the anti-choice states? Women in marriages are also raped. These same anti-choice states are some of those who also want to take away the no-fault divorce rights. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/09/no-fault-divorce-laws-republicans-repeal/675371/

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I think in these scary times we have to look at everything closely as Tully is doing. It's ok to wonder—and then watch for information/patterns. Sometimes anecdotal or supposition starts the process ...

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The pro-subjugators aren't going to care about seeming cruel. They're already proud of it. Most of them voted for Trump. He's proud of his cruelty.

They love their weapons of war. They love to shout "lock her up! lock her up!" at rallies. They send cruel people into school board meetings to argue that homosexuality is a "mental illness." (Yes - happened in my little NJ town.) They voted again(!) for a man who openly mocked a reporter with cerebral palsy. They don't care that he, himself, was found guilty of rape by a jury of their peers! There they all were last night, in the NH primary, saying what a great job he did and how much they love him. It's so sickening.

Has anyone heard one Republican speak out about the women who have suffered because of Dobbs?

They won't care about this 65k statistic. They'll say the women are lying. Or they'll stonewall and ignore it all and pivot to the "abortion till the moment of birth" lie.

The Democrats have to win all three branches of government in 2024. I believe this issue is going to be the catalyst. Women are pissed. I feel like I live in a bad dream and can't wake up!

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And it's been estimated for years that only half of all rape victims come forward. They are ashamed, embarrassed and don't think police will belive them. Now in banned states especially those that surveil and pull period apps....even LESS women will come forward as states will force a pregnancy tests and monitoring. These women will suffer in silence and flee the state like a criminal to get an abortion.... IF they can afford it. If not they are doomed.

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That's a great point. It will be even easier for rapists to get away with it if women must risk being criminalized for the outcome of a rape-induced pregnancy. For that matter they would have a target on their backs as far as being prosecuted for any of their behaviors during pregnancy.

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And the cherry on top -- if anyone helps them flee, they'll be charged with abortion trafficking.

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You're right. I am trying. I can always do more.

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Just last week I read about Apple forcing an office full of San Diego employees to either relocate to Austin or lose their jobs. How is it not an EEOC violation, requiring a female employee to live in a state where her very life is in danger on gender-specific grounds, even if she's raped? (Not that the cause of the pregnancy should matter.) I know the Justice Department doesn't tend to move swiftly, but I really hope they are preparing a monster of a case against whoever the worst offenders are.

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I thought of that too, but then federal law would be reflecting and acknowledging that the state law is discriminatory (of course it is!), and would that contradict Dobbs giving states the ok? The administration should absolutely be trying all of these strategies, but with this supreme court most/all of them may be dead ends. Still the justices should be forced to own and defend all of the consequences of their policies, in writing for all to see.

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Great question--even while writing my comment I was thinking "wait, is what Apple is doing ACTUALLY illegal, technically?" I haven't seen any pieces from feminist legal scholars on this matter, but I'd love to read a really basic explainer.

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Yes. Dobbs opened up a million questions for the court and I don't see how there can be vastly different human rights standards within the same country. But right now there are.

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Eh gads, that number is HORRIFIC. I think telling ANYONE that they must remain pregnant against their will is offensive and cruel and a violation of basic fundamental rights. But to do that to a person who had already been physically violated?! Just unbelievable inhumane.

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NPR covered this too

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Too bad it's an echo chamber.

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MSNBC covered it.

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I guess 'dont punish the baby punish the rapist' will be the rhetoric and 'most rape victims don't want an abortion' and they will wheel out someone pregnant from rape who loves their child.

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The Ohio motherfuckers strike again, guess they got tired of attacking abortion 😴:


The Ohio Senate voted on Wednesday to override Republican Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of a ban on gender-affirming care for minors.

The Senate voted 23-9 to override the veto. The ban is set to take effect in 90 days.

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