I just can’t get over how pretty much the same people who think a fetus is more important than a woman’s life also believe in capital punishment. It just demonstrates how little we are valued. I’m not in love with abortions but I think they should be legal and safe for whoever wants one. And yes, I said “want.” And I also think the make half of the procreation act has no say in the matter.

In other news I just found out I had a great-aunt who was apparently disliked because she was always ready to help a woman get an abortion (and did). She had lots of children, which is just to say that even if she wanted to bear her own children she obviously thought it wasn’t everyone’s choice to do so.

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I'm sure lots of people are against abortion for religious reasons* but I often wonder if many Republicans in (or running for) office give much of a damn about abortion itself**.

Their vehement opposition seems performative, a ritual not in any positive sense but a matter of demarcation: we are against, because 'they' are in favour.

*and that's fine. If your God/Holy Book says abortion (or wearing wool and linen fabrics in one garment) is sinful, then we will support your right to choose not to do those things; we simply demand that you don't try to tell others what they can & can't do.

**apart from the fact that it serves an overall misogynistic agenda. To many Republicans Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale' is anything but a dystopia; for them it's a cross between a manual and a wet dream.

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