Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

I want to take a moment to rekindle this post by Jessica in light of something I heard today on MSNBC. On a panel by anchor Chris Jansing with a Politico reporter and a OBY-GN advocate for women's health rights Jansing asked the following question to the Oby-Gyn (in paraphrase): "A ten year old is on average about 4'8" tall and 75 pounds, what would pregnancy do to her?" Now I understand the motive of her question, to strike a bit at the appalling nature of the National Right to Life position that the ten year old should have the baby, but I was nauseated and appalled by the question. What are we evening talking about here? What the hell is going on in the media? This is even a fkg question? What does pregnancy do to a 10 year old child. This is some sick shit from the media. Really. Just lurid Taliban-esque grotesqueries from sober "liberal" MSNBC. We indeed CANNOT learn to live with this situation.

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Perhaps an unforeseen result not anticipated by Republicans is that apparently more men are getting vasectomies.

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My hatred of Republicans started in the early Eighties and has escalated with each month. I see no hope that this nation will survive as long as there is a Republican, i.e., Fascist waiting to go full Nazi party. My sense is that too many Americans don't know the danger in which we live. I wish I knew the mind set of Germans in the Twenties and Thirties. I wish I had examples of what the German people were doing and not doing as Hitler rose to full power. I fear history is being repeated. I wish I had a way to fight what is going on.

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Yes, there's so much on everyone's plate right now. Which is the good news, and the bad news.

The good news is that this attack on women is not an isolated event. It's happening in conjunction with a wave of other bad things; it's part of a bigger plan. And so I think it's less likely to get ignored or accepted when it's part of a much bigger story that's threatening to many more people.

And that's the bad (worse) news. We're facing a full assault on democracy in this country and it's quite likely that we won't be able to have fair or meaningful elections in 2024. Not sure if we can be pulled back from the abyss before then. And it would be rather uncharted territory. Somehow we're going to have to overturn this order and create an entirely new one, because trying to make progress kindly and gently and gradually has failed, as we're up against an enemy with an entirely different mindset and tactics. Never expected to be at that place in this country in my lifetime, but here we are.

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I haven’t written here in a while because I’ve had to take a break. I am fatigued. Don’t worry, I will never give up. But sometimes I need to recharge. Thank you for everything everything everything that you do Jessica.

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We need to keep the pressure on Democrats and Biden to get off their collective asses and do something. Many plans have been already proposed but no action has been taken. Do not just send checks. Ask them what they are doing before you provide support.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Valenti

I will NEVER concede, and yet we have no single point of action upon which we can all agree. You know that cartoon where all the little fish swim together in the shape of a shark? We have not figured out how to be the fucking shark.

We have no leader bcz we're so proud of being "leaderfull" & non-hierarchical. So our rage is channeled into thousands of small-fish charities and marches instead of assembling a shark.

How COULD we? Will Rogers joked in the last century that he wasn't part of an organized political party, he's a Democrat.

Dems aren't churchy people like the ChristoFascists of the GOP, so we are not getting the propaganda and a community holding us accountable two or three times a week in the name of Jesus. (See "Battleground" documentary for how the Jesus girls worked for generations to stop women from having dominion over their own bodily functions.)

All the people who know the rules say we're generations away from building the kind of power we need for the revolution we want.

So...WTF are we going to do NOW? Who's articulating any vision that resonates?

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Valenti

Ok, you got me to subscribe. I have to be able to talk to other people who feel this way. I know LOTS of people are angry and upset, but they are silenced by the people in their lives around them. It IS exhausting to talk about it all the time. I also know people in red states are scared. I'm in Texas and if I were younger, I would also be scared. I'm not scared, though. I need a place where we can openly discuss organization around arranging underground access and fighting through advocacy.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Valenti

Women and the men who care about them need to understand that living in a blue state will not protect them and that it isn't "just" about abortion or even "just" reproductive healthcare. My daughter was recently very clearly sick, feverish and coughing, and had a pharmacist at a major chain in a blue state demand she show him a negative pregnancy test before he would fill the prescription written by her doctor. He was ready to deny her healthcare based entirely on the fact that she is a young woman.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Valenti

I’m torn when it comes to sharing the things I’ve been looking into. I’m thinking of partaking in some underground activities, but reluctant to expose those I may be involved in them with. I wonder how we will create safe underground networks now? Social media isn’t safe, and even ostensibly friendly newsletters could be infiltrated by trolls (or worse). How are we going to be doing this? Anyone thinking about this?

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